1. 哈拿不能生___。此情況產生其他什麼問題(6節)?
2. 哈拿為什麼形容自己的情況為,“…婢女的苦情…心裡愁苦的婦人”?
3. 聖經記載告訴我們“耶和華不使哈拿生育”(6節)。創世記也有類似的話,如:創世記18:10; 29:31; 30:2, 22。你認為,今天神是否參與女人懷孕不懷孕這樣的事?為什麼?
4. 當哈拿祈禱時,以利以為哈拿___了酒。以利明白實情後,他說,願耶和華___ ___她的禱告。果然,哈拿勝利___給他起名叫___,因為他是從耶和華___來的。
5. 撒母耳斷了奶後,哈拿做了一件很不尋常的事情,是什麼?
6. 撒母耳記上第一章記載以利加拿(3節),以利加拿和妻子哈拿(19節),以及撒母耳自己(28節),都作了同一件事情,是什麼?
7. 請背誦撒母耳記上1:27-28:“‘我祈求為要得這孩子,耶和華已將我所求的賜給我了。所以我將這孩子歸與耶和華,使他終身歸與耶和華’。於是在那裡敬拜耶和華”。
1. 撒母耳記上二章1至10節是哈拿寫的禱告讚美詞和詩歌。請您自己想一想耶和華怎麼樣賜了福給您,然後以此為題目,寫一首讚美神的詞句或詩歌。
2. 10節:“…耶和華…將力量賜與所立的王,高舉受膏者的角”:此是第一次聖經用“耶和華…受膏者”一此。希伯來原文意思很深:既是“受膏者”的意思,又是“彌賽亞”的意思(參看NIV Study Bible) 。在舊約,誰是耶和華所立為王的?(是以色列的國王。)誰是耶和華的“受膏者”呢?(是以色列的國王。)(注意:舊約也有不少預言有關米賽亞,形容他為“王”和“神的受膏者”。)在新約里,誰是耶和華所立為王的?(是耶穌基督。)誰是耶和華的“受膏者”呢?(是耶穌基督。耶穌是基督,是米賽亞,是神的受膏者。)在您自己的生命當中,是誰在掌權做“王”呢?
3. 12-17節,22節:以利的兒子做了哪些邪惡的事?
4. 請背誦以利責備他兒子的話:“人若得罪人,有士師審判他;人若得罪耶和華,誰能為他祈求呢?”(25節)。
5. 27-29節:神告訴以利說,以利兒子的懷行為是誰的責任?
6. 25節,27-36節:耶和華決定怎麼樣懲罰以利的兒子?
7. 34節:神給以利一個“證明”,讓他知道神的話不會落空:兩個兒子同一天就會___。
8. 請背誦耶和華責備以利的詞句之一(30節):“現在我卻說,決不容你們這樣行!因為尊重我的,我必重看他;藐視我的,他必被輕視”。
9. 18-21節:哈拿怎麼樣照顧撒母耳? 神怎麼樣眷顧哈拿?
10. 26節:此句話讓您想起誰?(參看路加福音2:52。)
1. 請說明神怎麼樣初次呼召撒母耳。
2. 神告訴撒母耳何事?
3. 19-21節:神以及眾人對撒母耳怎麼樣?
4. 請背誦撒母耳對耶和華所說的一句名言:“請說,僕人敬聽”。請自己把此句話寫下來,好好地思考思考。您我是否向神說同一句話呢?今天,我們如何聽到神的聲音?
1. 請述說神在撒母耳記上二章的話和預言都如何得了應驗。
2. 5-10節:非利士人聽到什麼聲音,猜想什麼事,使得他們打戰打得怎麼樣?
3. 當天,哪四位重要人物死了?
4. 22節:以利的兒婦說;“榮耀___ ___了以色列,因為神的約櫃被擄去了”。
1. 非利士人為什麼要把以色列的約櫃搶走?
2. 非利士人高高興興地把約櫃送到非利士人之地後,把約櫃擺在哪裡?次日清早呢?(注意:在迦南人的神話故事,大袞是巴力的父親;大袞是非利士人主要的神明。)
3. 真神的約櫃被送到非利士人那裡以後,發生其他哪些他們預料不到的事?
