
ZelophehadDaughters01 (150 x 115)民數記第九課:以色列人在曠野末期:民數記二十六章至三十六章



二。民數記27章:西羅非哈的女兒:民數記27:1-11:西羅非哈的女兒問摩西什麼問題?摩西不知道答案,所以摩西又問誰?答案是什麼?從此可知,在以色列人“重男輕女”的社會,神還是關心___性。(注意:請別忘記西羅非哈的女兒;他們還要出現幾次。)民數記27:12-23:誰被選為摩西的繼承人?是___的兒子___ ___ ___。他被誰揀選的?22節:約書亞為什麼要站在祭司的面前而接受按手之禮?

三。民數記28至30章:以色列人的節日:請列出以色列人的幾個不同的節日,如下:民數記28章:1-8節:每___。9-10節:每___ ___ ___。11-15節:每___。16-25節:每年一次的___ ___節,又叫做___ ___節。26-31節:___ ___節,又叫做五旬節。
民數記29章:1-6節:___ ___的日子,又叫做吹號節。7-11節:最重要的及神聖的節日,___ ___日。當天,猶太人都要“刻苦___心”(就是___食的意思)。12-38節:___ ___節。
民數記30章:2節:“人若向耶和華許___或起誓,要約束___ ___,就不可食言,必要按口中所出的一切話___”。

四。民數記31章:給米甸人回報:神吩咐摩西和以色列人攻擊米甸人。請述說詳細的情況。8節:他們用刀殺死了哪個人?48-54節:他們把一些值錢的東西貢獻給___ ___ ___。


六。民數記33章:沿途紮營的地方:以色列人從埃及出來後,他們所行的路程都在誰的帶領之下?事實上,不是摩西和亞倫,乃是___。民數記33:50-56:“50 耶和華在摩押平原約旦河邊___ ___ ___對面曉諭摩西說: 51 “你吩咐以色列人說:’你們過___ ___ ___進迦南地的時候, 52 就要從你們面前___出那裡所有的居民,___ ___他們一切鏨成的石像,和他們一切鑄成的___ ___,又拆毀他們一切的___ ___。 53 你們要奪那地,住在其中,因我把那地___ ___你們為業。 54 你們要按家室拈鬮,承受那地。人多的,要把產業___ ___給他們;人少的,要把產業___ ___給他們。拈出何地給何人,就要歸何人。你們要按宗族的支派承受。 55 倘若你們___ ___出那地的居民,所容留的居民,就必作你們眼中的刺,肋下的___ ___,也必在你們所住的地上擾___你們。 56 而且我素常有意怎樣待___ ___,也必照樣待___ ___。'”。

七。 民數記34章:請用地圖指出以色列人在迦南地的境界。


九。民數記36章:以色列民族還有希望!我們在民數記二十七章已經認識西羅非哈的女兒。現在他們前來詢問摩西什麼問題?神藉着摩西的口說些什麼呢?西羅非哈的女兒聽從這新的規條沒?NIV Study Bible 請我們注意:民數記最後片段歷史記載五位女子既關心他們爸爸的產業又尊敬神的誡命。雖然,以色列人大眾時常違背神,不尊敬摩西,讓摩押女子引誘他們犯姦淫罪敬拜邪神,但是西羅非哈的女兒感恩,尊敬摩西,順服上帝,準備進入迦南地。以色列民族還有希望!


Numbers/09: Final Period of the Israelites in the Wilderness
Numbers chapter 26-36

1. Numbers 26: The Second Census: What was the population at the first census (other than the Levites) (Num. 1:46)? What about the second census (Num. 26)? Num. 26:63-65: What had God said that was fulfilled here?

2. Numbers 27: Zelophehad’s Daughters: Num. 27:1-11: What question did Zelophehad’s daughters ask Moses? What was the answer? From this we see that in a society that emphasized males above females, God nonetheless showed concern for f______. (Note: Do not forget Zelophehad’s daughters; we will meet them again.) Num. 27:12-23: Who was chosen as the successor of Moses? J_____ son of N___. Who selected him? V. 22: Why should Joshua stand before the priest and receive the laying on of his hands?

3. Numbers 28-30: Israelite Feasts: List the several feasts, as follows: Num. 28: Vs. 1-8: Each d___. Vs. 9-10: Each S______. Vs. 11-15: Each m____. Vs. 16-25: Annually the P_______, also know as F____ of unl________ bread [bread made without yeast]. Vs. 26-31: Feast of W____, also known as Pentecost. Num. 29: Vs. 1-6: So____ the tr_____, also known as Feast of Trumpets. Vs. 7-11: The most important and the most holy of celebrations, the Day of A________. On that day, Jews were to “deny yourselves” (which means that they were to f____). Vs. 12-38: Feast of T_________. Num.30: “When a man makes a v___ to the LORD or takes an oath to obligate h______ by a pledge, he must not break his word but must d__ everything he said.”

4. Numbers 31: Revenge on the Midianites: God instructed Moses and the Israelites to attack the Midianites. Describe the situation in detail. Vs. 8: What person did they kill with the sword? Vs. 48-54: They brought the valuables and offered them to the L___ as sacrifices.

5. Numbers 32: What request did three tribes—Reubenites, Gadites and Manasseh(half-tribe of Manasseh)—make of Moses? Did Moses grant their request? What request did Moses make of them before he could grant their request? Numbers 32:23 is one of the most well-known sentences in Numbers; please memorize it. “But if you fail to do this, you will be s_______ against the LORD; and you may be sure that your s___ will f____ you o___.” [Easy-to-Read Chinese Version is also given.]

6. Numbers 33: Who lead the Israelites after they left Egypt and through all of their travels? Actually it was not Moses and Aaron but rather the L____. Num. 33:50-56: “50 On the plains of Moab by the Jordan across from J______ the LORD said to Moses, 51 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When you cross the J______ into Canaan, 52 d____ out all the inhabitants of the land before you. D_______ all their carved images and their c____ i_____, and demolish all their h____ p______. 53 Take possession of the land and settle in it, for I have g_____ you the land to possess. 54 Distribute the land by lot, according to your clans. To a larger group give a l______ inheritance, and to a smaller group a s_______ one. Whatever falls to them by lot will be theirs. Distribute it according to your ancestral tribes. 55 “‘But if you do n___ d____ out the inhabitants of the land, those you allow to remain will become barbs in your eyes and t______ in your sides. They will give you t_______ in the land where you will live. 56 And then I will do to y___ what I plan to do to t____.”

7. Numbers34: Show on a map where on the border of Canaan the Israelites are.

8. Numbers 35: The Israelites were to establish six “cities of refuge.” What is a “city of refuge”?

9. Numbers 36: Hope for the Israelites! We met the daughters of Zelophehad in Numbers chapter twenty-seven. Here they are again. What do they ask Moses? Moses answers according to God’s word; what does he say? Did Zelophehad’s daughters obey this new regulation? The NIV Study Bible notes that the book of Numbers ends with these five women who are concerned about their father’s inheritance and about God’s commandments. Although a great number of Israelites often disobey God, fail to respect Moses, are enticed by Moabite women to engage in immoral behavior and sacrifice to false gods, the daughters of Zelophehad, however, are thankful to the Lord, respect Moses, obey God and are prepared to enter Canaan. There is still hope for the Israelites!

Bible Study Questions: Numbers Lesson Nine
Numbers/09: Final Period of the Israelites in the Wilderness
Numbers chapter 26-36
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
World Christian Broadcasting
Franklin, TN 37067 USA

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