15節:“以色列人對耶和華說:”我們犯罪了,任憑你___ ___待我們吧!只求你今日___ ___我們”。
18節:“基列的民和眾首領彼此商議說:‘誰能先去攻打亞捫人,誰必作基列一切居民的___ ___’”。因為此句話,此諾言,耶弗他就出現。
30-31節:耶弗他向神許了什麼願?“耶弗他就向耶和華許願說:‘你若將亞捫人交在我手中,我從亞捫人那裡平___ ___安回來的時候,無論什麼人,先從我家門出來迎接我,就必___ ___,我也必將他___ ___為燔祭”。此句話是魯莽的話還是虔誠的話呢?歷史上,解經家對耶弗他向耶和華許願有兩個不同的看法。1)拘泥於字面上的意思 (literal):耶弗他真的把女兒擺在祭壇上殺了,獻給耶和華神。2)象徵式的 (symbolic or figurative):父親不讓女兒結婚。父親為女兒許願說,他一生當中不要結婚,只要在神的面前侍奉神。這兩個解釋,哪個說法對?(不知道。)神從來沒有要求任何人許願獻上人給神。(神不讓亞伯拉罕獻上以撒給他為祭。)相反地,異教徒把人擺在祭壇上殺掉獻給偶像的這種行為,神非常討厭。但是,士師記的作者好像不反對耶弗他所許的願和他的行為。在第37-38節,女兒“哀哭”,是因為他不會結婚,而不是因為他將要喪命。但是,第31節“番祭”二字,看起來好像她真的會死的意思。不少解經家認為此經節就是這個意思。事實上,多年,一般《聖經》學者說耶弗他真的把女兒擺在祭壇上殺了;這就是傳統的解釋。對現代人來說,此事是不可思議的。(注意:《聖經》的特點之一是它不隱藏偉人、英雄、領袖的罪。)跟耶弗他及他所許的願有關,請參看:希伯來書11:32;民數記30:2;申命記23:21-23;傳道書5:4-5。
Judges/05: Jephthah
Judges Chapters Ten and Eleven
1. Joshua 10: Vs. 1-5: Two more judges: Tola and Jair:
Vs. 6-18: Write down how the Israelites once again disobeyed and forsook Jehovah.
Beginning in vs. 6: The Fifth Great Judge: Jephthah:
Vs. 6-18: How does this Scripture describe the recurring pattern of history that we see continually in the book of Judges?
V. 15: “But the Israelites said to the LORD, “We have sinned. Do with us whatever you think b___, but please r___ us now.”
V. 18: “The leaders of the people of Gilead said to each other, “Whoever will launch the attack against the Ammonites will be the h___ of all those living in Gilead.” We meet Jephthah because of this promise.
2. Judges 11: Jephthah:
Vs. 1-11: Why did Jephthah’s brothers drive him away? Why did they ask him to return later on and what did they ask him to do?
Vs. 10-11: “And he repeated all his words before the LORD in Mizpah.” Do you think Jephthah was sincere in so-doing?
Vs. 12-27: What bit of history of the two peoples did Jephthah review with the Ammonite king?
27-29: Result of the history lesson: “I have not wronged you, but you are doing me wrong by waging war against me. Let the LORD, the Judge, decide the dispute this day between the Israelites and the Ammonites.” The king of Ammon paid no attention to what Jephthah said, so God moved Jephthah to a___k the Ammonites.
Vs. 30-40: Jephthah’s vow:
Vs. 30-31: What vow to God did Jephthah make? “And Jephthah made a vow to the LORD: “If you give the Ammonites into my hands,31 whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in t___ [Chinese Union Version says “in peace”] from the Ammonites will be the LORD’S [Union Version says “be given or dedicated to the LORD”], and I will s___ it as a burnt offering.” Is this a rash statement or a statement of piety? Historically, Biblical scholars have interpreted Jephthah’s vow to God in two different ways: 1) Literally: Jephthah actually placed his daughter on the altar and killed her as a sacrifice to the Lord God. 2) Symbolic or Figurative: Jephthah did not allow his daughter to marry, rather he vow ed on her behalf that she would never marry; she would serve God in God’s presence all of her life. Which of these two explanations is correct? (We do not know.) God has never asked people to vow to sacrifice humans to God. (God did not allow Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.) In fact, the human sacrifice of the non-Jewish religions was completely repugnant to God. However, the writer of Judges does not seem to have opposed what Jephthah did in making his vow. In vs. 37-38, Jephthah’s daughter “wept” because she would never marry, not because she was about to loose her life. However, the two words “burnt offering” in vs. 31 seem to indicate that she would actually be killed. Many Biblical scholars favor this interpretation; indeed this has been the traditional interpretation, difficult though it is for modern man to understand. (Note: One thing that makes the Bible a special book is that it does not hide the sins of heroes and leaders.) Other Scriptures that have some relation to Jephthah and his vow: Hebrews 11:32; Numbers 30:2; Deuteronomy 23:21-23; Ecclesiastes 5:4-5. How might whether or not Jephthah was sincere in his worship at Mizpah in verse 11 help us understand what his vow was and why he made it? What is your opinion about Jephthah and his daughter; which interpretation is correct? Did the daughter loose her life or did she serve God all her life?
3. Judges 12: Jephthah’s Demise:
Why did the Gileadites and the Ephraimites fight? How did the Gileadites distinguish between Gileadites and the Ephraimites? How many years did Jephthah judge Israel?
4. Judges 12:8-15: List three other judges: I___, E___ and A___
Bible Study Questions: Judges/05: Jephthah
Judges 10-11
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
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