3。大衛前往非利士人的哪個地區(城市)? 當地之王名叫什麼?
5。27章4節: 大衛投奔到迦特是否達到目的?
8。非利士人亞吉王讓大衛和那些屬於他的人住在哪裡?“當日亞吉將___ ___ ___賜給他,因此洗革拉屬猶大王,直到今日”。(注意:“今日”的意思是寫撒母耳記上那時候的“今日”,而不是今天的“今日”。)
12。27章8, 9, 11節:請說明大衛如何能夠襲擊迦南地人而不讓亞吉得知。
14。27章10節:“亞吉說:‘你們今日侵奪了什麼地方呢?’大衛說:‘侵奪了___ ___ ___ ___方,耶拉篾的南方,基尼的南方’(和合本)。(請參看新譯本:“亞吉問:‘你們今天襲擊了什麼地方呢?’大衛回答:‘我們襲擊了猶大的南方,耶拉蔑的南部,和基尼的南方’”。)
15。大衛向亞吉所說的謊言使得亞吉越來越___ ___大衛。亞吉聰明呢,還是天真?
16。“亞吉信了大衛,心裡說:‘大衛使本族以色列人___ ___他,所以他必永遠作我的___人了’”。(請參閱新譯本:“亞吉相信了大衛,心裡說:‘他在自己的族人以色列中留下了臭名,他必永遠作我的僕人了’”。)亞吉的想法對不對?亞吉不理解大衛侍奉的不是亞吉乃是誰?亞吉不知道大衛是誰的“僕人”?
Bible Study Questions
1 Samuel Lesson Fourteen: 1 Samuel Chapter Twenty-seven
Saul Flees to the Philistine King Achish
1. Why did David flee to Philistine territory?
2. How many men followed David at that time? Whom does this number does not include?
3. Where (to what city) in Philistia did David go? What was the king’s name?
4. Remind yourself of the names of David’s wives.
5. Vs. 4: Did David’s fleeing to Philistia accomplish his purpose?
6. For what did David ask Achish?
7. Why did David do this? Do you think David was totally honest in his request?
8. Where did Achish allow David and his men to live? “So that day Achish gave him Z___; therefore Ziklag has belonged to the kings of Judah to this day” (NRSV). (Note: The term “to this day” means the time when 1 Samuel was written; it does not mean until our “today”.)
9. Why do you think that Achish welcomed David and several hundred warriors to do this? He not only allowed them to live in his territory, but he even gave David a city.
10. How long did David live in Philistine territory?
11. What did David do with his time while in Philistia?
12. Vs. 8, 9, 11: Explain how David was able to raid the Canaanites without Achish knowing about it..
13. What do you think Achish would have done if he had known what David was doing?
14. Vs. 10: “When Achish asked, ‘Against whom have you made a raid today?’ David would say, ‘Against the N___ ___ J___,’ or ‘Against the Negeb of the Jerahmeelites,’ or, ‘Against the Negeb of the Kenites (NRSV). [Two Chinese translations are given.]
15. The lies that David told Achish caused Achish to t___ all the more. Was Achish smart or naive?
16. Achish trusted David, thinking, “He has made himself utterly a___ to his people Israel; therefore he shall always be my s___” (NRSV). [Two Chinese translations are given.] Was Achish correct? Achish did not understand that it was not Achish that David served, but was whom? Achish did not realize that David was the servant of whom?
Bible Study Questions: 1 Samuel Lesson Fourteen
1 Samuel 27: Saul Flees to the Philistine King Achish
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.