
MosesBush01 (152 x 100)出埃及记第二课:神呼召摩西:出埃及记 2:23-4:17



二。出埃及记3:1-10:神呼叫摩西:摩西见到什么怪异现象?谁向他说话?说什么话?给摩西什么使命?请注意,在此经文,和合本形容“神”,用以下的称呼:“ __ __ __ __ __” (3:2),“ __ __ __” (3:4),___ (3:5)。这些字是否能够通用互换?神怎么样形容自己(3:6)?为什么?摩西为什么蒙上脸(3:6)?摩西为什么“怕看神”(3:6)?



1)3:11:借口:“我是什么人? …”
神的鼓励:“我必与你同在… …这就是证据”: __节
神的鼓励:“我是自有永有的…” :__节
神的鼓励:我让你行神迹…:杖、手、尼罗河 :__节
神的鼓励:“…我会与你同在,指教你应当说的话”: __节
5)4:13:借口:“主啊, 请你还是差遣别人去吧”
神的鼓励:(神对摩西发怒) 带你哥哥亚伦一块去 :__节


六。请说明神的名字(“我是自有永有的”)的意义。注意:希伯来原文“我是自有永有的”是中文名字“耶和华”的来源。希伯来文只有字音;此字(用英文字来写)是YHWH。加上母音它变成Yahweh。说来话长,但是长话短说:Yahweh变成Jehovah;Jehovah 的音译是“耶和华”。




◊ 你们要传福音使万民成为基督徒
◊ 你们要把我的话存放在心里,免得得罪神
◊ 你们要彼此相爱
◊ 你们要彼此和睦相处
◊ 你们不要效法这个世界
◊ 你们要结出圣灵的果子
◊ 每一个人要悔改,受洗成为基督徒
◊ 丈夫要爱你的妻子
◊ 父母要用主的教导来培养儿女
◊ 不要放弃聚会的习惯
◊ 每一个星期天基督徒应该从收入拔出一些钱
◊ 要原谅对方
◊ 要说真实造就人的好话


Exodus Lesson Two: God Calls Moses
Exodus 2:23-4:17

1. Ex. 2:23-25: While Moses lived in Midian ___ years, the Israelites were _____ in Egypt. ___ however did not forget them. God heard the ____ of the Israelites and remembered his _____ with the Israelites. God was ____ about them.
2. Ex. 3:1-10: The Call of Moses: What strange sight did Moses see? _____ Who spoke to him? What was said? What commission was Moses given? Note: In this passage in the Chinese Union Version, what are three different ways of expressing “God” (3:2, 4, 5)? (Also evident in the English NIV.) Are these words used interchageably? Why did Moses cover his face (3:6)? Why was he afraid to look at God (3:6)?
3. How was the ground “holy” (3:5)? How did God describe the land he would give to the Israelites (3:8)?
4. Ex. 3:11-4:17 records excuses Moses gave God for why he could not return to Egypt to face Pharaoh and rescue the Israelites and complete God’s plan, as follows:

1) 3:11: Excuse: “Who am I…? “
God’s Encouragement: I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you…”
2)3:13: Excuse: What if the Israelites ask me your name?
God’s Encouragement: “I AM WHO I AM…” Say, “I AM has sent me to you.”
3)4:1: Excuse: What if they do not believe me or listen…?
God’s Encouragement: I enable you to perform miracles: rod; hand; Nile…
4)4:10: Excuse: I have never been eloquent…”
God’s Encouragement: “I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.”
5)4:13: Excuse: “O Lord, please send someone else…”
God’s Encouragement: (Lord’s anger burned…) Take Aaron with you…

5. Ex. 3:11-12: What sign does God give Moses? Note: This sign helps us understand the meaning of “faith” in the Bible. People assume that whenever God makes a promise, if he adds a sign to it, the sign should be present at the same time as the promise (such as in Ex. 4:1-9). However, God’s sign does not always come at the same time as his promise, as in Ex. 3:11-12. “Faith” in the Bible (sometimes) asks us to act first. (See 2 Cor. 5:7.)

6. Explain the meaning of God’s name, “I AM.” NOTE: The Chinese name for God, “Yehehua,” comes from the Hebrew of “I AM.” [Hebrew “YHWH” plus the Hebrew vowels becomes “Yahweh,” traditionally but incorrectly spelled “Jehovah” in English; this, in turn, became “Yehehua” in Chinese.]

7. What group of people did Moses and Aaron have to convince first (Ex. 3:16-20)? What promise did God give the Israelites through Moses (3:21-22)? Did this promise come true? (See Ex. 12:33-36 and Gen. 15:14.)

8. Why did God enable Moses to perform miracles?

9. Does God like excuses? What did God do each time Moses gave an excuse? Finally, how did God react to Moses? Does God get angry today?

10. What excuses do we tell God today? Below are some of God’s instructions. What excuses do we often come up with to avoid obeying God?

◊ Preach gospel
◊ Learn Scripture
◊ Love one another
◊ Live together peaceably
◊ Don’t conform to the world
◊ Produce fruit of the Spirit
◊ Repent and be baptized
◊ Husband, love your wife
◊ Parents, train children in Lord
◊ Don’t quit meeting together
◊ Contribute each Sunday
◊ Forgive
◊ Speak true and helpful words

Bible Study Questions: Exodus Lesson Two
Exodus 1-2: The Birth of Moses
作者:谢德华 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
World Christian Broadcasting
Franklin, TN 37067 USA

生命之光广播电台 © 2022