

©World Christian Broadcasting

Shortwave Radio Station KNLS, Anchor Point, Alaska, USA

Recording Studios: Franklin, Tennessee, USA

耶 稣 复 活 了


© Edward Short

Resurrection of Jesus

By  © Edward Short

Revised October 2004

1.  耶稣具有超越死亡的能力:

A.    主叫睚鲁的女儿复活 (马可福音 5:21-43;路加福音 8:41-56).

B.    耶稣叫拿因城寡妇的儿子复活 (路加福音 7:11-17).

C.    耶稣叫拉撒路复活 (约翰福音 11:43).

D.    耶稣无罪,不应该死 (罗马书 6:23;使徒行传 2:27).


2.  耶稣复活的证据:

A.  反对耶稣复活的学说:

1.   “耶稣昏厥”学说:

a.    罗马兵丁说耶稣死了 (马可福音 15:39,44-45; 约翰福音 19:32-33).

b.    尸体“正常”就如一般的尸体 (约翰福音19:34).

c.    尸体有细麻布裹好 (马太福音27:59).

d.    士兵用枪刺耶稣的肋旁。在坟墓他的情况会好起来呢或会变得更坏呢?(他有力量出来呢?

e.    心脏被刺入;他死了!(约翰福音19:34).

f.    耶稣在坟墓里,他怎么可能把封住坟墓的大石头滚开呢?

g.    刚“昏倒”的耶稣怎么可能有力量击败几位士兵?

h.    请解释耶稣几次向人显现,一时在,一时不在,他从哪里来呢?  往哪里去的呢!(路加福音 24:1-27,28-35,36-49; 约翰福音21; 林多前书 15:3-8).

i.    怎么解释使徒所看到,所记载的“主被带到天上去了” (路加福音 24:51).

j.    如果耶稣只昏厥,之后他怎么样?去哪里?住哪里?怎么没被人发现呢?当他活的时候,大家特别注意他。如果大家认为他死了,但被人发现他没有死,一定会令人暴动。


2.   “认错坟墓”学说:

a.    妇女认清坟墓,都看见安放耶稣的地方。他们坐在坟墓的对面。(马太福音 27:61; 马可福音 15:47; 路加福音 23:55).

b.    坟墓是约瑟的。难道他不知道自己的地在什么地方吗? (马太福音 27:57-60; 马可福音 15:42-46; 路加福音 23:50-55; 约翰福音 19:38-42).


c.    奇怪!使徒和门徒往坟墓去时,他们都去同一个“错的”坟墓!(约翰福音 20:1-4).

d.    天使也在“错的”坟墓,连天使都对坟墓辨别不清吗?


3.   “某人把耶稣的尸体偷走”学说:

a.    耶稣的门徒偷走尸体:

1.    犹太人是这样说的 (马太福音 28:11-15). 我们看得出来,说这话的人自己不相信此说法。

2.    耶稣的门徒并没有想到耶稣要死要复活

a.    女门徒 (路加福音 23:56; 马可福音 16:1-3).

b.    男门徒 (马太福音 16:21-23; 路加福音 24:10-11,36-41;  约翰福音 20:9).

3.    耶稣被钉死十字架后,门徒绝望了 (约翰福音 21:3).

4.    兵士看守坟墓为了不让任何人把身体偷走 (马太福音27:62-66).

5.    坟墓闭了之后,兵士用大石头封住 (马太福音 27:66).

6.    如果耶稣的门徒偷去了身体,之后他们会不会为此事(此谎言,此捏造之事)牺牲生命呢? 使徒行传4:1-37; 7:1-60; 12:1-3; 22:1-30).


b.   耶稣的“敌人”偷走尸体:

1.    耶稣的敌人怎么可能偷尸体呢?为了什么目的?犹太人和罗马人尽可能的让耶稣身体留在坟墓里头 (马太福音 27:62-66).

2.    如果他们偷身体,就会产生谎言,说耶稣复活了,就是他们最想阻碍的事!

3.    兵士看守

4.    石头封坟墓

5.    如果他们偷走了尸体,到了五旬节时,当彼得站起来讲道说“耶稣复活了”这句话时,犹太人必定把耶稣的身体拿出来给众人看,证明彼得的不对,叫彼得住口不言。犹太人的无声也是一种喊叫,说“耶稣复活了!”


