一。民數記18章:神用祭物養活祭司:民數記18:1-7:亞倫屬於利___支派。祭司限於亞倫的後___;所有祭司都是___倫的後代,但並不是所有的利未人都是祭___。其他的利未人協助祭___。5節:神不要他的___ ___再次臨到以色列人身上。7節:神把“屬壇和幔子內的事”當作一個___ ___,賜給祭司。
民數記18:8-32:眾人把十分之___奉獻給神;神把大部分所得到的轉送給祭司。祭司要把他們所得到的十分之___奉獻給神。(祭司不能說,“我是祭司,所以我不必要奉獻於神”。)頭胎的牲畜歸給誰?___。但是神讓祭司___它。人生長子時怎麼辦?___。如果是公牛,綿羊或山羊,怎麼辦?___。哪部分要燒?___。哪部分要吃?___。如果是橄欖油,怎麼辦?___。這樣,神讓民眾養活___ ___。29節:“奉給你們的一切___物,要從其中將___ ___的,就是分別為___的,獻給耶和華為___祭”。(普通話本翻為:“那應該是你們所得到的禮物中最好和最聖潔的部分”。)
二。民數記19章:在死亡中有盼望:生命包括死亡,所以早晚張三李四會碰到屍體或死人的骨頭等物。因為屍體使得以色列人“不潔凈”,所以必須有個規定好讓張三李四恢復潔凈。如何讓自己(在禮儀上)“潔凈”是民數記第19章的主題。請注意:動物是母牛而不是羊或公牛。第5節所描述的“人要在他眼前把這母牛焚燒,牛的皮、肉、血、糞都要焚燒”是獨特的,是《舊約》其他經文都沒有的;其他經文都命令要“獻祭”。在此,神告訴他們要用母牛;其他《舊約》所獻的動物都是公的。其他的《舊約》規定祭司要把祭物的血全部都流出來或灑在祭壇上;在此他們不給血流走。從民數記19:14-15中,我們得知以色列人如何容易地變為“不潔凈”。從民數記19:14-15中,我們再次得知神如何重視___潔。今天,屍體是否使得基督徒不潔凈?( 不 。)今天,什麼使得基督徒“不潔凈”?
四。民數記20章:摩西犯錯:民數記20:1:誰死了?___。以色列人現在在哪裡?___。請注意,大約三十幾年前(民數記13:21,26),眾人埋怨摩西時,他們在何處?___。現在那些人的孩子回來原處,面對同樣的情況(缺水),向摩西說同樣的話:“百姓向摩西爭鬧說:‘我們的弟兄曾死在耶和華面前,我們恨不得與他們同___。你們為何把耶和華的會眾領到這曠野,使我們和牲畜都___在這裡呢?你們為何逼着我們出___ ___,領我們到這壞地方呢?這地方不好撒種,也沒有無花果樹、葡萄樹、石榴樹,又沒有___喝’”。群眾犯了跟他們父母親犯的同樣的___。民數記20:6-13:神叫摩西用什麼方法處理此問題?神對摩西說:“你拿着___去,和你的哥哥亞倫招聚會眾,在他們眼前___ ___磐石發出水來…”。但是,摩西作了什麼事跟神的吩咐不同? ___。至少,摩西犯了四個罪,是什麼?(1)摩西說的態度不對。也許摩西讓四十年的“氣”都發出來,把以色列人形容為“___ ___的人”。(2)摩西向眾人說,“___為你們使水從這盤石中流出來嗎?”。摩西應該說“___”會為你們做此事。(注意:別的《聖經》版本把此句翻為“我們”,是摩西和亞倫的意思吧。)(3)神規定摩西要向磐石___ ___;但,摩西卻怎麼樣做了?(4)神責備摩西說他沒有“___神”,並且摩西在以色列人眼前也沒有“尊[神]的名為___”。因此,神怎麼樣懲罰摩西?神不讓摩西做什麼?(關於這件事,請閱讀民數記27:14;申命記1:37,3:25,32:51-52;詩篇106:32。)從此,今天的基督徒可知:(1)我們應該以神的名字為___;(2)我們應該___ ___神的話。除此以外,此經文讓您自己還學了什麼功課?(請自己想想說說。參考以下的經節:使徒行專12:19-24;哥林多前書9:24-27。)
五。民數記20:14-21:以東人不讓以色列人通行:請述說以色列人的需要和請求並以東人的反應。注意:(1)以東人是以撒的後裔(參看創世記35:27-29;創世記36章),所以以東人應該把以色列人看為___ ___。(2)以東人不讓以色列人通行,這件事情,在《聖經》中被提很多次,並在以色列人歷史上成為大事。
六。民數記20:22-29:亞倫逝世:亞倫死在___ ___山上。以色列人全群為亞倫哀哭了幾天?___天。
七。 民數記21:1-3:戰勝迦南人:終於以色列人才做好了一件事,是什麼?
九。民數記21:10-35:摩押,西宏與噩:民數記21:14:“耶和華的戰記”是古時的一本書,不存在於今天。難道,我們的《聖經》不全嗎?( 不。)為什麼?西宏是___ ___利人的王;噩是___ ___的王。西宏和噩歡迎不歡迎以色列人經過他們的地?___。他們的結局如何?
