(美国阿拉斯加州播音) World Christian Broadcasting Shortwave Radio Station KNLS, Anchor Point, Alaska, USA Recording Studios: Franklin, Tennessee, USA
人类探测火星的努力在1962年11月以苏联发射火星1号探测器开始。这些年来,一共有30多次火星探测器的发射,但都和火星1号一样,因中途与地面失去联系而告失败。这次勇气号和"机遇"号火星车的成功无疑是美国的巨额投资和工程师们不懈努力的结果。其实,人类付出高昂代价探测火星的真正目的在于寻找生命的起源。 生命的起源无非有两种可能。一是由无机物质自然地,随机地演变而成;二是由超自然的力量,有目的地创造而成。我们在学校所学的,从大众媒介所听的都在说,生命由自然演化而来,这早就是科学定论,不容置疑。但事实却是,生命演化论因缺乏科学证据,正处在危机之中。 最被广泛引用的支持生命演化论的科学证据来自美国科学家米勒(Stanley Miller)的实验结果。1952年,米勒在实验室建造了一个密封的,盛有甲烷,氨气,水蒸气和氢气的反应箱。这些气体的用量在以模拟人想象中的原始大气的成分。他在箱内还安放了两个电极,用通电后产生的火花来模拟原始地球上的闪电。米勒在通电后的反应箱里发现了氨基酸,一种能构成蛋白质的小分子。这一发现顿时轰动了整个科学界,因为生物的基本成分之一是蛋白质,蛋白质又是由氨基酸联成链所形成,几个无机化学气体成分在天然条件下竟形成了生物独有的氨基酸。人们便由此推论,这证明生命由无机物质自然地,随机地演化而成。 然而,近几十年来的科学研究结果却与生命演化论格格不入。米勒把原始大气想象成是完全无氧的环境,因为氧气会迅速破坏随机产生的氨基酸,防止蛋白质的形成。而实验证据表明,没有氧气和臭氧层,地球上出现的蛋白质,核酸等有机大分子都会被太阳的紫外线破坏,阻碍生命的演化。另外,米勒的反应箱中必须有相对高浓度的氢气,可事实上,地球大气中的氢气不可能这样高,因为氢气太轻,早就会向太空弥散而消失。高浓度的氢气还使米勒反应箱的温度过高,破坏了刚刚形成的氨基酸,米勒因而必须在反应箱上安装冷却的装置才行。现代生物化学发现蛋白质的功能是由它的氨基酸顺序决定的。这就是说,米勒反应箱中所产生的氨基酸必须随机地排列成一个特有的顺序才有功能。据计算,要使二十种不同的氨基酸随机地形成一个中等大小的由一百个氨基酸组成的蛋白质序列,其成功率是1/10130。要随机地形成一个最简单的单细胞生物,其成功率是1/101000亿。原来相信生命演化论的英国著名天文学家霍伊尔 (Fred Hoyle)根据自己的计算后决然放弃了这个理论。他指出,以这个方式产生生命的几率就相当于一个废铁场刚被一场龙卷风刮过,风用那里的废料随机地组装成了一架波音747客机的几率。
17:25-31)。" 生命演化论的许多倡导者面对大量科学证据的驳斥,不得不承认:(用米勒的话说)我们仅仅是还没有找到(生物演化的)窍门而已。这种暗示生物演化中存在特别的窍门或配方,不是与他们坚信的生物演化的随机性自相矛盾吗?在地球上找不到证据的现实使他们开始将希望放到别的星球上。1959年,米勒在《科学》杂志发表的原始地球有机化合物合成一文中预言,在火星或金星上找到生命将是生命自然演化论牢固的证明。他们说,火星和地球的大小及与太阳的距离最相似,如果生命能在地球上演化而来,也会在火星上出现。火星上没有水的事实曾使他们沮丧多年,因为水是生命之泉。现在,"机遇"号火星车发现火星上曾有过水的迹象,再次使生命演化论 倡导者的希望死灰复燃了。他们迫切盼望,这火星上的远水能解近渴,使他们脱离困境。
Can the Spring of Life Be Found on Mars? By Junhui Bian, Ph.D. In the afternoon of March 2, 2004, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States declared that the analysis of data sent back by Spirit Rover and Opportunity Rover from Mars on the structure and composition of Martian rocks indicated that there had been a moist environment on Mars. This environment made life possible in this planet. This news, like a spring of water waited for so long by the dry land, excited many scientists who study the origin of life. The attempt to explore Mars began with the launch of the Soviet Mars I in November of 1962. Since then, there have been more than thirty launches for Mars exploration. Like Mars I, all failed due to the loss of communication in flightuntil now. The success of Spirit and Opportunity is no doubt the result of heavy investment and persistent efforts of engineers in the U.S. The true goal of Mars exploration by man is to look for the origin of life. The origin of life has only two possibilities. One possibility is that life was formed with inorganic material through natural and random evolution. Another possibility is that life was created purposefully by a supernatural force. What we learn in schools and what we hear from the mass media all seem to say, "Life comes from natural evolution and it is foregone scientific conclusion." The truth is that the evolution theory is in crisis due to the lack of scientific evidence. The most cited scientific evidence in support of the evolution theory came from the experiments of American scientist, Stanley Miller. In 1952, Miller built a sealed reaction chamber containing methane, ammonia, water vapor and hydrogen gas. These gases are used to mimic what man thought to be the primitive atmosphere on earth prior to the existence of life. He placed two electrodes in the chamber to generate electric sparks in order to mimic the lightning on primitive earth. Miller found amino acids (the small molecules that could form proteins) in the reaction chamber after the electricity was turned on. This discovery shook the whole scientific community since one of the basic component of living organisms is the protein formed by amino acids chained together. A few inorganic gaseous chemicals formed amino acids unique only to life