在舊約聖經撒母耳記下第六章,大衛王把神的約櫃,從巴拉猶大移到另外一個地方時,“…拉車的牛差一點絆倒了。烏撒就伸手扶住上帝的約櫃。主上帝因烏撒的冒犯,向他發怒,擊殺他。他就死在上帝約櫃的旁邊…”(撒母耳記下6:6-7 《聖經:現代中文譯本》。
1. 神的恩典和慈愛都跟他的聖潔有關。只有一位十全十美的神,一位聖潔的神,一位與罪孽無關的神,才能施恩給世人。
今天基督徒把神看為天上的“天父”,把耶穌基督稱呼為“長兄”。 我們唱詩歌說,“耶穌是我最好的朋友”,讚美神說,“他居住在我們的心中”。沒錯!但是我們不要忘記神還是那位高高在上者,是創造天地萬物人類的上帝。神是聖潔的,所以我們要敬畏他,要順服他一切的誡命。
圖片:公元前二千多年迦南地的城門;之後這就是以色列伯示麥。Photo: Taken in Beth Shemesh, Israel, this city gate goes back to over 2000 B.C. and predates the Israelite occupation of Canaan. ©Photo by Edward Short.
《聖經:現代中文譯本》THE HOLY BIBLE: Today’s Chinese Version, published by the Hong Kong Bible Society. © United Bible Societies, 1979.)
Uzzah and God’s Holiness
2 Samuel 6:1-11
The grace of God draws us to believe in him, love him and obey him. When we speak of God’s grace, normally we think of his love, the cross of Jesus and how God forgives our sins. Rarely are we told that the punishment of sin is also an expression of God’s grace. Punishment as a form of grace is the subject of this article.
The sixth chapter of 2 Samuel records how King David moved the ark of God from Balle-judah to another place. “…Uzzah reached out his hand to the ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen shook it. The anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzzah; and God struck him there because he reached out his hand to the ark; and he died there beside the ark of God” (2 Samuel 6:6-7, NRSV).
Why did this God who is said to love all people punish well-meaning Uzzah for reaching to steady the ark? Is this not cruel? What happened to God’s grace?
Allow me to submit the following principles to help us understand God, and his act of judgment toward Uzzah.
1. God’s grace and love are connected to his holiness. Only a perfect and holy God, one who has no contact whatsoever with sin, can extend grace to mankind.
2. There is one element of God’s holiness that surprises and scares us. God’s holiness is powerful! Because it’s so powerful, it’s also dangerous; because it’s dangerous, God’s holiness causes us to honor, respect and revere him. Consequently, we should not assume that God can only dispense grace, but that he’s unable to exact punishment. To respect this holy God does not mean that we avoid God, but rather that we respect and obey him.
Let me give some examples of what I mean. Electricity is very useful to mankind, but we must “respect” electricity, otherwise it will kill us. We use electricity every day, and most of us have done so since we were small. But no one says, “Since I’ve used electricity for forty years, I can treat it very casually. I can play with it without fear.” The same is true for automobiles, airplanes and fuel. I mustn’t say that because I’ve driven a car for twenty years, I don’t have to be careful. The more we understand what makes an automobile go, the more we appreciate cars and the engineers who design them. Likewise, we shouldn’t be so relaxed in the presence of God; we can’t take God for granted, or “play” with his grace. One must not say, “I’ve been a Christian for thirty years, so I need not stand in awe of God; I can be a bit laid-back in his presence. His holiness doesn’t scare me.” No, no. Rather, the more we understand the nature of God, including his holiness, the more we’ll stand in awe of this great God who wants to extend his grace to us.
Uzzah knew that the ark represented God, and that God had explicitly stipulated that because the ark was where God “resided,” therefore no one could go near the ark, much less touch it. I think that if God had a body, Uzzah would not have dared to extend his hand and touch God himself. Similarly, he should not have extended his hand and touched the ark.
I have been in the presence of a head-of-state three times—once within two or three feet of a president and twice within several yards. My wife once shook hands with a president. Each time there were body guards close by, and it was their duty to protect their president. Had I reached my hand toward the president, I would have been restrained immediately. Even if he had stumbled and I had reached to catch him, the body guards would have indicated in no uncertain terms that he and his problem was their responsibility, not mine. In some countries today, if anyone were to approach the head-of-state without permission, he would be shot. Should it surprise us then, that when Uzzah presumed to violate the holiness of God—to contaminate the divine and immortal with the profane and physical, that it cost him his life?
3. God looks at “disrespect” and interprets it differently from the way we do. We should accept God’s definition of disrespect and sin, and should do our best not to do anything to cause God to be unhappy with us. Uzzah didn’t think his own action was disrespectful, but, in fact, what he did broke one of God’s regulations.
4. We can assume that Uzzah acted with good intention. Today, simply saying, “My intentions are good,” is not an excuse for us to disregard God’s holiness, and thus be able to avoid punishment. Since we love God, we want to obey and please him. Even though we think that some of God’s commands are meaningless, excessive or unnecessary, our love for God and our faith in him should cause us to respect and obey him. Uzzah’s action stemmed from a good motivation, but his “good intention” couldn’t supersede God’s authority, his holiness or his commandment.
Today, Christians call God “heavenly Father,” and refer to Jesus Christ as “older brother.” In hymns we sing, “Jesus is my best friend,” and we praise God as he who “lives deep in my heart.” And all that’s correct! But we mustn’t forget that God is also the high and lofty one who created the universe and all that exists, including us. God is holy, so we must respect him, and obey all of his commandments.
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
Uzzah and God’s Holiness
2 Samuel 6:1-11