4.   “耶稣精神”学说:

a.    意思是耶稣没有复活,但他是个好人,是位英雄,他的门徒以他的精神为精神;他的“灵”住在门徒们的心里。

b.    可是,显而易见的是新约圣经的作者,耶稣的门徒,早期的基督徒都深信耶稣复活了,相信他从坟墓里走出来的!门徒听见耶稣说话,看见他,摸他的身体 (路加福音 24:36-43; 约翰福音 20:24-29; 21:1-14).


5.   “耶稣的门徒看见了幻像(或异像)”学说:

a.    坟墓是空的,如果门徒只是看到异像,身体还会在坟墓里头。尸体在哪里呢? 犹太人会花很多钱找到耶稣的尸体!

b.    门徒都相信耶稣复活了。为了此信仰他们牺牲了生命。


c.    奇怪!所有看见异像的人都看见了同样的异像。(林多前书15:3-8).

d.    奇怪!50天后“异像”停止了,不再出现了。(例外:保罗看见主耶稣)


B.  我们为什么相信耶稣基督从死里复活了?

1.    耶稣自己讲的道,讲的预言,说的话,说他要死,要复活 (马太福音 16:21-23).

2.    耶稣的坟墓是空的 (马太福音 28:5-6; 马可福音 16:6; 路加福音 24:5-6; 约翰福音 20:2,6-8,12; 使徒行转2:24,29-32; 7:31).(本课已经谈到空的坟墓)

3.    使徒,门徒和耶稣家人生命上并信仰上的大转变他们由不相信转变为相信;他们由否认耶稣,逃跑改为为耶稣说话。证明他的复活,传扬他的福音,为他接受逼迫!

a.    门徒没有想到耶稣会复活

1.    家人认为他发疯了 (马可福音 3:21).

2.    门徒预料不到他要复活 (马太福音16:21-23).

3.    当兵士来下手时,门徒都逃跑了 (马太福音 26:56; 马可福音 14:50-51).

b.    讲道词证明使徒深信耶稣复活了

1.    使徒行传 2:14-39; 17:22-31; 26:1-29

2.    罗马书 1:1-5; 林多前书 15:1-11

c.    使徒,门徒,很多基督徒为耶稣的名,为信仰耶稣的复活都接受逼迫

1.    拘捕彼得,约翰 (使徒行转 4).

2.    用石头打死司提反 (使徒行转 7).

3.    把约翰的哥哥雅各杀了(使徒行转 12:1-5).

4.    保罗等基督徒在以弗所 (使徒行转19:23-41).

5.    保罗所遇见的逼迫 (林多后书11:23-28).

6.    很多基督徒被杀 (启示录 6:9-10).

4.  基督教会的建立,增长和存在

a.     基督的教会从哪里来的呢?如果耶稣没有复活,谁要建立教会?

b.     1900年以来,教会不断的增长?

5.  新约圣经的作者亲眼见过复活的耶稣


6.  犹太人的无声(当五旬节并五旬节之后)







“按照圣经所说的,基督为我们的罪死了;又按照圣经所说的,他被埋葬了,在第三天复活了”(林多前书 15:3-4). (请参阅马太福音 28; 马可福音 16; 路加福音 24; 约翰福音20; 使徒行传2 等经文).



1.    为什么说耶稣的复活是基督教的基础?

2.    讨论一下圣经中关于复活的例子:

A.    旧约

1.    列王记下 4:8-37 书念妇人的儿子

2.    列王记下 13:20-21     没有提及名字的人

B.    新约

1.    根据以前所学的课程:拉撒路、寡妇之子、睚鲁的女儿

2.    马太福音 27:52 耶稣死亡之时所发生的奇怪之事

3.    使徒行传 9:36-43  彼得使大比大复活

4.    使徒行传 20:7-12   保罗使犹推古复活

C.    这些人的复活和耶稣的复活有什么不同?

1.    他们复活之后只是重新开始他们原来的生活。而耶稣复活之后则到了一个完全不同的环境。

2.    他们复活但是最终还是死了,而耶稣复活之后却得到了永生。

3.    他们复活是人为的作为(人使用神的大能),而耶稣的复活是神的大能直接的事工。

4.    他们应该去死而不真正值得复活,耶稣不应该死(因为他从未犯过罪)所以值得复活。

3.    阅读并讨论哥林多前书 15:

A.    1-8节:讨论耶稣的显现。为什么这很重要?

B.    12-19节:讨论如果耶稣没有复活,基督教将会是什么样子?基督教还会成为一个很重要的宗教吗?如果耶稣没有复活为何还要作基督徒?

C.    19节:有人说即使耶稣没有复活,他们还是愿意过基督徒的生活。保罗是否同意这个观点?

D.    50-58节:基督徒是否应该像非基督徒那样惧怕死亡?

4.    从耶稣基督的复活中我们可以学到什么?