under natural conditions. People inferred from this that it proved that life was formed with inorganic material through natural and random evolution. However, the scientific evidence gathered during the past several decades is by no means consistent with evolution theory. Miller thought earlier that the primitive atmosphere must be free of oxygen since oxygen may quickly destruct the randomly formed amino acids, preventing the formation of proteins. In fact, the experimental evidence showed that macromolecules like proteins and nucleic acids on earth could be destroyed by ultraviolet light without an oxygen and ozone layer in the atmosphere. In addition, Millers reaction chamber had to contain hydrogen gas at a relatively high concentration. But, the atmosphere would never accumulate this much hydrogen since it disperses quickly toward space due to its lightness. This high concentration of hydrogen gas also made the reaction chamber hot. This in turn damaged newly formed amino acids. Thus, Miller must install a cooling device on the reaction chamber. Modern biochemistry finds that the function of a protein is determined by its amino acid sequence. In order to make a functional protein, the amino acids formed in Millers reaction chamber must line up "randomly" in a unique order. Base on the calculation, to make a moderate sized protein of 100 amino acids, twenty different kinds of amino acids must randomly gather to form a specific sequence. Its success rate is one in 10130. To make a simplest single cell organism randomly, the success probability is one in 10100billion. Based on his own computation, the famous British astronomer Fred Hoyle, who believed the evolution theory earlier, gave up the theory at once. He said, "[that] life might have emerged in this way is comparable with the chance that a tornado sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein." If not formed randomly, life must be the product of a supernatural power. Who has this power? What is the purpose of creating life? The Bible says, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them " (Genesis 1:27-28). The Bible also says, "he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. God did this so that men would seek him. For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man (Jesus Christ) he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising him from the dead." (Acts 17:25-31) Many promoters of the evolution theory faced the rebuke of overwhelming scientific evidence and had to admit (in Millers words), "we havent found the trick yet." The suggestion that there are tricks or recipes in the evolution of life here contradicts with the randomness that they believe in. Inability of finding the evidence in support of the evolution theory on earth made them pin their hope on other planets. In 1959, Miller predicted in his article entitled "Organic Compound Synthesis on the Primitive Earth," published in Science, that the solid proof of the evolution theory will be the discovery of life in Mars or Venus. They say that Mars is similar to earth in size and its distance from the sun. If life can evolve on earth, it can also appear on Mars. The fact that there is no water on Mars has disappointed them for many years since water is the spring of life. Now, Spirit Rover discovered the signs that there had been water on Mars. This also rekindled the hope of the evolution theory supporters. They are eager to use the distant water from Mars to quench their thirst and flee from the distress they face here. My friends, the origin of life is neither on earth nor on Mars. It is in the hands of this supernatural God. The physical body as well as the spirit of man needs water to quench the thirst. Jesus said, "but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (John 4:14) Jesus Christ is the spring of life given by God. |