4. 不少非利士人___了;也有人得了什麼? 結果,非利士的眾首領決定怎麼樣處理約櫃?
5. 非利士人總共有五個重要城市。他們把約櫃送去哪三個城?
6. 原先,非利士人不相信,但後來他們毫無疑問地知道,所臨到他們的災害,都出於什麼(或出於誰)?
1. 請說明非利士人按照什麼邏輯才協調如何把約櫃送回以色列。他們獻上什麼贖罪品?
2. 7-12節:也許有些非利士人懷疑,災害是否出於耶和華,所以他們決定怎麼樣判斷此事?結果如何呢?
3. 以色列的伯示麥人正在平原收割麥子時,舉目看見約櫃到來,就___ ___了。但是,後來,他們犯了什麼罪?神怎麼樣懲罰他們?(圖片:我拍此圖片時,我站在伯示麥往非利士人之地而看。照片里的麥田就是撒母耳記上6:13所提到的。請用你的想象力而“見到”所記載的:“伯示麥人正在平原收割麥子,舉目看見約櫃,就歡喜了。”)
4. 伯示麥人說:“誰能在耶和華這___ ___的神面前侍立呢?這約櫃可以從我們這裡送到___那裡去呢?”之後,他們把約櫃送到哪裡(七章1節)?
1. 神的約櫃在基列耶琳多久?___年。以色列人時常敬拜侍奉什麼神明?撒母耳吩咐以色列人做什麼?
2. 與非利士人打戰時,神藉着何人何事使得以色列人打勝戰?
3. 15-17節:“撒母耳平生作以色列的___ ___。他每年___ ___到伯特利、吉甲、米斯巴,在這幾處___ ___以色列人。隨後回到拉瑪,因為他的家在那裡;也在那裡___ ___以色列人,且為耶和華築了一___ ___。”
1 Samuel/01:
Chapters One through Seven
- 1 Samuel 1: Samuel’s Birth:
1) Hannah was unable to conc___. What other problem(s) did this cause?
2) Why did Hannah describe herself as miserable, and as “a woman who is deeply troubled”?
3) The Bible says that “the LORD had closed her womb” (v. 6). Several places in Genesis we find similar terminology: Genesis 18:10; 29:31; 30:2,22. Do you think that God intervenes in whether a woman conceives today?
4) When Eli saw Hannah praying, he thought she was d___. After he understood the truth of the matter, Eli told Hannah, May the God of Israel ___ your prayer. The result was that Hannah___, and named him S___, because “I a___ the LORD for him.
5) After Samuel was weaned, what very unusual thing did Hannah do?
6) 1 Samuel ch. one records that Elkanah (v. 3), Elkanah and his wife Hannah (v. 19), and Samuel himself (v. 28), all did the same thing; what was it?
7) Please memorize 1 Samuel 1:27-28: “I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the LORD. For his whole life he will be given over to the LORD.” And he worshiped the LORD there.”
2. 1 Samuel 2: The Wickedness of Samuel’s Two Sons
1) 1 Samuel 2:1-10 is a prayer-poem of praise to the Lord. Please consider how the Lord has blessed your life, and then write some words of praise or a poem/song based on that experience/event.
2) Vs. 10: “…the LORD… He will give strength to his king and exalt the horn of his anointed.” This is the first use of this term in the Bible; see notes in the NIV Study Bible. The original Hebrew has deep meaning, in that it can mean both “anointed” and “Messiah.” Who did the Lord establish as king in the Old Testament? (The king of Israel.) Who was the Lord’s anointed in the Old Testament? (The king of Israel.) (Note: There are many prophecies in the Old Testament regarding the Messiah that describe him as “king” and as “the Lord’s anointed.”) Who did the Lord establish as king in the New Testament? (Jesus Christ.) Who was the Lord’s anointed in the New Testament? (Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah and the Lord’s anointed.) Who has authority as king of your own life?
3) Vs. 12-17 and vs. 22: What wicked things did Eli’s son do?
