




因為有這麼多,這麼好的詩歌,虔誠的基督徒就會想辦法與別的基督徒一塊兒聚會,作禮拜,同心同聲地敬拜天上的神。您內心深處擔憂,面對挑戰,對明天沒有把握,需要鼓勵和支持,需要除人以外的智慧時,請以詩歌求神的幫助,與別的基督徒一塊唱詩,從中感覺得到神的同在和安慰。耶穌的兄弟雅各寫道:“你們中間有人受苦嗎?他就應該禱告”(雅各書5:13a)。再說,心理輕快高興,日子過的真好的時候,與弟兄姐妹一塊兒向神表示感謝。雅各又說:“有人心情愉快嗎?他就應該歌頌” (雅各書5:13b)。


教會的歌聲反射教會的合一。保羅又說:“又要讓基督的平安在你們心裡作主;你們蒙召歸為一體,也是為了這個緣故。你們要有感謝的心。你們要讓基督的道豐豐富富地住在你們心裡,以各樣的智慧,彼此教導,互相勸戒,用詩章、聖詩、靈歌,懷着感恩的心歌頌 神”(歌羅西書3:15-16)。此句話好像應該產生一個問題,就是“不合一的基督徒怎麼能夠心連心的唱詩歌,讚美神?”



Why Christians Attend Worship Every Sunday
07: To Sing with Other Christians: T0 Praise God and Encourage Each Other
By Edward Short

Christians have enjoyed singing praises to God from the earliest days of Christianity. Even before Jesus Christ established his church, the Jews expressed their respect and reverence for God through songs and singing. One of the sixty-six books of the Bible is Psalms which is composed of 150 poems. These poems include praise, thanksgiving, sacred hymns, laments, etc. The Jews used psalms to document the history of Israel, and to tell future generations how God saved them, protected them and successfully fought wars on their behalf. The Psalms record the failures and sins of the Israelites. They describe how God punished his people and how man repented. The Psalms remind us to rely on God, obey God and to find our joy in him.

Since the God of Christians is also the God of the Israelites in the Bible, and since God’s power is likewise visible in the lives of Christians, Christians also can sing the Psalms in praise to God. At the same time, singing together encourages Christians to be faithful to God, and to remember his grace, love and deeds. Christians encourage each other not to take lightly God’s discipline and punishment.

Hymn lyrics not only come from the Bible, but Christians themselves write songs that praise God, encourage Christians and teach those who are just beginning to take an interest in Christianity. Wherever the gospel of Jesus Christ goes, people like to write Christian hymns in their own language, hymns that reflect their own culture and life experiences—songs of thanksgiving and praise to the One who gave them New Life.

Since there are so many good hymns available, devout Christians will find a way to assemble with other Christians and unite their voices in praise and worship. Whenever one faces inner struggles and worries, various challenges of life, and an uncertain future, whenever one needs encouragement and support, needs wisdom that only God can provide, then he should assemble with other Christians and sing hymns of praise. In so doing he’ll perceive the presence of God and receive comfort from his Father in heaven. James, the brother of Jesus, said, “Are any among you suffering? They should pray” (James 5:13a). On the other hand, if one’s heart is light and all is going well in his life, then he, along with his Christian brothers and sisters, should express thanksgiving to God. James said, “Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise” (James 5:13b).

Hence we see that all Christians should take part in the worship assembly each Lord’s day. If one skips out on this service, then he can’t receive the encouragement that comes from Christians uniting their hearts and their mouths in praise to their God. No wonder then that the apostle Paul admonished the Christians in Ephesus, “…sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts” (5:19). It’s difficult for a single Christian alone in his home to comply with this Scripture.

The singing of hymns by the church reflects the unity of the church as well. Paul said, “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs to God” (Colossians 3:15-16). It seems that these sentences prompt a question, namely: “How can disunited church members unite their voices in songs of praise to God?”

The church that’s described in the New Testament isn’t a lot of individual Christians who worship God at home alone, but rather is groups of Christians, united in both heart and hand, made up of people who unite their voices in worship. Of course an individual Christian can sing and worship God by himself, but how much better it is for him to assemble with the saints on Sunday and worship the Father together! How much better it is to unite their voices and their hearts in praise as they assemble together before God’s throne of grace!

Let us look forward to the worship assembly each Lord’s day with great anticipation!

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