民數記第八課:摩押人引誘以色列人 :民數記二十五章
一。民數記25:1-5:摩押女子做巴蘭做不到的事:雖然巴蘭的邪術沒有讓摩押王巴勒征服以色列人,但是巴勒沒有放棄他的計劃。巴勒聯繫到摩押的女子,請他們參與另外一個計謀。當時摩押人敬拜“巴力”邪神。敬拜巴力邪神的儀式包括“淫亂”,所以巴勒王的詭計是讓摩押人(特別是女子)請以色列人參與摩押人的宗教活動和行淫儀式。結果,摩押女子就做成了巴蘭做不到的事。“因為這___子叫百姓來,一同給她們的神獻___,百姓就___她們的祭物,跪___她們的神”(和合本)。《聖經》普通話本把此段記載翻譯如下:“以色列人駐紮在什亭,有人與摩押女子行淫取樂。摩押女子邀請以色列人參加他們的敬神慶典,以色列人吃了他們的祭物,拜了他們的神明。就這樣,以色列人開始拜巴力毗珥。主向以色列人發怒,對摩西說∶“你把以色列的首領們都公開弔死在我的面前,才能平息我的怒氣” 。摩西對以色列的法官們說:“你們要殺掉你們各自支派里拜了異神毗珥巴力的人”(普通話本)。由此事可知,雖然以色列人在埃及藉着“十災”而見到真神的大能,在西奈山領受“十誡”而了解神的標準,在曠野天天吃嗎哪而享受神的恩典,在加低斯(兩次)因為違背神而接受了神的刑罰(流浪四十年),在何珥瑪藉着神的手而大敗敵人,雖然這樣,摩押女子一引誘以色列人,他們馬上就離開真神,敬拜邪神,參與拜偶像的宴席並且與摩押女子犯姦淫罪。你認為他們為什麼這樣行呢?這件事情使得我們了解什麼的吸引力?以色列人行了兩種姦淫罪,是什麼?
神怎麼樣誇獎,肯定並賞賜非尼哈?“…使我向以色列人所發的___消了,因他在他們中間,以我的___ ___為心,使我不在___ ___中把他們除滅” (和合本)。“…因為他曾為他的上帝挺身而出,以色列人贖了罪”(普通話本)。之後,以色列人要把米甸人看為___ ___。從此可知,耶和華神不容忍___惡。今天的社會以“你好,我好,大家好”為口號,以“包容一切”為座右銘;今天很多人不要把任何事情定為“罪”。你認為神怎麼看來呢?
Numbers/08: Moab Seduces Israel
Numbers chapter 25
1. Numbers 25:1-5: Moabite Women Do What Balaam Could Not: Although Balaam’s sorcery could not enable Moabite king Balak to subdue the Israelites, Balak did not give up. Balak involved the Moabite women in another plot he made. At that time, Moabites worshipped the false god Baal. Baal worship included adultery, so Balak’s scheme was for the Moabites (especially the women) to invite the Israelites to participate in their religious activities and adulterous rites. This resulted in the Moabite women doing what Balaam could not. “…Moabite w_____, who invited them to the s_________ to their gods. The people a___ and b_____ down before these gods.” [Blanks are from the Chinese Union Version. Vs. 1-5 from the Easy-to-Read Chinese Version are also given.] Thus, even though the Israelites witnessed God’s power in the Ten Plagues in Egypt, learned God’s standard from the Ten Commandments at Mt. Sinai, enjoyed God’s grace by eating manna in the wilderness, received God’s punishment (forty years of wandering in the wilderness) after disobeying God at Kadesh (twice), and finally, through God’s actions) defeated their enemies at Arad, even though all this took place, as soon as the Moabite women enticed the Israelites, they immediately left the true God and worshipped false gods. They participated in idol-worship feasts and they committed adultery with Moabite women. Why do you think they did this? From this incident we see the attraction of se__. Israelites engaged in two types of adultery; what are they? A New Testament writer used this incident to encourage Christians to do what (1 Cor. 10:6-8)? First Corinthians ch. 10, v. 12 warns Christians: “So, if y___ think you are standing f____, be c______ that you don’t f____!” At the suggestion of whom did Balak cause the Israelites to disobey Jehovah God and fail (Num. 31:16)? (Note: Baal in the original language means “lord” or “master.”)
2. Numbers 25:6-18: Phinehas Stepped Forward Bravely for God: Describe what all Zimri, Cozbi and Phinehas did. What Zimri and Cozbi did was beyond comprehension. Zimri completely maligned and insulted his God, his family, his nation and himself. How many people died? Who was to blame for the deaths of those who died? How did God commend, affirm and reward Phinehas? “…has turned my a_____ away from the Israelites; for he was as zealous as I am for my h_____ among them, so that in my z_____ I did not put an end to them.” [The Easy-to-Read Chinese Version is also given.] After this, the Israelites treated the Moabites as e______. From this we see that the Lord God does not put up with si__. Society today takes “I’m fine, you’re fine, everyone is fine,” as a motto and “Accept everything” as a maxim; nothing is labeled as “sin.” How do you think God looks at this situation?
民數記第八課:摩押人引誘以色列人 :民數記二十五章
Bible Study Questions: Numbers Lesson Eight
Numbers/08: Moab Seduces Israel
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
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