A.    死亡并不是我们存在的结束。

B.    遭受苦难并不是发生在我们身上最坏的事。

C.    我们也复活了。(使徒行传 17:31











1.  Jesus' power over death:

A.  Jairus' daughter (Mark 5:21-43; Luke 8:41-56).

B.        Widow's son at Nain (Luke 7:11-17).

C.        Lazarus (John 11:1-44).

D.        Because Jesus was sinless he did not deserve to die (Romans 6:23; Acts 2:27).


2.  Proof that Jesus was resurrected:

A.       Theories against the resurrection:

1.       "Jesus fainted" theory:

a.        Roman government pronounced him dead (Mark 15:39, 44-45; John 19:32-33).

b.        His body responded as dead bodies respond (John 19:34).

c.        His corpse was wrapped (Matthew 27:59).

d.        His side was pierced. Would he have recovered in the tomb, or worsened?

e.        His heart was pierced; he was dead! (John 19:34).

f.         Could Jesus remove the huge stone from within the cave?

g.        How could he overcome the guards, especially in his weakened condition?

h.        How can one explain the resurrection appearances?  Suddenly there; suddenly gone! (Luke 24:1-27, 28-35, 36-49; John 21; 1 Corinthians 15:3-8).

i.          What happened to Jesus later? As big a fuss as was made over him, thinking he had risen, surely he would have been seen if he were still alive, and would have caused an even bigger disturbance!

j.          How can one explain the ascension? (Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:9-10).


2.       "Wrong grave" theory:

a.        The women knew the tomb and saw Jesus' body taken to it (Matthew 27:61; Mark 15:47; Luke 23:55).

b.        Joseph owned the tomb; did he not know his own property?   (Matthew 27:57; Mark 15:42-46; Luke 23:50-55; John 19:38-42).

c.        When the disciples visited the "wrong" tomb, strange that they all went to the same wrong tomb (John 20:1-4).


d.        Why were there angels at the "wrong" tomb?  Were they mixed up too?   (Matthew 28:2; Mark 16:5; Luke 24:4-7; John 20:12).






3.       "Someone stole the corpse" theory:

a.       Jesus’ disciples stole the corpse theory:

1.  This is what the Jews said (Matthew 28:11-

      15). But obviously those who began this

        story did not believe it them­selves.

2.  The disciples did not expect Jesus to die or

       be raised.

a.  Women disciples (Luke 23:56; Mark


b. Men (Luke 24:10-11, 36-41; John 20:9;

      Matthew 16:21-23).

3.  After the crucifixion the disciples were men

       without hope (Luke 24:21).

                               4.  A guard was set over the tomb to prevent 

                                     theft (Mat­thew 27:62-66).

5.  The tomb was closed and sealed with a large

      stone (Mat­thew 27:66).

6.  Would the disciples / apostles have

      preached, suffered and given their lives for

      something they knew to be a lie and a

       hoax?  (Acts 4:1-37; 7:1-60; 12:1-3; 22:1- 30).



b.   Jesus' "enemies" stole the corpse theory:

1.  No conceivable motive. The Jews andRomans both did their best to keep the corpse inside the tomb (Matthew 27:62-66).

2.      For them to have stolen the body would have begun rumors of a resurrection—the very thing they wanted to pre­vent!

3.    The guards

4.    The stone and seal

5.    Had they stolen the corpse, surely they would have pro­duced it on the day of Pentecost when Peter began preach­ing that Jesus was resurrected. "The silence of the Jews speaks as loudly as the speech of the Chris­tians



4.       "Spirit-of-Jesus" theory:

a.  This theory says that the disciples were so

       impressed with the person Jesus they adopted his "spirit" as their own, he be­came their hero and their example. His "spirit" lived only in their hearts, but his body never left the grave.

b.  But it is obvious from reading the gospels and the rest of the New Testament that the disciples believed in a literal resur­rection of Jesus from the dead. They heard Jesus speak, saw him, touched him and saw him eat (Luke 24:36-43;  John 20:24-29; 21:1-14).