4) Memorize Eli’s reprimand of his sons: If a man sins against another man, God may mediate for him; but if a man sins against the LORD, who will intercede for him?” (vs. 25). [Note: Where NIV says “God may mediate…”, Chinese Union Version says “a judge will judge.”]
5) Vs. 27-29: God told Eli that his sons’ wickedness was whose responsibility?
6) Vs. 25 and vs. 27-36: God determined to punish Eli’s sons in what way?
7) Vs. 34: God gave Eli a “sign” so he would know that God’s word does not come to nothing: Eli’s two sons would both d___ on the same day.
8) Memorize part of God’s reprimand of Eli (vs. 30): “…But now the LORD declares: ‘Far be it from me! Those who honor me I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained.”
9) Vs. 18-21: How did Hannah care for Samuel? How did God care for Hannah? 10). Vs. 26: Of whom does this verse make you think? (See Luke 2:52.)
3. 1 Samuel 3: The Lord God Calls Samuel
1) Describe how God called Samuel the first time.
2) What did God tell Samuel?
3) Vs. 19-21: How did both God and the people regard Samuel?
4) Memorize a famous statement that Samuel spoke to the Lord: “Speak, for your servant is listening.” Write it down yourself. Do you and I say this same thing to God? How do we hear God?
4. 1 Samuel 4: God Judges the House of Eli
1) Describe how all the words and prophecies of God in 1 Samuel ch. 2 were fulfilled.
2) Vs. 5-10: What sound did the Philistines hear, what did they discern, and to what degree of fighting did these things inspire them?
3) What four important people died that day?
4) Vs. 22: Eli’s daughter-in-law said, “The glory has d___ from Israel, for the ark of God has been captured.”
5. 1 Samuel 5: The Ark of God in the Hands of the Philistines
1) Why did the Philistines want to capture the Israelite’s ark?
2) Where did the Philistines place the ark after they so happily took the ark into their territory? What happened the next morning? (Note: In Canaanite mythology, Dagon was the father of Baal; Dagon was the most important god of the Philistine pantheon.)
3) What unexpected things happened after the ark was sent to Philistine territory?
4) Not a few Philistines d___; others developed t___. The rulers of the Philistines decided to do what with the ark?
5) The Philistines had five important cities. They took the ark to which three of these cities?
6) Initially, the Philistines did not believe, but eventually there was no refuting that the calamities that had befallen them were from ___.
6. 1 Samuel 6: The Philistines Return the Ark
1) Explain by what logic the Philistines determined how to return the ark to Israel. What guilt offering did they send with the ark?
2) Vs. 7-12: Perhaps some Philistines still were not convinced that the calamities were from the Lord, so they decided to do what to test this possibility? What was the result?
3) When the people of Beth Shemesh were harvesting wheat in the valley [Note: Chinese Union Version says “on the plain,” but the Chinese New Version says “valley.”], they looked and saw the ark, and they r___. Later however, they committed a sin; what was it? In what way did God punish them? Note: When I took the photo above I was standing at Tel Beth Shemesh looking toward the territory of the Philistines. Use your imagination and “see” the ark of the covenant returning to the Israelites in this very field.
4) The men of Beth Shemesh said, “Who can s___ in the presence of the LORD, this holy God? To whom will the ark g___ up from here?” Later, to where did they send the ark(7:1)?
7.1 Samuel 7: Samuel as a Judge of Israel
1) How long was the ark in Kiriath Jearim? The Israelites often worshiped and served what gods? What did Samuel tell the Israelites to do?
2) Through what person and what actions did God enable the Israelites to win their war with the Philistines?
3) Vs. 15-17: “Samuel continued as j___ over Israel all the days of his life. From year to year he went on a c___ from Bethel to Gilgal to Mizpah, j___ Israel in all those places. But he always went back to Ramah, where his home was, and there he also j____ Israel. And he built an a___ there to the LORD..”
Bible Study Questions: 1 Samuel/01:
1 Samuel: Chapters One through Seven
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
圖片:伯示麥的麥田(但今天他們種鷹嘴豆)photo ©By Edward Short。