Numbers/06: Forty Years Later
Numbers chapters 18-21
1. Numbers 18: God Uses Sacrifices to Provide for the Priests: Num. 18:1-7: Aaron was from the tribe of L_____. Priests were all descendants of A_____; all priests were descendants of A_____, but not all Levites were p_____. Other Levites helped the p_____. Vs. 5: God did not want his w_____ to fall on the Israelites. Vs. 7: God saw serving “in connection with everything at the altar and inside the curtain” as a g_____ that he gave the priests. Num. 18:8-32: The community contributed o___-tenth to God; God gave to the priests most of all that was presented. The priests contributed to God o___-tenth of what they received. (The priests could not say, “I am a priest, so I need not contribute to God.”) To whom were the first-born animals given? However, God allowed the priests to e___ those [first born animals]. What about first-born sons? What about first-born ox, sheep and goats? What portion [of the animals] was to be burned? What portion was to be eaten? What about olive oil? In this way, then, God enabled the community to supply the needs of the p_____. Vs. 29: “You must present as the LORD’S p_____ the b____ and h______ part of e_________ given to you.’” [The Easy-to-Read Chinese Version (Putonghua) is also given.] How does Numbers 18 help us understand the meaning and use of words like “sacred,” “holy and pure,” “set aside as holy” etc? How does Numbers 18 help us understand [the command] not to “defile the holy offerings of the Israelites” otherwise you will die (v. 32)?
2. Numbers 19: Hope in the Midst of Death: Death is a part of life, so eventually everyone will come in contact with a corpse and/or bones of a dead person, etc. Because a corpse rendered an Israelite “unclean,” a regulation was needed that would enable one to become clean again. How to make oneself (ceremonially) “clean” is the subject of Numbers 19. Note: the animal was a heifer (a female cow, female bovine) and not a lamb or a male cow (ox). Verse five is atypical in the Old Testament, said only here: “While he watches, the heifer is to be burned–its hide, flesh, blood and offal.” Other Old Testament references talk about “sacrifice.” Here however, God tells them to use a female cow; in other Old Testament Scriptures, the sacrificial animal is a male. Other Old Testament regulations say that the priest should pour out the blood or sprinkle it on the altar, but here the blood is not drained. (See NIV Study Bible, s.v., Numbers 19:2.) From Numbers 19:14-15, we see how easily an Israelite could become “unclean.” From Numbers 19:14-15, we see once again how important h______ is to God. Can a corpse render a Christian unclean today? (No.) What makes a Christian “unclean” today?
3. Numbers 20: Note the date: It has been about forty years since the Israelites left Egypt. Most of the people twenty years old and older in Numbers 14:31-35 are dead; they died in the desert, just as God had pronounced. Now the children of those people are about to enter the Promised Land.
4. Numbers 20: Moses Sins: Num. 20:1: Who died? Where are the Israelites now? Note: thirty-some odd years previously (Num. 13:21, 26), where were the Israelites? Now the children of those people have returned to the original place, they face the same situation (lack water), and are saying to Moses the same things [their parents said]: “If only we had d____ when our brothers fell dead before the LORD!4 Why did you bring the LORD’S community into this desert, that we and our livestock should d___ here? Why did you bring us up out of E_____ to this terrible place? It has no grain or figs, grapevines or pomegranates. And there is no w____ to drink!”. The community committed the same s___ that their parents committed. Num.20:6-13: What did God tell Moses to do solve the problem? God said, “Take the s____, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. S____ to that rock…” However, what did Moses do that was different from God’s instruction? Moses committed at least four sins; what were they? (1) Moses’ attitude was wrong. Perhaps Moses vented forty years of frustration when he called the people “y____ r______.” (2) Moses said “must we bring you water out of this rock?” . Moses should have said “G___ will do this or you.” [The Chinese Union Version says “I” rather than “we.”] (Other [English] translations say “we” which refers to Moses and Aaron, we assume.) (3) God willed that Moses s____ to the rock; however Moses (did what)? (4) God reprimanded Moses and said that he did not” t____ in me,” and Moses did not honor God’s name as h____. Consequently, how did God punish Moses? God did not allow Moses to (do what)? (Regarding this incident, please read Num. 27:14; Deut. 1:37, 3:25, 32:51-52; Ps. 106:32.) Christians today should know that: (1) We must honor God’s name as h____; (2) We should o____ God’s word. Other than these, what other lessons do you yourself learn from this Scripture? (Please consider: Acts 12:19-24; 1 Cor. 9:24-27.)
5. Numbers 20:14-21: Edomites Refuse Passage to the Israelites: Describe the Israelites’ need, their request and the response of the Edomites. Note: (1) The Edomites were descendants of Isaac (see Gen. 35:27-29; Gen. 36), so the Edomites should have treated the Israelites as b_______. (2) The Edomites refusal to allow the Israelites to pass through their territory is mentioned several times in Holy Scripture.
6. Numbers 20:22-29: Death of Aaron: Aaron died on mount H___. How many days did the entire Israelite community mourn for Aaron?
7. Numbers 21:1-3: Arad Defeated: The Israelites finally did something right! What was it?
8. The Bronze Snake: Why did Moses need to make a “fiery snake”? (Note: “Fiery snake” likely means “venomous snake.) When the multitude rejected manna they really were rejecting God’s g____. The community admitted their s___. Why did they need to “look at” the bronze snake in order to live? How is this incident used in the New Testament? (See John 3:14-15.)
9. Numbers 21:10-35: Moab, Sihon and Og: Numbers 21:14: The “Book of the Wars of the LORD” is an ancient book that is not extant today. Does this mean that our Bible is not complete? (No.) Why? Sihon was king of the A_______; Og was king of B_____. Did Sihon and Og welcome the Israelites to transverse their territory? What was their end?
10. When Christians today face the problems of life or think that God does not hear our prayers, do we murmur against God like the Israelites did? Do we doubt God’s existence? Do we doubt God’s power? Do we want to return to the lives we lead before we became Christians? How can the history of the Israelites help us obtain faith and encourage us to be loyal to God?
Bible Study Questions: Numbers Lesson Six
Numbers 18-21: Forty Years Later
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
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