(美国阿拉斯加州播音) World Christian Broadcasting Shortwave Radio Station KNLS, Anchor Point, Alaska, USA Recording Studios: Franklin, Tennessee, USA |
Basic Bible Facts 第三课:[圣灵] Lesson Three: The Holy Spirit 作者: 谢德华人 By Edward Short (Rev. Jan, 2004) 1。圣灵是永恒的: 神在创时就已存在,且参与创世的工作。 神的灵运行在水面 上(创世记1:2) Holy Spirit is eternal; he participated in creation: Gen 1:2 2。圣灵是神格上的第三位格,所以我们时常说"三位可一体"的神。(参看马太福音 28:19; 哥林多后书13:14。) HS is third member of the Trinity: Matt 28:19; 2 Cor 13:14 3。圣灵在<圣经>中有几个不同的名字,如下: Several name for Holy Spirit in Bible: 圣灵:在新约中用了88次 Holy Spirit: used 88 times in NT 神的灵: 创世记1:2; 马太福音3:16; 罗马书8:9 S of God: Gn 1:2; Mt3:16; Rm 8:9 基督的灵: 罗马书8:9; 彼得前书1:11 Spirit of Christ: Rom 8:9; 1 Pet 1:11 保惠师:约翰福音14:26 Counselor: John 14:26 真理的生灵: 约翰福音16:13 Spirit of truth: John 16:13 4。下列是圣灵做的一部分工作: Some works of the Spirit: 圣灵 默示<圣经>的作者: 彼得后书1:20-21; 马太福音22:43-44(诗篇110:1); 提摩太后书3:16 Inspired writing of Bible: 1 Pet 1:20-21; Matt 22:43-44 (Ps 110:1); 2 Tim 3:16 圣灵默示旧约<圣经>的作者和先知,以及新约的使徒之讲论: 撒母耳记下23:2; 马太福音10:19-20; 使徒行传2:4 Inspired speaking in OT/NT: 2 Sam 23:2; Mt 10:19-20; Acts 2:4 圣灵帮助使徒真正想起并了解神的所有的旨意和基督的教训: 约翰福音14:26, 16:13。. 使徒要把神的话教导给所有的门徒: 马太福音28:20。新约包括神的整个的旨意: 提摩太后书2:2; 3:15-17; 犹大书3节。Enabled apostles to remember and understand will of God and teaching of Jesus: Jn 14:26, 16:13. Apostles to teach God’s word to all disciples: Mt 28:20. NT contains complete will of God: 2 Tim 2:2, 3:15-17; Jude 3. 当第一世纪时,有圣灵特别的恩赐: 哥林多前书12-14章。这些恩赐在使徒死后慢慢就停止:使徒行传8:14-17(非是使徒的不能使别人获得圣灵的特别恩赐)。参看哥林多前书13:8-10。徒2:38-39和徒8:16彼此之间有冲突吗? (清说清楚。) Special gifts from HS available in 1st century: 1 Cor12-14. These gifts ceased following the death of the apostles: Acts 8:14-17 (a non-apostle could not impart the gifts). See 1 Cor 13:8-10. Is there any conflict between Acts 2:38-39 and Acts 8:16? (Please explain fully.) 5。下列是圣灵在今天所作的部分工作:Some things the HS does today: 1)我们奉圣灵的名受浸(也奉父和子的名):马太福音28:18-20 We baptize in the name of the HS (and in the name of the Father and of the Son): Mt 28:18-20 2)因为 《圣经》是圣灵所默示的,当一个人读经时,圣灵在他的心里运行,帮助他相信《圣经》和耶稣。神的话是唯一能在人心中激动人相信救恩指之道和有关的教训:罗马书10:17。Because the Bible is inspired by HS, when a person reads the Bible, the Spirit moves in his heart and helps him believe in the Bible and Jesus. Only the Word of God can motivate a person to believe the Way of salvation and teachings related thereto: Rom 10:17. 3)当一个人成为基督徒时,神就把圣灵赐给他住在他的心里 (身体当中):约翰福音7:39; 使徒行传2:38, 5:32, 8:9; 哥林多前书6:19; 以弗所书1:13-14。 To anyone who becomes a Christian, God gives the HS to live in his heart (body): Jn 7:39; Acts 2:38, 5:32, 8:9; 1 Cor 6:19; Eph 1:13-14. 4)有圣灵与我们同在的一些福泽:Some blessings of the presence of the Spirit: (1) 证明我们是神的儿女:罗马书8:16 Testifies that we are God’s children: Rom 8:16 (2) 替我们祷告 :罗马书8:26 Intercedes for us: Rom 8:26 (3) 帮助我们达到主的形象:哥林多后书3:18 Transforms us into the Lord’s likeness: 2 Cor 3:18 (4) 劝我们离开罪恶,胜过试探,不犯罪:哥林多前书6:15-19 Urges us to leave sin, overcome temptation and not sin: 1 Cor 6:15-19 (5) 劝我们过圣洁的生活,荣神益人:加拉太书5:16-26 Urges us to live holy lives, to glorify God and benefit mankind: Gal 5:16-26 6。其他有关圣灵的真理:Other truths regarding the Holy Spirit: 1) 人们会阻扰圣灵的工作:使徒行传7:51 HS can be resisted: Acts 7:51 2) 人们可能亵渎圣灵:马太福音12:31-32; 马可福音3:26-30; 路加福音12:10 HS can be blasphemed: Mt 12:31-32; Mk 3:26-30; Lk 12:10 3) 基督徒不要叫神的圣灵担忧:以弗所书4:30 Chr must not grieve the HS: Eph 4:30 7。问题/讨论: Questions/Discussion: 1)“三位一体”的神是什么意思? 2)说明圣灵(神)和“圣父”(神)是什么关系。 3)“保惠师”是什么意思? 4)为“默示”下定义。新译本怎么翻译“默示”的原文? 5)您认为《圣经》是怎么样写成的? 6)耶稣应许使徒圣灵要为他们做些什么? 7)今日的基督徒是否从耶稣获得同样的应许? 8)很多人认为现代基督徒跟第一世纪的使徒一样有能力行神迹,说方言等。 使徒行传8:14-17跟此问题有什么关系?请用使徒行传2:38-39解释使徒行传8:14。 9)圣灵居住哪里? 10)圣灵要结什么果子?别人用感官能不能够为您作证? 11)在您个人的身上,圣灵是否运行,劝您行善,胜过试探?不用感官,能不 能够证明此事? 12)一个人怎么阻扰,拦阻或亵渎圣灵? 13)基督徒怎么样使得圣灵担忧? 1) Explain the meaning of Trinity. 2) Explain the difference in the Holy Spirit (God) and the Holy Father (God). 3) What does "the Counselor" mean? 4) What is the meaning of "inspired"? How do modern (Chinese) translations translate this word? 5) How do you think the Bible was written? 6) What did Jesus promise his apostles the HS would do for them? 7) Do Christians today have that same promise? 8) Many people believe that modern Christians have ability to perform miracles, speak in languages etc just like the first century apostles. What bearing does Acts 8:14-17 have on this question? Use Acts 2:38-39 to explain Acts 8:16. 9) Where does the HS live? 10) What fruit does the HS want to produce? Can people use there senses and perceive this fruit in your life? 11) Does the HS move in your personal life and urge you to overcome temptation? Can you prove this fact apart from your senses? 12) How does a person resist, obstruct or blaspheme the HS? 13) How does a Christian grieve the HS?