
Joseph01 (2) (150 x 106)创世记30章至39章:

  1. 创世记30:1-2, 22-23: 拉结为什么嫉妒她的姐姐利亚?
  2. 谁为拉结解决问题?
  3. 生一个孩子是否让拉结心满意足? 你怎么知道?“约瑟”的意思是什么?
  4. 创世记35:22-26: 请列出并记住亚各的12个儿子。
  5. 创世记37:1-4: 《圣经》开始述说约瑟的生平时,约瑟几岁?
  6. 以色列(雅各)犯了什么错? 1-他___ 约瑟。2-他没有___好他其他的儿子。以色列为约瑟作了什么好事?
  7. 创世记37:5-11:描述约瑟所做的梦及他的兄弟们的反应。你认为约瑟应不应该把梦告诉兄弟?
  8. 创世记37:12-36:兄弟们为什么那么恨约瑟?神为什么把这个故事写在《圣经》里? 因为:1-神要告诉犹太人(及我们)犹太人怎么样才居住在___。神也要人们知道怀恨和嫉妒人的___是什么。
  9. 哪位兄弟想要拯救约瑟?哪位兄弟提议不要杀害约瑟?你认为,十个兄弟回家见他们的父亲后,他们做了些什么以“遮盖”他们的罪,不让秘密被父亲发现?
    他们需要把这个诡计和把戏演到什么时候? 他们有没有预先想到这点呢?
    兄弟们还不知道民数记32:23,但是,在以后的日子,他们要学习此教训。是什么?创世记37:12-36 给您什么启发、教导和鼓励?
  10. 创世记39章:阅读创世记39章后,请述说约瑟的遭遇。
  11. 哪句重要的话被重复了四次? 此句话为什么重要?
  12. 约瑟提出两个理由使得他不接受波提乏妻子的要求。它们是什么?
  13. 你认为波提乏为什么没有判约瑟死刑?你认为波提乏向谁生气(19)?
  14. 从头到尾, 约瑟一直保持什么样的态度?
  15. 谁的手掌管一切?谁的旨意彰显在这件事情里? 神有没有勉强这些人中的任何一个人做他所做的?
  16. 创世记39章让您学习到什么呢?
  17. 创世记39章预表《圣经》里的另外一个记载,是什么?


English translation:

Joseph is a major character in the Bible. Perhaps the following questions will help you to understand him better.

  1. Genesis 30:1-2, 22-23: Why was Rachel jealous of Leah?
  2. Who solved Rachel’s problem?
  3. Was Rachel satisfied with one child? ___ How do you know?Because “Joseph” means ___.
  4. Genesis 35:22-26: List and memorize the twelve sons of Jacob.
  5. Genesis 37:1-4: How old was Joseph when the Bible takes up his life’s story?
  6. What mistakes did Israel (Jacob) make? 1- He ___ Joseph. 2-He failed to ___his other sons. What nice item did Israel make for Joseph?
  7. Genesis 37:5-11: Describe Joseph’s dreams and the reaction his brothers had to them. Do you think Joseph should have told his brothers the dreams he had? What was Jacob’s reaction?
  8. Genesis 27:12-36: Why did Joseph’s brothers hate him so? Why did God put this story in the Bible? Because: 1—God wanted the Israelites (and us) to know how the Israelites came to live in ___. 2—God wanted people to understand that envy and hate ___.
  9. Which brother intended to save Joseph? Which brother kept Joseph from being killed?In your opinion, what did the ten brothers do to “cover up” their sin when they returned home and saw their father? How did they keep their father from discovering their secret? For how long did they need to keep up their act? Did they think about this in advance? The brothers are not yet aware of Numbers 32:23 but eventually they will learn what it means. What does this verse say? What lessons do you learn from Genesis 37:12-36?
  10. After reading Gen. 39, tell what all happened to Joseph.
  11. What important phrase is repeated four times? Why is it important?
  12. What two reasons did Joseph give for refusing the demands of Potiphar’s wife?
  13. Why do you think Potiphar did not have Joseph executed? With whom do you think Potiphar was angry (v. 19)?
  14. What attitude did Joseph keep from beginning to end?
  15. Whose hand controls all things? Whose will is evident in these events? Did God make any of these people do what they did?
  16. What lessons do you learn from Gen. 39?
  17. What other Bible story does this story envision?

Bible Study Questions: Joseph (01) Genesis 30-29
作者:谢德华 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
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Rev. 2016.9.12.

生命之光广播电台 © 2022