

©World Christian Broadcasting

Shortwave Radio Station KNLS, Anchor Point, Alaska, USA

Recording Studios: Franklin, Tennessee, USA



生 还 者 的 希 望:神 的 爱









2005年元月,海啸排排巨浪地由印度洋海底涌到亚洲的十一个国家的海岸以后,印度尼西亚的总统,Yudhoyono先生,前往灾区Yudhoyono 向灾民表示关怀说,“我们要显示我们的团结,我们的合一,克服在亞齊省灾害之后的问题”。














Support for Survivors:
Jesus Share Our Humanity 

By Edward Short

As I watch the news on television, occasionally I see the leader of a country make a personal appearance in public.  Some of these photo-ops are memorable. 

After the terrorist acts of September 11, 2001, President George Bush visited the site where the World Trade Center had stood only seventy hours earlier.  President Bush stood with Fire Chief Bob Beck and thanked the firemen of New York City and reassured the American people. 

In late November, 2004, as television cameras projected the scene to a billion people, China’s President Hu Jintao shook hands with an AIDS patient.  This act signaled a new level of official concern about AIDS. 

In January of 2005, some days after the tsunami surged from the depths of the Indian Ocean and battered the shores of eleven countries, Indonesian president Yuhoyono visited hard-hit Aceh in Sumatra.   President Yudhoyono said he wanted to "show our solidarity, our unity, our togetherness to overcome the problems after Aceh was hit by the disaster."   

In each case, the world leader expressed oneness with his countrymen and said that their problems were his problems, their pain was his pain.

Each of these events, important though they were, were short-lived.  We know that all world leaders are surrounded by security personnel and that they can hardly live among common people like you and me.

One of the things that makes Jesus Christ so special, however, is that Jesus was in close contact with normal people everyday.  One significant and beautiful facet of Christianity is that Jesus Christ shared our humanity.  This means that Jesus walked where we walk, he sat where we sat.  He faced hunger, disappointment, pain and temptation.  He faced defamation, distress, disease and death.  Jesus shared in [our] humanity (Hebrews 2:14).  Thus the New Testament affirms that Jesus Christ suffered as we suffer and that he understands our pain. 

Of himself, Jesus said that he had no place to lay his head (Matthew 8:20) indication that he possessed no personal home, no personal anything.  Yet Jesus sat with lepers, spoke with prostitutes, ate with public outcasts and argued with self-righteous leaders.  Jesus healed the lame, gave sight to the blind and provided food for the hungry.  Jesus shared in our humanity

Why do I mention this today, you may wonder.  I am thinking of the recent tsunami in Indonesia.  I am thinking of the victims in eleven countries—over 210,000 deaths, over two million people displaced.  The questions come:  Does God know?  Does Jesus care? 

Yes, Christians believe that God knows and that God cares about our sufferings.  The Bible affirms that in the body of Jesus Christ, deity became a human and faced life just like you and I face it.  When we face tragedies of life, as those who lived through the tsunami now face them, Jesus Christ understands.  Jesus understands our every emotion, every sigh, every tear.  He knows the names of every person in the mass graves; he is present at every funeral; he shares the grief of every parent whose child died; he loves every orphan.

Obtain a copy of the Bible and read the gospel accounts in the New Testament.  Meet Jesus Christ and get to know this deity who became a man, who entered into life as you and I know it and who understands our suffering because he shared in our humanity.

                                              Rev. March 22, 2005