

©World Christian Broadcasting

Shortwave Radio Station KNLS, Anchor Point, Alaska, USA

Recording Studios: Franklin, Tennessee, USA


要有“我能做到” 的態度




這一節書信最大的意義﹐就在教導基督徒﹐只要全心信靠上主﹐借著主的力量﹐凡事都能成就。也就是我們要保持一種“我能做到 的態度﹐相信神。



展望未来﹐我們要立定志向﹐我們要讓神在我們的生命中更真實﹐所以﹐我們要立下決心﹐與神站在一起﹐首要工 作﹐就是多禱告﹐多聽神的話。

希伯來書十一章7節﹕挪亞因著信﹐即蒙 神指示他未見的事﹐動了敬畏的心﹐預備了一只方舟﹐使他全家得救﹐因此就定了那世代的罪﹐自己也承受了那從信而來的義 亞聆聽神的話語﹐並順從神的指示﹐建造了方舟﹐不但救了自己﹐也救了全家。今天﹐耶穌就是神為我們預備的方舟﹐神透過聖經與我們說話。神希望我們更有力量﹐不要受周圍環境的影響﹐所以﹐謹守神的話﹐神是信實的。神希望我們改變﹐改變態度﹐改變思考﹐希望我們能為祂成就偉大的事業。

我們所面臨的挑戰是巨大的﹐俗話說"挑战越剧烈,成功就越大". 我們要堅信﹐借著基督﹐我們能做任何事。這樣﹐我們就没有惧怕了﹗願神祝福你。


要有“我能做到” 的態度

 "I can do all things through him

 who strengthens me"  --Philippians 4:13

By Paul Cheng

Translated by Liu Chao

The significance of this verse is to teach Christians that they can do all things through the One who strengthens them. That means Christians must trust God and keep the attitude of "I can do it."

We must make some changes, we must change our attitude! In the journey of life we encounter many challenges and difficulties. We are constantly in a struggle with evil--experiencing hard times, failures, and pain. Thinking about these struggles, we realize that we usually turn to God only when we are in trouble. But God wants us to change and from this day forward put Him first in our lives not last.

If we do not experience failure, how can we recognize and achieve success? Jesus Christ serves as a perfect example for us. It is said that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of Christianity, but we should never forget the suffering and humiliation He experienced during His crucifixion. His disciples scattered and His three year effort melted into thin air. Wasn’t His failure much bigger than ours? So no struggle and failure = no success.

When we look to the future, we must have a clear goal. We must let Him live in us. So we must determine to stand with Him and work with Him—by praying and listening to His words as often as we can.

Hebrews 11:7 says, "By faith Noah, warned by God about events as yet unseen, respected the warning and built an ark to save his household." Noah listened to God and built an ark to save himself and his family. Today Jesus is the ark that God has prepared for us. He speaks to us through the Bible. God wants to strengthen us and protect us from the influence of the external world. So obey His Word, for He is reliable. God wants us to change our attitude and our way of thinking. He hopes that we can join and glorify His great work.

We will face great challenges, but there is a saying, "The greater the challenge is, the greater the success will be." We should be convinced that through Him we can do all things. Because of this we no longer have any fear! May God bless you.
