(美国阿拉斯加州播音) ©World Christian Broadcasting Shortwave Radio Station KNLS, Anchor Point, Alaska, USA Recording Studios: Franklin, Tennessee, USA
“海啸”的原文是日语“tsunami”。意思是“港口的波浪”。不少人原来就知道字典里有这么一个字,但是不一定明白它的意思。我也认识“tsunami”这个字,但是不能确定怎么发音。直等到2004年12月26日,“海啸”这个字,在成千上万人的身上,变成事实。 在几个小时之内,全世界都晓得,有个海啸影响了印度海两岸的十一个国家。几天以内,我们见到丧命者的数目超过二十一万多人。数百万人失去了亲人、朋友、财产等。海啸到底总共影响了多少人,我们无法知道。 听到海啸引发的损害有如此大,我们都非常震撼。大部分的人早晚会问,“为什么会有这样的事发生?”我们向不同的人问这个问题,因着他们的背景,我们得到了不同的答案。 地质学家回答我们,印度尼西亚,苏门答腊岛外海的地壳移动了;如此大型的地震引发了海啸。这种解释答复了我们脑中的疑问,但它不满足我们的心。 美国媒体访问伊斯兰教的阿訇,问他:“为什么有此次海啸?”伊斯兰教阿訇告诉我们说,海啸是阿拉引起的。每一个波浪的每一原子是阿拉指引的。不知道您对伊斯兰教徒的解释有何感想,但是它不带给我任何安慰。 一位印度教的发言人说,大自然就是神。人类滥用大自然,所以得到了海啸这个报应。连婴孩和孩子们受此惩罚都是应该的。这个解释使我难以接受。 身为基督徒的我面对这样的问题,如“为什么有海啸?”和“为什么那么多人因此丧命?”时,我研读《圣经》寻找答案。结果发现答案是多方面和多层次的。《圣经》告诉我们,地球、宇宙都被一位有爱之神所创造的。这位神继续参与和保护他所创造的万物。说神参与,意思并不是说神从微观上掌握全世界上的每一件事情,但是神知道,神也允许所发生之事。 出于对我们的爱,神把自由意志给与人类。因此我们不是机器人。神允许我们彼此以恶相待,也允许我们互相施爱,救济他人,就如海啸之后许许多多的人慷慨解囊的把大笔钱送去灾区帮助灾民。出于爱,神创造气象规律好让雨水、雪、阳光等,使得五谷丰盛,维持生命。以他的智慧,神也让气象规律带来旱灾、洪水和地震。地震引发海啸。出于爱,神创造了火,好让我们煮饭取暖,但是同样的火会毁灭我们的房子,甚至于夺取性命。 出于爱,神藉着耶稣基督向人类张显自己。但是,世人不理解耶稣,相反地把他钉上十字架。今天,我们询问神,“为什么有海啸?”,“为什么那么多人丧命?”时,神回答我们说,“我爱您。我完全了解你心里的悲痛。我也曾经面对过疼痛和死亡。连我都没有避免生老病死”。也许这不是我们想要得到的全部答案,但是它会满足我们的心。 地质学家解释地球的短层线和地壳,但是《圣经》再三的告诉我们,耶稣站在我们面前,张开双臂向我们说,“来吧!所有劳苦,背负重担的人都到我这里来,我要使你们得安息”[马太福音11:28;现代中文译本]。 |
By Edward Short wave Within a few hours the world knew that a tsunami had affected at least eleven nations and within several days we saw the number of those who had lost their lives climb to over 210,000. Hundreds of thousands more lost relatives, friends or property. The number of people whose lives were affected in one way or another by the tsunami will never be known. When we first heard the extent of damage caused by the tsunami, many of us reacted with shock. Most people at one time or another simply asked “Why did this happen?” and we were given different answers, based on the background of the person who was answering. Geologists told us that the earth’s crust moved below the ocean off the Indonesian island of Sumatra, and that the huge earthquake caused the tsunami. That answer spoke to our brains but not to our hearts. A Muslim Imam told us that Allah caused the tragedy. Every atom in every wave was guided by Allah, he said. I don’t know about you, but I found no comfort in that statement. A Hindu spokesperson said that Nature is God and that mankind had abused Nature and so mankind earned the punishment that was dispensed through the tsunami. Even babies and children earned their punishment, we were told. This explanation made me nauseous. As a Christian, I turn to the Bible for answers to questions such as, “Why the tsunami?” and “Why the deaths?” and I find multi-layered and multi-faceted answers. In the Bible I find that the earth, the universe and all there is was created by a loving God who is involved in his creation. This involvement does not mean that God micro-manages everything that happens, although he both knows and allows everything that happens. In love, God gave mankind freedom of will, and so we are not robots. God allows people to act viciously toward each other, if they so choose, or to extend love and aid to others, such as we see in the millions of dollars sent to aid the victims of the tsunami. In love, God created weather patterns that bring rain and snow and sunshine so that food can be grown and life sustained. In God’s wisdom, those same weather patterns sometimes bring droughts or floods or earthquakes. And earthquakes produce tsunamis. In love, God created fire so that our food can be cooked and made appetizing, and our homes can be warmed in winter, but that same fire can burn our houses down and cause loss of life. In love, God revealed himself to mankind through Jesus Christ; Jesus however was misunderstood and finally was crucified. Today, when we ask God, “Why the tsunami and why the deaths?” God answers back and says, “I love you and I understand your grief. I too suffered pain and death. Even I was not prevented from facing tragedy.” Not the total answer we seek, perhaps, but one that speaks to our hearts. The geologist explains about fault lines and earth plates, but the Bible assures us that Jesus stands with outstretched arms and says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” [Matthew 11:28]. |