譬如, 不只是西方国家, 世界上很多地方很多人天天用耶稣的诞生来算时间*。我们用B.C.和A.D.来定年代和月历。比方说,最普遍、最普通的说法是“今年是A.D. 2025年”;意思是“今年是我们主(耶稣)诞生以后的第2025年”。或“秦始皇死于210年B.C.”;意思是秦始皇死于基督出生前的两百一十年。中国人说“今年是公元后2025年”。但,那2025年来自哪里?以什么来算呢?是以耶稣的诞生来算!
犹太教徒否认现代历史应该以耶稣的诞生为准,所以他们不用B.C. 和A.D. 的说法来定年代。B.C. 就是Before Christ的意思;是基督诞生前的意思——公元前的意思;A.D. 就是Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord的意思——公元后的意思。Anno Domini 是拉丁文;意思是我们的主的年代。现在是第二十一世纪,就是基督诞生之后两千多年。公元前(B.C.)和公元后(A.D.)以什么为界限呢?就是耶稣基督的诞生!B.C.(公元前)是Before Christ 的意思——基督(降生)之前的意思。A.D. (公元后)是Anno Domini基督(降生)之后的意思。但,因为犹太教徒不承认耶稣为基督,他们尽量地不用B.C.和A.D. 这个专门用语;他们用B.C.E.和C.E.——B.C.E.意思是Before the Common Era——就相当于公元前的意思。C.E.是the Common Era——就相当于公元后的意思。
* 这篇短文不讨论耶稣到底是哪年出生的。耶稣确实诞生时间也许是公元前五年左右,但此问题不在这篇短文范围之内。历史家都知道我们的月历有四、五或六年的错误。
照片:犹太人在以色列·耶路撒冷哭墙读经祷告。Photo ©by Lewis E. Short III.
Do Members of the Jewish Religion Believe in Jesus?
Followers of Judaism do not believe in Jesus Christ. This is not to say that they deny that Jesus is a historical and influential character, but they do not accept Jesus as their “Messiah.” They do not accept the New Testament as part of the Bible, so they do not read about the life and work of Jesus.
Adherents to Judaism do not use the terms B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini—the year of our Lord), but rather they use B.C.E. and C.E., meaning Before the Common Era and Comma Era.
Jews do not deny that their forefathers crucified Jesus, but I do not know whether they ask why that act took place. As it is difficult to differentiate Jewish religion, ethnicity, culture and history, Jews do not read the New Testament. It is hard for a Jew to look at Jesus objectively, without being prejudiced by family, friends, religious leaders and historical tradition.
Jews today can and should study Isaiah chapter fifty-three and see the prophecies of their Messiah, and then study the life of Jesus and see how he fulfilled those prophecies. God loves the Jews and he wants all Jews to accept Jesus as the Christ. No one should blindly reject Jesus.
Jews believe that God would not allow the Christ (Messiah) to be crucified, so they reject Jesus. May they overcome two thousand years of tradition and allow Jesus to prove himself! May they realize that a Jew who lived two thousand years ago not only was Jesus but also was the Messiah; he not only was a Jew who suffered, but he was the Savior of Jewish people!
FAQ’s About Christianity (10): Do Members of the Jewish Religion Believe in Jesus?
作者:谢德华 ©By Edward Short