迦南王名叫___ ___;他的將軍是___ ___拉。作戰時,耶賓王和西西拉的有利條件是什麼?他們的軍隊包括___ ___九百輛。因此耶賓王“殘暴地壓迫以色列達二十年之久”[普通話本],使得以色列人___ ___耶和華
。底波拉是一位___ ___知。底波拉做什麼?在哪裡做?
1) 希伯來人的詩相當於中國人的對聯;《聖經》的學者把它稱為“平行體”(Hebrew Parallelism或翻為希伯來語並行)。恐怕底波拉不知道“平行體”這個詞,但是解《經》家Robert Lowth於1753年用“平行體”這個詞描述希伯來人寫詩的寫法。如果我們理解“平行體”是什麼,它會幫助我們懂得《聖經》內容,特別是用“詩”來寫的那部分《聖經》就約。詩篇、箴言、傳道書等。以賽亞書、耶利米書、小先知書都是“詩”或有部分是用“詩”寫的。
2) “平行體” (Hebrew Parallelism)分為三種也就是三個主要的寫法,如下:
◊ “同義平行體”(Synonymous Parallelism):最普遍的平行體。前導和後導是同一個意思。後導重複前導。
◊ “組合平行體”(Progressive or Synthetic Parallelism):前導不完全,不完整,不單獨存在;它需要後導補充。
◊ “反義平行體”(Contrasting or Antithetic Parallelism):前導和後導是相對的意思。
Judges/02: Deborah
Judges chapters 4-5
1. Judges 4: The third great judge: Deborah: Who was the king of Canaan? The commander of his army was (whom). What advantage did king Jabin and commander Sisera have when they went to war? Their army included nine hundred (what). Consequently, king Jabin “cruelly oppressed the Israelites for twenty years” so that Israel c___ to the LORD. Deborah was a p___ss. What did Deborah do? Where? Who did Deborah command to go and make war on king Jabin and commander Sisera? Vs. 7: What did Deborah say that gave Barak a lot of encouragement? What was Barak’s reaction? Deborah said OKAY but told him that he would not receive the honor. Why? Who was Jael? Describe in detail how Jael killed Sisera.
2. Judges 5: The Song of Deborah: Select several events mentioned in the Song of Deborah that you think are more interesting and easier to understand. Vs. 24-31: Note Deborah’s description of how Jael murdered Sisera. Even though this poem is very ancient, these verses are typical Hebrew poetry. Below is a brief introduction to Hebrew poetry.
1) The way Hebrews write poetry is very similar to the way Chinese write “couplets” [such as are written on door frames at Lunar New Year]. Bible scholars call this form “Hebrew Parallelism.” Deborah probably did not know the term “Hebrew Parallelism,” but Bible scholar Robert Lowth, in 1753, used it to describe the way Hebrews wrote poetry. Understanding “parallelism” helps us understand those parts of the Bible that are poetry, e.g., Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, etc. Isaiah, Jeremiah and the Minor Prophets are written in poetic form or include poetry.
2) There are three basic types of Hebrew Parallelism:
◊ Synonymous Parallelism: This is the most common form of Hebrew Parallelism. The first clause or line and the second mean the same thing; the second line repeats the first line.
◊ Progressive or Synthetic Parallelism: The first line is incomplete and does not stand alone; the first line supplements the second line.
◊ Contrasting or Antithetic Parallelism: The second clause (line or thought) gives an opposite meaning of the first line.
Use the introduction to Hebrew poetry above to explain Judges 5:24-31.
Bible Study Questions: Judges/02: Deborah
Judges 4-5
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
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