

©World Christian Broadcasting

Shortwave Radio Station KNLS, Anchor Point, Alaska, USA

Recording Studios: Franklin, Tennessee, USA




World Christian Broadcasting, Chinese Dept.

By Edward Short (Rev. Oct 27, 2003)


     今天为你介绍的英文单字(词)是美国人是常用的。 这个字是:Hard.

Hard 这个英语单字有很多不同的意思和用法。下面跟您练习几句话。

1Hard 可以形容我如何努力地工作。譬如,小孩子会夸奖他的爸爸,说:My daddy works hard every day. 我爸爸每天努力地工作。My daddy works hard every day.

2Hard 也可以形容我们是很努力地学习,譬如: I study my English lesson very hard at school. 在学校我很努力地学习我的英语课。 I study my English lesson very hard at school.

3。但是hard 也有“困难”的意思,譬如:English is a very hard subject for me. 对我,英语很难。English is a very hard subject for me.

4The gospel of Jesus Christ is not hard to understand. 耶稣基督的福音并不难听懂。The gospel of Jesus Christ is not hard to understand.

5Hard 也可以跟“玩耍”用在一块; hard 形容我们如何地 play, 如何地玩。 譬如:See those boys playing soccer? They are really playing hard. 你看那些男孩子玩足球吗?他们很努力! See those boys playing soccer? They are really playing hard.

     Hard 这个字可以用来形容很多不同的动作。今天我跟您练习几个,譬如:work hard, hard lesson, hard subject, not hard to understand play hard.

     Hard 是一个很实用的英文单字。我希望您时常用hard 这个字:work hard, hard lesson, hard subject, not hard to understand play hard
