羅馬帝國的一位皇帝,名叫君士坦丁Emperor Constantine,於公元後313年頒布人民宗教自由。那時基督教就變成“合法”的宗教;基督徒不再大受逼迫。今天有些人認為君士坦丁皇帝讓基督教合法了,這個政策也有一個“負面”。 它使得很多人成為基督徒,沒錯;當時就有一個“基督教熱”。但是,那時候很多人成為基督徒不是從內心發出所以他們沒有基督徒該有的行為。
《聖經》作者雅各向一群基督徒問了問題:“我的弟兄姊妹,如果有人自稱有信心,卻沒有行為來證實,有什麼用呢?這種信心能夠救他嗎?”(雅各書2:14)。雅各告訴我們,如果心裡有耶穌,行為要顯示出來。如果靈魂得了救,行為要證明。因此,《聖經》說:“你們得救是本乎恩… 在基督耶穌里造成的,為要叫我們行善,就是神所預備叫我們行的”(以弗所書2:8-10)。
What is the Purpose of Christianity?
Some people believe that the purpose of religion is to encourage people to live good lives; they believe that is also the purpose of Christianity. Is this the purpose of Christianity? No. The purpose of Christianity is not simply to encourage people to live good lives. Godly living is the result of becoming a Christian, not the purpose for becoming one.
From beginning to end, the Bible tells people who belong to God to live righteous lives. In fact, a Christian who does not live a moral life is not considered a pious Christian.
Jesus Christ’s sacrifice of his own life was not simply to encourage people to live good lives. Jesus Christ was nailed to a cross in order to forgive your sins, my sins and the sins of the entire world. The Bible states: “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
The purpose of Christianity is to reconcile all people with God, to forgive their sins so they become members of God’s family (children of God), so that all people can live with God forever. Once a person receives the grace of God, if he really understands the “new life,” then he as a Christian cannot help but live a righteous life! Jesus Christ died for us; we must live for Jesus!
FAQ’s About Christianity (02): What is the Purpose of Christianity
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
Painting by Don Hong-Oai