
tabernacle01 (150 x 109)出埃及记第十四课:会幕:出埃及记25章至31章

一。出埃及记25章:2节:以色列人要以什么态度送礼物给神?___ ___ ___ ___。8-9节:他们按照什么样式制作神的圣所?17节:要用精金做___ ___ ___。18节:把两个___ ___ ___安置在施恩座的两头。21节:要将___ ___ ___安在柜的上边,又将我所要赐给你的___ ___放在柜里面。23-40节:他们还要做什么?40节:什么很重要的原则指挥他们所作的?

二。出埃及记26章:请纤细的描述会幕,包括它的大小,结构等。会幕分为几部分?33-34节:会幕的两个“所”叫做“___所”和“___ ___所”。他们要把什么摆在至圣所里。30节:什么很重要的原则指挥他们所作的?





七。出埃及记31章:1-11节:比撒列怎么能做他所作的?(3节。)12-17节:请述说有关“安息日”的规定。如果违反安息日的律例,惩罚是什么?18节:“耶和华在西奈山和摩西说完了话,就把两块___ ___交给他,是神用___ ___写的石版”。


1. Ex. 25: Vs.1: With what attitude were the Israelites to give gifts to God? Vs. 8-9: According to what pattern were they to make the tabernacle? Vs. 17: Make an a______ c____ of pure gold. Vs. 18: Make two c_____ for the [two] ends of the cover. Vs. 21: Place the c___ on top of the ark and the T_____ in the ark. Vs. 40: What important principle guided all they did?

2. Ex. 26: Describe the Tabernacle, including its size, structure, etc. The Tabernacle was divided into how many areas? Vs. 33-34: The two areas inside the Tabernacle were the H___ P___ and the M___ H___ Place. Vs. 30: What important principle guided all they did?

3. After reading ch. 27, describe the altar, utensils, courtyard, lampstand, etc.

4. Ex. 28: After reading ch. 28, describe the priestly garments, ephod, breastpiece, other priestly garments, etc. Vs. 29: How was the High Priest to place the names of the twelve tribes of the Israelites before the Lord? Vs. 30: What were the Urim and the Thummim? The priests used the Urim and Thummim to get God’s answers to questions.

5. Explain how the priests were consecrated.

6. Ex. 30: Vs. 1-16: What is “atonement money”? Vs. 17-21: What was the use of the basin? Vs. 22-38: They were to make “sacred anointing o__” and pure and s_____ incense,” to be used by whom?

7. Ex. 31: Vs. 1-11: How was Bezalel able to do what he did? (v. 3) Vs. 12-17: Describe the regulations re. the Sabbath. If someone disobeys the laws, what was to be his punishment? Vs. 18: “When the LORDfinished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave him the two tablets of the T______, the tablets of stone inscribed by the f____ of God.”

Bible Study Questions: Exodus Lesson Fourteen
Exodus 25 through 31: The Tabernacle
作者:谢德华 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
World Christian Broadcasting
Franklin, TN 37067 USA

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