第二,“裡面”:在內心考慮自己的罪孽(上面已經講過)。使徒保羅說,“所以人應當省察自己,然後才吃這餅,喝這杯” (哥林多前書11:28)。
第三,“前面”就是未來:要思考,要仰望,耶穌的再來。保羅說:“你們每逢吃這餅,喝這杯,就是宣揚主的死,直等到他來” (哥林多前書11:26)。
Why Christians Attend Worship Every Sunday
05: To Partake of the Lord’s Supper with Other Christians
By Edward Short
Sunday Christian worship services normally include the five activities of prayer, singing, Bible reading and exposition, contribution and the Lord’s supper. The Lord’s supper is also called Holy Communion by some people. The Lord’s supper was instituted by Jesus Christ himself, for the purpose of giving his followers a simple yet profound opportunity to remember and contemplate everything that he did on the cross.
Participation in the Lord’s supper is seen less as an obligation and more as a privilege. The Lord’s supper isn’t a ritual, but rather is a time of communion. Participation in the Lord’s supper does not forgive one’s sins; rather a Christian should confess his sins and repent prior to his eating the Lord’s supper. He should apologize and change his attitude toward his Christian brothers and sisters, and repent of any and all sin before he comes to the Lord’s table.
I dare not say that a Christian can’t remember the Lord as he eats the Lord’s supper at home by himself, but I dare say that if a Christian has the opportunity to assemble with other Christians and worship together as a group and partake of the Lord’s supper, but he purposefully stays at home and doesn’t meet with other Christians, he thereby looses some important symbolism of the Lord’s supper.
When we partake of the Lord’s supper, our minds should consider five “directions”: We should look behind, within, forward, above and around.
First, look behind: Our minds should go back to the cross and see Jesus shedding his holy blood in order to forgive the sins of mankind. When he instituted the Lord’s supper, Jesus said, “This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me” (1 Corinthians 11:24 NRSV).
Second, look within: We should think about our own sins. The apostle Paul said, “Examine yourselves, and only then eat of the bread and drink of the cup” (1 Corinthians 11:28 NRSV).
Third, look forward: Anticipate the return of Jesus. Paul said, “For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26).
Fourth, look above: Let us open our spiritual eyes as we lift our heads in thanksgiving, and visualize our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ in heaven. Jesus promised his disciples that he’d be with Christians as they ate the Lord’s supper: “…when we are together in my Father’s kingdom… Then I will drink it again with you” (Matthew 26:29 Easy-to-Read Version).
Fifth (what is being emphasized here), look around: Think about the other Christians in the assembly. These people are my brothers and my sisters! In Christ Jesus we’re all one family; we’re one body, the church of Christ. Paul reminded the earliest Christians in Corinth that the loaf they ate on Sundays symbolized the unity of the church, the fact that they were a single body (1 Corinthians 10:17). If Christians skip the Sunday assembly, they thereby loose this symbol; their absence prevents the church from expressing the very symbol of unity that the Lord’s supper presupposes. Paul said that through the bread and the cup we “share” in the body and blood of Christ. Christians who fail to assemble cannot “share” the bread and cup with other Christians. It is the Christians who assemble and partake of the Lord’s supper that symbolize the unity of the church.
The purpose of this brief article is to explain why Christians should assemble for worship each Sunday. Part of the answer is because Christians should partake of the Lord’s supper with other Christians. By doing so, they symbolize the unity of the church, and that, in turn, enables the spiritual body (the church) to be healthy, strong and harmonious.