
ElahValley01 (200 x 59)撒母耳记上第六课:撒母耳记上第十六章至第十九章


1. 请述说撒母耳膏大卫作王整个之事。

2.  撒母耳害怕谁?为什么?2节:撒母耳怎么样解决此问题?撒母耳是否撒了谎?在法庭内,我们要说实话,及整个的实情。在法庭之外,我们有没有必要把整个的情况讲出来?为什么?

3. 7节:请背诵:耶和华却对撒母耳说:“不要看他的___貌和他身材高大,我不拣选他。因为耶和华不象___看人:人是看___貌,耶和华是看内___”。

4. 13节:大卫得到了神的___。“从这日起,耶和华的___就大大感动大卫”。

5. 14节:“耶和华的灵___开扫罗,有恶___从耶和华那里来扰乱他”。这句话是什么意思?(天上真神不会犯罪,也不会亲近最恶。但是,连恶魔的行动都在神的管理之下。约伯记一章也是一个例子:神让魔鬼做一些事情。耶稣基督来了以后,耶稣捆绑了魔鬼。但是,等到末日,耶稣第二次来时,天地接受神的审判时,魔鬼要被打败。目前,魔鬼还有很大的权势。在扫罗那里,神让恶魔扰乱扫罗。)

6.  扫罗的仆人提出什么建议,使得扫罗舒服些?

7. 很巧!另一位仆人介绍谁来为扫罗弹琴,使得他舒服些? 。您认为,这件事情算“巧合”吗?偶然吗?

8. 18节:人给大卫的评价:“其中有一个少年人说:我曾见伯利恒人耶西的一个儿子善于弹琴,是大有___敢的战___,说话合宜,容貌___美,耶和华也与他同___”。(神最初给大卫的评价,请参看撒母耳记上13:14。)


1. 请用手或尺度指示歌利亚有多高。

2. 歌利亚天天向以色列军队喊叫说什么,给他们什么挑战?

3. 请仔细地述说大卫如何的以智取胜歌利亚。

4. 看起来,大卫非常关心的事有二件。是什么?第一个在36, 45节;第二个在46, 47节。

5. 您认为,扫罗为什么不认识大卫?

ElahValley01 (400 x 118)


1. 大卫和约拿单变为亲近的好友:“约拿单的心与大卫的心___相契合。约拿单___大卫,如同爱自己的性___”。

2. 请背诵扫罗不喜欢听到的歌词:“扫罗杀死___ ___,大卫杀死___ ___”。

3.  扫罗对大卫的态度:“扫罗甚发怒,不喜悦这话,就说:”将万万归大卫,千千归我,只剩下___位没有给他了”。从这日起,扫罗就怒___大卫”。

4. 10-11节:扫罗试着如何企图大卫?几次?为什么?

5. 12-16节:大卫做事情,都___——是因为谁与他同在?___。虽然扫罗___ 大卫,但是,以色列和犹大都___大卫。

6. 扫罗让大卫___扫罗的女儿。以什么为聘礼?扫罗的动机和目的是什么?

7. 扫罗将要嫁给大卫的女儿名叫___ ___。扫罗没想到,他的女儿真的___大卫。此事使得扫罗更加___ ___大卫。

8. 在撒母耳记上18章里,我们看得清楚,神不断地赐福与大卫,阻扰扫罗的诡计。请把这些事一个一个地写下来。


1. 请述说约拿单向他父亲所说有关大卫的话。

2. 扫罗发誓,答应约拿单说他不会___ ___大卫。

3. 9-10节:不久后,大卫在弹琴时,扫罗做了什么?

4. 11-17节:扫罗差派人去哪里做什么?

5. 米甲怎么样解救大卫?

6. 米甲怎么样向她父亲自白?

7. 大卫逃跑到哪里?见谁?扫罗是否追了大卫?成功没?

8. 不料!神让扫罗(再次)做什么,才夺取他追赶大卫的机会?也许,神以此让扫罗(再次)知道谁掌管一切?

9. 24节:“因此有句俗语说:‘扫罗也列在___ ___中吗?’”


