

World Christian Broadcasting

Shortwave Radio Station KNLS, Anchor Point, Alaska, USA

Recording Studios: Franklin, Tennessee, USA



作者:边军辉 [ 声音]






另外,一篇发表在二〇〇五年三月二十二日《美国科学院院报》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U. S. A. 2005 Vol. 102: 4512-4517)上的研究报告表明,即使在该类疫苗引起满意的免疫反应,艾滋病毒也没有DNA变异的理想条件下,接受疫苗的人却还是被艾滋病毒感染了。一位原先是艾滋病毒阴性的男子,接受了由艾滋病毒和天花病毒重组DNA制成的艾滋病疫苗,经过一年的临床观察,各种对疫苗的免疫反应指标均达到了预期的目标。在这位志愿者的身上不仅有高浓度的抗体,还有专门识别和抵抗艾滋病毒的T淋巴细胞以及有记忆功能的淋巴细胞等等。但在疫苗接种的两年半之后,这位男子因一次同性恋性质的性行为而变为艾滋病毒阳性,也立刻成为这些美国国立卫生院免疫学实验室科学家们的研究对象。麦克尔百赐博士(Michael Betts)和同事发现疫苗所引起的免疫反应仍完好无损,而且,感染他的艾滋病毒有与疫苗一致的DNA,正是疫苗应该防止的那一株。更令人惊异的是,疫苗不但没有防止艾滋病毒的感染,还使他的艾滋病进程大幅度地加快。在这些实验证据的面前,研究人员只得对用疫苗来预防艾滋病毒感染的可行性提出质疑。




Calling for Caution 
on the Negative Effects of the AIDS Vaccine

By Junhui Bian, Ph.D.

On March 12, 2005, the human trial of the first AIDS vaccine designed by a team of Chinese scientists formally began.  Eight volunteers participated in the Stage I of the Phase I trial.  Since the preliminary results are satisfactory, the Stage II trial opened on the 14th of May, involving six volunteers.  The mass media all over China reported and celebrated the new hope in its potential to prevent the spread of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).


At the end of 2004, there were nearly one million people infected with HIV in China.  More than 80,000 of them have developed acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).  The AIDS epidemic has accelerated in major metropolitan areas in China.  Amid this extremely serious situation, the public are overly optimistic on the potential of this AIDS vaccine.  This is understandable.  However, as a scientist who had taken part in HIV research, I want to caution the public on the negative effects of AIDS vaccine.


There are two ways for the human body to gain immunity against an infectious disease.  First, one can get immunity by having the disease.  For example, after having measles once, one would not get measles again because he developed the antibodies and memory lymphocytes specifically against the measles virus.  Second, one can obtain immunity by vaccination.  Take the example of measles again:  A part of the measles virus, its protein or DNA, may be used as a vaccine to give to a healthy person.  He will also produce the antibodies and memory lymphocytes specifically against this part of measles virus in an immune response, much like the immune response against the whole virus.  When he is challenged by the real measles virus in an epidemic, this immunity prevents him from having measles.


The vaccine being tested in current human trial was made by recombining HIV and pox genes.  This is because the immune response induced by the HIV genes alone is not robust enough.  The HIV DNA used in this vaccine was isolated and modified from the current HIV strain spreading in Guangxi province.  This vaccine can only stay effective when the DNA of this natural HIV strain never mutates in the course of the epidemic.  Otherwise, the antibodies and memory lymphocytes induced by the vaccine could not recognize and destroy the natural HIV strain responsible for the epidemic.  Unfortunately, HIV viruses mutate their DNA very frequently, enabling the viruses to develop resistance against the effects of the vaccine.  There have been more than thirty AIDS vaccines in clinical trials since 1987.  And for this reason, none could be chosen.


I have once witnessed the extraordinary mutation rate in HIV.  When working in Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, I placed a therapeutic gene in human T lymphocytes first.  Then, I added HIV to these cells to see if HIV could infect them and multiply in them.  The inhibition of this therapeutic gene on HIV replication lasted only seven days.  Thereafter, HIV began multiplying as usual in these human cells.  Here, facing the inhibitory factors, HIV kept altering its gene or DNA sequences until a resistant strain emerged.


Moreover, a report published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U. S. A. on March 22, 2005 (PNAS 102: 4512-4517, 2005) showed that a person, who received the same type of AIDS vaccine, was infected with HIV even under ideal conditions when he had robust vaccine-induced immune responses and the HIV DNA was not mutated.  This man was HIV-negative and he received a vaccine made of HIV and pox genes.  In the following year, he was monitored closely and the tests showed expected vaccine-induced responses.  Not only high titer antibodies, but also T lymphocytes and memory lymphocytes specifically against HIV were detected in this volunteer.  But two and half years after receiving the AIDS vaccine, this man became HIV-positive after one homosexual sex act.  Immediately, he also became a subject in a study conducted by the scientists in the Laboratory of Immunology, National Institute of Health, U. S. A.,  Dr. Michael Betts and his colleagues discovered that the vaccine-induced immune responses in this man were still intact.  In addition, the virus that infected him has the same HIV DNA as the vaccine and is the virus strain that the vaccine was designed to prevent.  More surprisingly, the vaccine not only didn’t prevent the HIV infection, but also greatly accelerated the AIDS progression in this man.  In the light of this experimental evidence, the researchers questioned the feasibility of AIDS vaccine-led prevention programs.


The negative effects of AIDS vaccines are not just limited to individuals and may have impacts on society as well.  The public trust vaccines a great deal in general because the vaccines for preventing other diseases are nearly one hundred percent effective.  In contrast, AIDS vaccines are much worse even in ideal situations.  Professor Xiaofang Yu, leading the clinical trial for the AIDS vaccine, admitted that the vaccine would be considered successful even if it achieves a rate of thirty percent in preventing AIDS.  This is far from the perceived effectiveness that the public have.  My worry is that many people will think that if AIDS vaccines are now about to be available and they will engage more in the behaviors highly risky for HIV infections.  The man in the example above definitely knew the risk of HIV infection since he even volunteered to receive the AIDS vaccine earlier and had been monitored closely for a year.  However, receiving the AIDS vaccine in itself did not stop him from engaging in the risky behavior that led to his infection.  Perhaps, he took the risk precisely because he thought that he was protected by the vaccine and would not be infected.


Thus, the vaccines are not panacea in AIDS prevention.  When publicizing AIDS vaccines, we must also let the public know their limitations.  To prevent AIDS, one can not rely on AIDS vaccines.  Instead, one must change the behaviors such as drug abuse and promiscuity.  To change one’s behavior, one must change his heart.  The bible says, “As a person thinks in his heart, so he behaves…(Proverbs 23:7).”  May you turn your heart to God, be changed by HIM and live in His rich blessings.