一。約書亞記5章:耶和華軍隊的元帥:約書亞記5:1-9:以色列人離開埃及後,在曠野大約四十年,做了很多事情,但是有一件重要事情他們並沒有做,是什麼?沒有給男性行___ ___。
約書亞記5:10-12:“以色列人在吉甲安營。正月十四日晚上,在耶利哥的平原守___ ___節”。當時,他們吃了哪樣“特別”的菜?他們吃了當地的___ ___。在同一個時候, 以色列人就不再吃哪樣“特別”的菜了?___ ___。是因為“他們吃了那地的___ ___,第二日___ ___就止住了,以色列人也不再有___ ___了”。嗎哪的出現本來就是一個神___,就是耶和華上帝向以色列人彰顯她慈愛的方法之一。
約書亞記5:13-15:約書亞靠近耶利哥城的時候,舉目觀看,不料,他看見誰?那人怎麼樣介紹自己的身份?約書亞問他什麼問題?請解釋清楚那人的回答。那人為什麼說,“不是的”(普通話本翻譯為“都不是!”)。(美國第16任總統,林肯,說道:我們不能求神站在我們這邊,我們只能求自己要站在神的那邊。)約書亞是以色列的領袖,但是他完全從神授權;約書亞是眾人的領袖,但是他知不知道他又是神的僕人?約書亞記五章15節的“約書亞就___ ___行了”表示他___ 道。
三。約書亞記7章:亞干犯罪:約書亞差派探子去艾城,他們回去做什麼報告?以色列人前去艾城作戰,結果呢?作戰之前,有一件事約書亞應該做,但是沒有做,是什麼?他沒有問___我們應不應該前往___場。艾城人追趕以色列人後,連約書亞好像失去了信心,懊悔什麼事?耶和華神問了約書亞:“你為何這樣___ ___在___呢?”《聖經》讀者知道一件約書亞還不知道的事情,是什麼?所以,上帝直接地告訴約書亞說,“以色列人犯了___”。(請注意:本章1節及11節都表示“以色列眾人”而不是“某一個以色列人”的意思。雖然只有一個人犯了罪,但全群都算有罪。)約書亞怎麼樣處理此事?請背誦19節:“約書亞對亞干說:我___,我勸你將___ ___歸給耶和華以色列的神,在他面前___ ___,將你所做的事告訴我,不要向我___ ___”。亞干有沒有認罪?20-21節:亞乾的罪包括三個步驟,是什麼?1)我___ ___;2)我___ ___;3)我___ ___。亞乾的結局如何?今天,我們犯罪是否跟亞乾的步驟有很大的不同?亞干可悲的故事幫助我們學習什麼?約書亞決定作戰之前沒有求神的旨意,此事帶給我們什麼“教導”有關我們如何做重要的決定?
Joshua/02: Jericho: Victory or Defeat?
Joshua chapters 5-8
1. Numbers ch. 5: Commander of the Army of the Lord: Num. 5:1-9: The Israelites were in the wilderness for about forty years and they did many things but there was one thing they did not do; what was it? They did not c__________ the males. Num. 5:10-12: “On the evening of the fourteenth day of the month, while camped at Gilgal on the plains of Jericho, the Israelites celebrated the P_________.” What “special” food did they eat at that time? They ate (what) from the land. At that same time, what “special” food did the Israelites no longer eat? This was because they “The m______ stopped the day after they ate this food from the land; there was no longer any m_____ for the Israelites, but that year they ate of the p______ of Canaan.” Manna was a m_______; it was one expression of the Lord God’s love for the Israelites. Joshua 5:13-15: When Joshua was near the city of Jericho he looked up and who did he see? Whom did that person described himself as being? What did Joshua ask him? Explain fully the man’s response. Why did the man say, “Neither”? [Easy-to-Read Chinese Version is also given.] (Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States said that, The question is not whether God is on our side but whether or not we are on God’s side. [This is not a direct quote.]) Joshua was the leader of Israel, but his authority all came from God; Joshua was the leader of the people, but did he know that he was also God’s servant? Joshua ch. five, verse 15, “And Joshua d___ s__” indicates that he d__ know.
2. Numbers ch. 6: Fall of Jericho: Describe how Jericho fell. Vs. 17-19: What very serious commandment did God give. Without question, the fall of Jericho was due entirely to the power of G___ and not because of m____ br________ or we_______. Joshua sent men to rescue (whom) and her family? What oath did Joshua utter regarding the rebuilding of Jericho? What does 1 Kings 16:34 record that is associated with this oath? Why did Joshua make this oath? Because Jericho was the “first fruits” of Canaan. According to Exodus, to whom did Moses teach that “first fruits” are to be given? If Jericho were to be dedicated to God, the city then became a kind of “h____” place; being holy, then it should not revert to use by p______. No wonder that God told the Israelites to destroy “with the sword every living thing in it–men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys” (v. 21). Note: The Israelites entered Canaan not only to subdue and take the land that God promised long before to Abraham and his descendents, they also exercised judgment on behalf of God. The idolatry of the Canaanites at that time not only included adultery, but also the murder of children who were offered as sacrifice to the idols. Even more so, no wonder that God told the Israelites to destroy “with the sword every living thing in it–men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys” (v. 21).
3. Numbers 7: Achan Sins: Joshua sent spies to Ai; they returned and made what kind of report? The Israelites made war against Ai with what result? Before he made war on Ai, Joshua should have done one thing that he did not do; what was it? He failed to ask G___ whether or not they should head for the b_____ field. It seems that even Joshua lost faith; for what did he express regret? The Lord God asked Joshua, “What are you doing d_____ on your f_____?” The Bible reader knows something at this point that Joshua does not yet know; what is it? So, God told Joshua directly, “Israel has s______…” (Note: Verses one and eleven in this chapter indicate that “the Israelites” or “the people of Israel” have sinned rather than “an Israelite” has sinned. Even though only one man sinned the entire community was considered guilty.) How did Joshua handle this matter? Memorize v. 19: “Then Joshua said to Achan, “My s___, give g______ to the LORD, the God of Israel, and give him the p______. Tell me what you have done; do not h____ it from me.” Did Achan admit his sin? Vs. 20-21: Achan’s sin involved three steps: 1) I s_____; 2) I c________; 3) I t_____. What was Achan’s end? When we sin today, do we take steps that are much different from what Achan did? What does Achan’s tragic story help us learn? Furthermore, Joshua failed to ask God’s advice before he made war. What does this teach us about how to make important decisions?
4. Joshua 8: Ai Defeated: Joshua 8:1-3: Too bad that Achan was in such a hurry! What did the Lord God permit the Israelites to do when they attacked Ai that he had prohibited when they attacked Jericho? Joshua 8:4-29: Describe Joshua’s strategy for taking Ai? Joshua 8:30-35: A very important meeting is recorded in this section of Scripture. Moses gave instructions concerning this assembly in Deuteronomy 11:26-32 and ch. 27. (We cannot determine for certain how long after the Israelites crossed the Jordan and entered Canaan this assembly took place.)
Bible Study Questions: Joshua/02: Jericho: Victory or Defeat?
Joshua chapters 5-8
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
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