1. 掃羅王做了什麼惹非利士人的氣?
2. 3節:本來掃羅要以色列人聽到什麼信息?但是,事實上,以色列人聽到哪句話(非利士人的反應)?
3. 掃羅王的兒子名字是什麼?
4. 戰爭開始時,好象哪個軍隊要打勝戰?以色列人害怕非利士人到什麼程度?
5. 掃羅在吉甲等撒母耳等了多久? 為什麼?(參閱撒母耳記上10:8。)可惜,掃羅太緊張!撒母耳未到之先,掃羅做了什麼?撒母耳反應如何?掃羅怎麼樣自白?撒母耳反應如下(13-14節):“你做了胡___事了!沒有遵守耶和華你神所吩咐你的命___。若遵守,耶和華必在以色列中堅立你的___位,直到___ ___。現在你的___位必不長久。耶和華已經尋着一個___ ___ ___ ___的人,立他作百姓的___,因為你沒有___守耶和華所吩咐你的”。
6. 雖然非利士人不能毀滅以色列人,他們還是控制以色列人,不讓他們強壯。非利士人用什麼方法不讓以色列人獲得武器,不許他們製造刀劍槍予?磨農夫必須用品等,要多少錢?
7. 只有哪二位的手中才拿着刀矛一類的武器?你認為這是為什麼呢?
1. 請先閱讀撒母耳記上14章。約拿單給你什麼影響?
2. 1-14節:請說明約拿單如何決定要還是不要攻擊非利士人。
3. 請述說約拿單如何攻擊非利士人。
4. 6節:請背誦約拿單的話:“…或耶和華為我們施展能力,因為耶和華使人得___,不在乎人___人___”。
5. 15節:“於是在營中、在田___、在眾民___,都有戰___,防兵和掠兵也都戰___,地也震動,___兢之勢甚大”。(新譯本翻為,“於是在營房裡,在田野中和在眾人中間,都有恐慌,駐軍和突擊隊也都恐懼,地也震動,這是從上帝而來的恐懼”。)
6. 掃羅王想知道何事?掃羅發現誰不在場?
7. 18節:掃羅叫他們把什麼東西拿來?(“約櫃”:希臘文《聖經》寫“以弗得”。也許原創稿件就是以弗得。)你認為掃羅的動機是什麼?
8. 20-23節:神如何讓以色列人打勝戰?
9. 24節:掃羅王給部隊下了非常不智慧的命令,是什麼?
10. 說明誰怎麼樣違反了掃羅的規定。
11. 約拿單得知他一違反了父親的命令後,他說:“我父親連___你們了”。(新譯本翻為,“我父親連累了這地的人”。)“你們”和“這地的人”指以色列國而言吧。
12. 31-35節:為什麼軍人吃飯不算違反王的命令?
13. 但是,軍人不天真無邪。他們違反了誰的誡命?什麼誡命?(參看創世記9:4;利未記17:11; 19:26;申命記12:16;以西結書33:25;使徒行轉15:20。)
14. 33-34節:掃羅王怎麼處理此問題?我們可以稱讚掃羅處理此問題的方法否?(從此可知,掃羅知道如何行善。)
15. 當時,掃羅初次為耶和華神做了什麼?
16. 請述說軍人為什麼需要拯救約拿單,及他們如何拯救他。
17. 47-48節:掃羅的優點是什麼?
18. 掃羅次女叫什麼名字?“掃羅的元帥名叫___ ___ ___,是尼珥的兒子;尼珥是掃羅的___ ___。”
圖片:2010年,我在以色列國的古城“伯示麥”當考古學家的義工助手時,我們發現士師記時代的爐子。約書亞、撒母耳、掃羅都會用這樣的爐子煮飯菜。Photo: I volunteered as an archaeologist’s assistant in 2010. Our group dug at Tel Beth Shemesh and found this oven that dated during the period of Judges. It is the type of oven that Joshua, Samuel and Saul would have used.
1 Samuel/04:
Chapters Thirteen and Fourteen
1. 1 Samuel 13: Samuel Rebukes Saul
1) What did King Saul do that upset the Philistines?
2) Vs. 3: What message did Saul want the Israelites to hear? In fact, however, what message was disseminated?
3) What was the name of King Saul’s son?
4) At the beginning of the war, it appeared like which army would win? To what extent did the Israelites fear the Philistines?
5) How long did Saul wait for Samuel at Gilgal? Why? (See 1 Samuel 10:8.) Unfortunately, Saul was in too much of a hurry! What did Saul do before Samuel arrived? What was Samuel’s reaction? How did Saul defend his actions? Note Samuel’s reaction (vs. 13-14): Samuel said to Saul, “You have done f___; you have not kept the c___ of the LORD your God, which he commanded you. The LORD would have established your k___ over Israel f___, but now your k___ will not continue; the LORD has sought out a man ___ h___ o___ h___; and the LORD has appointed him to be r___ over his people, because you have not k___ what the LORD commanded you” (NRSV).
6) Although the Philistines could not destroy the Israelites, they controlled them nonetheless, and did not allow them to become powerful. How did the Philistines keep the Israelites from obtaining weapons, from making swords and spears? What was the charge to sharpen farm implements?
7) One could find weapons only in whose hands? Why do you think this was the case?
2.1 Samuel 14: Jonathan Attacks the Philistines
1) First, please read 1 Samuel 14. What is your impression of Jonathan?
2) Vs. 1-14: How did Jonathan determine whether to attack the Philistines or not?
3) Explain how Jonathan attacked the Philistines.
4) Vs. 6: Memorize what Jonathan said: “…it may be that the LORD will act for us; for nothing can hinder the LORD from s______ by m_____ or by f___” (NRSV).
5) Vs. 15: “There was a p_____ in the camp, in the f_____, and among all the p_____; the garrison and even the raiders t________; the earth quaked; and it became a very great p_____” (NRSV). [In addition to the Union Version, the New Chinese Translation is also given.]
6) What did King Saul want to know? Saul realized that who was absent?
7) Vs. 18: For what item did Saul ask? (Note that the NRSV footnote indicates that the Greek translation of the Old Testament says “ephod” instead of ark.) What do you think was Saul’s motive?
8) Vs. 20-23: How did God enable the Israelites to prevail?
9) Vs. 24: King Saul gave the troops a very unwise order; what was it?
10) Who disobeyed Saul’s’ order and how did he do it?
11) After learning that he had disobeyed his father’s command, Jonathan said, “My father has t________ the land” (NRSV). [The New Chinese Translation is also given.] {We assume that “the land” refers to the nation of Israel.)
12) Vs. 31-35: Why was the troop’s eating of food not considered disobedience to the king’s order?
13) The troops were not without fault, however. Whose command did they disobey? What command did they disobey? (See Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 17:11; 19:26; Deuteronomy 12:16; Ezekiel 33:25; Acts 15:20.)
14) Vs. 33-34: How did King Saul correct this problem? Did Saul handle this problem in an admirable way? (From this we know that Saul did know how to behave correctly.)
15) What did Saul do for the Lord God for the first time?
16) Explain why the army needed to save Jonathan and how they did it.
17) Vs. 47-48: What did Saul do well?
18) What was the name of Saul’s younger daughter? “…the name of the commander of his army was A_____ son of Ner, Saul’s u______” (NRSV).
Bible Study Questions: 1 Samuel Lesson Four
1 Samuel 13-14
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.