图片:以拉谷——大卫战胜了歌利亚之地。Valley of Elah where David defeated Goliath. Photo credit:  http://www.bibleistrue.com/qna/pqna27.htm

Bible Study Questions: 1 Samuel Lesson Six
1 Samuel 16-19

1. 1 Samuel 16: Samuel Anoints David King

1. Describe completely all that took place in Samuel’s anointing David as king.

2. Of whom was Samuel afraid? Why? Vs. 2: How did Samuel solve this problem? Did Samuel tell a lie? We should tell the truth and the whole truth in court; outside of court, are we obligated to tell the entire story. Why/why not?

3. Vs. 7: Please memorize what the Lord said to Samuel: “Do not look on his a___ or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for the LORD does not see as m___ see; they look on the o___ appearance, but the LORD looks on the h___”(NRSV).

4. Vs. 13: David received God’s ___. “and the s___ of the LORD came mightily upon David from that day forward” (NRSV).

5. Vs. 14: “Now the spirit of the LORD d___ from Saul, and an evil s___ from the LORD tormented him” (NRSV). What does this statement mean? (God cannot sin and he cannot be intimate with sin. However, even the activities of evil spirits comes under God’s control. Job chapter one is another example of this: God allowed the devil to do some things. After Jesus Christ came, Jesus bound the devil. However, on the Last Day, when Jesus comes again, when God judges heaven and earth, the devil will be defeated. At the present time, however, the devil has a lot of power, and in the case of Saul, God allowed an evil spirit to torment him.

6. What suggestion did Saul’s servant make that resulted in Saul’s being more comfortable?

7. What coincidence! Another servant suggested that what person be brought to play the harp for Saul? Do you think this was “coincidence”?

8. Vs. 18: The evaluation of David by a person: “One of the young men answered, “I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite who is skillful in playing, a man of v___, a w___, prudent in speech, and a man of g___ presence; and the LORD is w___ him” (NRSV). (For God’s early evaluation of David, see 1 Samuel 13:14.)

2. 1 Samuel 17: David and Goliath

1. Use your hands or a measuring stick and show how tall Goliath was.

2. What challenge did Goliath shout to the Israelite army each day?

3. Describe clearly how David outwitted Goliath.

4. It seems that David was especially concerned about two things. What were they? 1) vs. 36, 45. 2) vs. 46, 47.

5. In your opinion, why did Saul not recognize David?

3. 1 Samuel 18: Saul Jealous of David

1. David and Jonathan became very close friends: “The soul of Jonathan was b___ to the soul of David, and Jonathan l___ him as his own s___” (NRSV).

2. Memorize the song that Saul disliked: “Saul has killed his t___, and David his t___ t___” (NRSV).

3. Saul’s attitude toward David: “They have ascribed to David ten thousands, and to me they have ascribed thousands; what more can he have but the k___?” So Saul e___ David from that day on” (NRSV).

4. Vs. 10-11: What did Saul try to do to David? How many times did he try?

5. Vs. 12-16: In all he did, David was s___ in all he did because ___ was with him. Even though Saul f___ David, all Israel and Judah l___ David.

6. Saul gave his d___ to David (in marriage). What was the wedding gift? Saul’s motivation was to get David ___.

7. What was the name of the daughter that Saul was going to give to David in marriage? Saul was surprised that his daughter actually l___ David, and this caused Saul to ___ David all the more.

8. In 1 Samuel 18, we see clearly that God continually blessed David, but he frustrated Saul’s schemes. List each of these on a separate sheet of paper.

4. 1 Samuel 19: Saul Continues Quest to Kill David

1. Detail everything that Jonathan told his father regarding David.

2. Saul took an oath and promised Jonathan that he would not ___ David.

3. Vs. 9-10: Not so long after this, what did Saul do while David was playing the harp?

4. Vs. 11-17: Where did Saul send some men and what were they to do there?

5. What did Michal do to save David’s life?

6. How did Michal vindicate herself to her father?

7. To where did David flee? Who did he see there? Did Saul give chase? Was he successful?

8. Unexpectedly, God (once again) made Saul to do what, and in so doing, God removed Saul’s opportunity to catch David? Perhaps God used this to show Saul (once again) that who is in control?

9. Vs. 24: “Therefore it is said, “Is Saul also among the p___?” (NRSV)

Bible Study Questions: 1 Samuel Lesson Six
1 Samuel 16-19:
作者:谢德华 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.

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