5.       "Jesus' disciples had a vision" theory:

a.      But the tomb was empty. What happened to the corpse?   The Pharisees would have paid any amount of money to re­cover the corpse if it had been available!

b.    The disciples fully believed that Jesus was raised. They preached that Jesus had been resurrected, and gave their lives for their belief.


c.      Strange that so many people had the same "vision!"          (1 Corinthians 15:3-8).


d.      Strange that the "visions" all these people had, suddenly ceased at the same time—50 days after they began!



B.       Why we know Jesus was resurrected:

1.        Jesus' own teachings and prophecies that he would die and be raised (Matthew 16:21-23).

2.        The tomb was empty (Matthew 28:5-6; Mark 16:6; Luke 24:5-6; John 20:2, 6-8, 12; Acts 2:24, 29-32; 17:31).


3.        The great transformation that took place in the lives of Jesus' dis­ciples / apostles and Jesus' family members . . . they changed from unbelief to belief, from denying Jesus and running away when he was arrested, to being willing to die for him!

a. Did not expect Jesus to be raised; ran when he was arrested.

1. At one point Jesus’ family thought him out of his mind (Mark 3:21).

2. Disciples did not expect death and resurrection (Mat­thew 16:21-23)

3. Disciples fled when Jesus was arrested (Matthew 26:56; Mark 14:50-51).

                  b.  Sermons indicated deep belief

                          1. Acts 2:14-39; Acts 17:22-31; Acts 26:1-29

                          2. Romans 1:1-5; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11

                  c. Accepted persecutions for their belief.

                          1. Peter and John arrested (Acts 4).

                           2. Stephen stoned to death (Acts 7).

                           3. James killed and others arrested (Acts 12:1-2).

                           4. Paul and other Christians rioted against (Acts


                            5. Paul enumerates his sufferings (2 Corinthians


                             6. Many Christians killed (Revelation 6:9-10).


4.        Establishment, growth and existence of the church.

a.        Where did the church of Christ come from?

b.        Why has the church continued to exist and grow for almost 2,000 years?

5.        Gospel record and eyewitnesses in the whole New Testament.   The entire New Testament is a document by people and about people who say, "We believe!"


6.        Silence of Jesus' enemies on Pentecost and afterward.

If Jesus did not come out of his grave ALIVE, why did the Jews not go to his tomb and bring his body when Peter preached that Jesus had arisen? If the Jews seriously thought the apostles had stolen the body, why did they not stand up and debate Peter? The silence of the Jews spoke almost as loudly on the day of Pente­cost as did Peter himself!




The only conclusion we can make is that Jesus was resurrected from the dead, just as the Bible says he was. See also Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20, Acts 2 and other Scriptures.





Questions for discussion:


1.        Why is the resurrection called the foundation or keystone of Christianity?


2.        Discuss Biblical examples of resurrection.

A. Old Testament:

1.        2 Kings 4:8-37                  Son of Shunammite woman.

2.        2 Kings 13:20b-21            Unidentified man.

B. New Testament:

1. Per lesson outline above: Lazarus, widow's son, Jairus' daughter.

2. Matthew 27:52  Strange event at the deat of Jesus.

3. Acts 9:36-43      Tabitha, raised by Peter.

4. Acts 20:7-12       Eutychus, raised by Paul.

C. What is the difference in the resurrection of these people

    and the resurrection of Jesus?

1. They were raised to resume their former life; Jesus was raised to a totally different situation.

2. They were raised but eventually died again; Jesus was raised never to die again.

3. They were raised by someone else (using God's power); Jesus was raised directly by God's power.

4. They deserved to die and thus really did not deserve to be raised; Jesus did not deserve to die (because he  had not sinned), and thus deserved to be raised.


3. Read and discuss 1 Corinthians 15:

A. v. 1-8: Discuss the resurrection appearances.

     Why are these impor­tant?

B. v. 12-19: Discuss what Christianity would be if  Jesus      had not been raised. Would Christianity be an important religion?  Why be a Chris­tian if Jesus were still dead?

C. v. 19: Some people say they would want to live the Christian  life even if Jesus had not been raised?   Does Paul agree with this state­ment?

D. v. 50-58: Should Christians fear death like non-Christians?


4.        What do we learn from the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

A. Death is not the end of our existence.

B. Suffering is not the worst thing that can happen to a person.

C. We will also be raised (Acts 17:31).