

World Christian Broadcasting

Shortwave Radio Station KNLS, Anchor Point, Alaska, USA

Recording Studios: Franklin, Tennessee, USA




作者: 边军辉


朋友,您知道海克尔(Ernst Haeckel)这个人吗?。他生于一八三四年,死于一九一九年。这位德国医生在一八五九年读到达尔文写的《物种起源》后放弃行医,转行从事物种的研究,曾为一百五十多种无脊椎动物命名,后来成为举世闻名的胚胎生物学家。海克尔还是一个激进的无神论者,经常引用达尔文的生物进化论抨击宗教。在一八七四年,他发表了一篇轰动整个科学界的论文,为生物进化论提供了令人诚服的科学证据。他的研究结果就此和达尔文理论永久地连在一起,被后人从一九零一年起至今引用到全世界几乎所有的生物学教科书上。


海克尔论文发表后的一百二十三年中,尽管有摄影技术的发展,没有人对海克尔的观察产生过怀疑。直到一九九七年,在伦敦圣乔治医院医科大学的胚胎生物学家理查森(Michael Richardson) 重新观察和拍摄了鱼,蝾螈,鸡和人早期胚胎的形象。这些照片被发表在同年八月刊的《解剖学和胚胎学杂志》上。对照这些照片和海克尔的手笔画就不难发现,鱼,蝾螈,鸡和人的早期胚胎形象大不相同。用理查森的话说,“这看起来是生物学上最著名的骗局。”更令人吃惊的是,有旧文献记载海克尔曾经不得不在他的的同事面前承认他的手笔画是“记忆和艺术加工的结果”。

任何假的东西都怕仔细地验证。《圣经》说耶稣是真理,这经历了几千年的验证。您也愿意来检验吗?神邀请你来读他的话,甚至说:“来吧,让我们一起辩论,”。 (《以赛亚书》第一章:第十八节)




Darwinian Evolution Theory

Supported By A Hoax

By Junhui Bian

I am a Christian, and also a biologist. When I worked as a researcher to study the genetics of cancer at Park-Davis Pharmaceutical Research, Warner-Lambert Company, my colleague once asked out of curiosity, "how can you, a scientist, believe that God created man? How can you ignore the scientific evidence supporting evolution?" I replied, "although I did not see how God created man, I believe, through faith, God’s actions and promises to man recorded in the Bible. In the Bible, God dissects the nature of man as if He is talking to me about me. This let me know that I actually belong to God and need his grace. Every day, I can experience the love of God and the joy and hope this love brings. I can not deny the presence of God because God changed my family. Having been a scientific researcher for many years, I gradually realized how limited and incapable we humans are. Science, as a part of human activity, therefore is also limited. We were fed with atheism and the evolution theory in childhood and accepted them without questioning. This is time for us to examine these theories and the so-called supporting evidence."

Friend, do you know a man named Ernst Haeckel? He was born in 1834 and died in1919. This German physician gave up his medical practice and started to study the biological species, after reading The Origin of Species by Darwin in 1859. He became a world-known embryologist later and had named over 150 invertebrates. Haeckel was also an active atheist. He often cited the evolution theory in his verbal and literary attack on religion. More importantly, he published a research paper in 1874, providing the most convincing and the most cited piece of evidence in support of Darwinian Evolution Theory. His publication took the whole scientific community by storm. His findings have been permanently associated with Darwinian Evolution and cited by almost all biology textbooks in the world ever since.

In his paper, Haeckel drew by hands the morphological features of early embryos of several animal species. These early embryos of fish, salamander, chicken and human were almost identical in Haeckel’s drawings. Thus, he concluded, "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny", which means the development of the individual embryo repeats its alleged evolutionary history. Since the early human embryo looks like that of fish, salamander and chicken, humans must have evolved from these animals. This is one of the most important evidence which laid the scientific foundation for the evolution theory.

Few doubted and checked on Haeckel’s observation despite the development of photographic techniques. One hundred twenty three years after Haeckel’s publication, Michael Richardson, an embryologist at St. George Hospital Medical School in London, decided to photograph the morphological features of fish, salamander, chicken and human early embryos in 1997. These photos were published in the August issue of Anatomy & Embryology. In contrast to Haeckel’s drawings, these photos show remarkable differences between the early embryos of these species. In the words of Richardson, "it looks like this is the most notorious hoax in biology." Surprisingly, it was recorded in old archives that Haeckel had actually confessed when pressured by his colleagues that his drawings were the result of "his memory with artistic impressions".

Any hoax can not stand the pressure of detailed examination. The Bible says that Jesus is the Truth. This has been examined for over two thousand years. Would you be willing to examine it yourself? God invites you to read His word and even says, "come, let us reason together, …" Isaiah 1:18