

©World Christian Broadcasting

Shortwave Radio Station KNLS, Anchor Point, Alaska, USA

Recording Studios: Franklin, Tennessee, USA



生 还 者 的 希 望:神 的 爱




古代一个王国的国王名叫大卫。大卫面临一些想要废黜他的共谋者。大卫倾吐衷情地向神祈祷说,“神阿,除了您以外,我没有任何依靠”。请听大卫自己的话:“我的心默默无声,专等候神。我的救恩是从他而来。惟独他是我的磐石,我的拯救。他是我的高台。我必不很动摇” [诗篇62:1-2]。面对灾难和压力时,神也是我们独一无二的依靠和拯救。


其他古人面对生命上巨大的问题时,他们思念神和他的慈爱,从中获得了力量,使得他们能够继续生存。有一位作者说,“神阿,我的心切慕你,如鹿切慕溪水。我的心渴想神,就是永生神。我几时得朝见神呢。”作者也表示他的痛苦;他说,“我昼夜以眼泪当饮食”。之后,他宣称他的信仰说,“白昼耶和华必向我施慈爱。黑夜我要歌颂祷告赐我生命的神”。作者质问自己,“我的心哪,你为何忧闷,为何在我里面烦躁”。古代的诗人凭着信仰回答自己的问题:“应当仰望神… [ 我还要称赞他”[诗篇42:1,2,8,11]。今天,在海啸之后的黑夜,我们都要向神祈祷,告诉他,我们的饮食就是眼泪,我们的未来非常不肯定。同时,我们要在神的面前低头,谦卑的祈求神帮助我们。如鹿切慕溪水一样,我们要仰望神。我们要宣布自己的信仰说,我还要称赞他,我的救主,我的神。





Strength for Survivors: God’s Word 

By Edward Short

Some events burn themselves into our consciousness; the tsunami of December 26, 2004, was one such event.  At least 210,000 people in 11 countries were killed in the disaster. Thousands were injured, and more than two million people were displaced, according to the World Health Organization.


As a Christian, I turn to the Bible to find words of comfort and hope in the face of such tragedy.  May I share with you several quotations from the Bible that point to God as our refuge and as a loving father who seeks to comfort those who will draw near to him.

David, the king of an ancient kingdom, faced conspirators who wanted to dethrone him.  David poured out his heart to God and said, “I don’t have anyone but you, God!”  David said, My soul finds rest in God alone;  my salvation comes from him.   He alone is my rock and my salvation;   he is my fortress, I will never be shaken  [Ps 62:1‑2].  In times of disaster and stress, we too can find rest and salvation in God alone.

Earlier in his career, this same David expressed his faith very simply; he said, When I am afraid,  I will trust in you [Psalm 56:3 NIV]. 

When other ancients faced the overwhelming problems of life they meditated on God and his love and found in God the strength to carry on.  One person wrote:  As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.  When can I go and meet with God?  We see his distress in the statement, My tears have been my food day and night...  Then he affirms his faith:  By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me...  The author asks himself, Why are you downcast, O my soul?  Why so disturbed

within me?  And he answers his own question with a statement of faith:  Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God  (Psalms 42:1,2,8,11).  Today, in the dark hours following the tsunami, we too can pray to God and admit that our tears are our food and that our future seems so uncertain.  But then we too bow our heads and humbly ask God to help us.  Let us long for God just as the dear pants for the streams of water.  And let us express our own statement of faith and say “I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” 

Let us say, along with so many other Christian believers, God is our refuge and strength, an ever‑present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear…  (Psalm 46:1‑2).

I invite you today to seek the God who is revealed in the Bible.  Obtain a copy of the Bible and read it.  Meditate on the Psalms where King David and others pour out their hearts to God.  Come face-to-face with the God who is love and who loves you.