
knives02 (150 x 92)撒母耳記下第2章:大衛受膏做猶大王

一. 大衛為什麼求問耶和華說,“我可以上猶大的一座城去嗎?”?大衛知道他應該做猶大之王,但是他不會假定猶大人一定會立他為王。因此,大衛先得知神的旨意。

二. 神告訴大衛前往哪座城?請參看聖經地圖找出此城的位置。

三. 在希伯侖那裡猶大人膏立了大衛作___。這是第二次大衛被膏立做王。第一次是什麼時候?為什麼由希伯侖開始讓大衛獲得王位?

四. 為什麼《聖經》把此領土稱為“猶大”及“猶大家” ,而沒有稱為“猶大國”?(是因為以色列全地還沒有分為兩國,就是“南 / 北”及“以色列 / 猶大”兩國。但很明顯,眾人已經按照這個說法形容他們的國。參看10-11節。)請注意:“以色列”一詞,有時候指全國而言,有時指北方而言。“猶大” 一詞,有時候指全國而言,有時指南方而言。

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五. 4-7節:請說明大衛對基列雅比人所說的話的邏輯。如果大衛能夠說服基列雅比人支持他做王,此事會對大城小鎮其他的人有何影響?

六. 8-9節:“當時,掃羅的元帥尼___的兒子押___珥已經領着掃羅的兒子伊___波設,把他帶過河到瑪哈念去,並且立了他作王,統治基列、亞書利、耶斯列、以法蓮、便雅憫和以色列眾人”。從此可知,大衛成為全以色列的王,還是不那麼簡單。押尼珥想要得到權利。(請記住以上之人的名字。)

七. 伊施波設作以色列王幾年?“大衛在希伯___作王統治猶大家的時候共有___年零六個月”。請注意:雖然神已經計劃好讓大衛做猶大和以色列全國的王,但是,大衛必須等到時候滿足,才能夠獲得冠冕。大衛學會等候耶和華。您我能不能等候神?

八. 請注意誰支持掃羅一家,誰支持大衛:

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九. 10-11節:大衛在希伯侖作王時,也許第五年之時,掃羅的兒子伊施波設作以色列王。意思也許是他沒有馬上被眾人承認他應該接父親的王位。

十. 14-17節:屬於伊施波設的元帥,押尼珥,與屬於大衛的約押作對;他們選出代表做什麼?當時,“12對12”,幾個人死亡?

十一. 17節:但是“12對12”,結果是非決定性的,所以眾人怎麼樣?“那天的戰事非常激烈,結果押尼珥和以色列人___在大衛的臣僕面前”。

十二. 請詳細的述說亞撒黑怎麼死的。

十三. 雖然押尼珥不支持大衛,但是,他說了一句智慧話,值得我們背誦:“押尼珥對約押喊叫,說∶「刀劍要不停地___人嗎?你不知道結局是痛___的嗎?你要等到什麼時候才吩咐人民轉去,不追趕自己的___ ___呢?」”[2:26,新譯本]。請把這句話應用在當今基督徒身上:我們是否用嘴巴害人、毀謗人、殺人?

十四. 當天約押和大衛失去了幾個人?押尼珥和便雅憫人失去了幾位?

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2 Samuel 2: David is Anointed King of Judah

1. Why did David inquire of God: “Shall I go up into any of the cities of Judah?” (NRSV) David knew that he was to become the king of Judah, however he could not assume that the people in Judah would make him king, so he asked to know God’s will in the matter.

2. Where did God tell David to go? Find this place on a Bible map.

3. David was anointed k___ in Hebron by the people of Judah. This is the second time that David has been anointed; when was the first time? Why did David’s kingship begin in Hebron?

4. Why does the Bible refer to this territory as “Judah” and the “house of Judah,” but is not called the “nation of Judah”? (Because the entire country of Israel has not yet divided into “north,” and “south,” “Israel” and “Judah.” It is very clear, however, that the people have already begun to refer to the two areas of their country in these ways; see vs. 10-11.) Note: Sometimes the term “Israel” refers to the entire nation, but sometimes it refers only to the north section. The term “Judah” sometimes refers to the entire nation, but sometimes it refers only to the southern portion.

5. Vs. 4-7: Explain the logic behind what David said to the people of Jabesh-gilead. If David is able to convince the people of Jabesh-gilead to support his kingship, what influence would it have on people in other towns and cities?

6. Vs. 8-9: “But A___ son of N___, commander of Saul’s army, had taken I___ son of Saul, and brought him over to Mahanaim. He made him king over Gilead, the Ashurites, Jezreel, Ephraim, Benjamin, and over all Israel” (NRSV). [Ishbaal in some other translations is “Ish-Bosheth.”] From this we know that it was not easy for David to become king of the whole country of Israel. Abner wanted power. (Remember the names of these people.)

7. How long was Ishbaal king of Israel? “David was king in Hebron over the house of Judah was s______ years and six months” (NRSV). Note: Although God had already planned for David to become the king of all of Israel and Judah, David had to wait for the time to be right before he could receive the crown. David learned to wait on the Lord. Do you and I wait on the

8. Note the relationships illustrated below…
ChartSaulDavid02 (400 x 422)9. Vs. 10-11: While David was king in Hebron, perhaps about the fifth year, Ishbaal, son of Saul, was made king of Israel; i.e., perhaps not everyone immediately supported his being the successor of his father.

10. Vs. 14-17: The men of Ishbaal’s commander Abner opposed the men of David’s Joab. They picked representatives and did what? Twelve men vs. twelve men, and how many died?

11. Vs. 17: Twelve fought twelve, but the verdict was indecisive. What did the men do then? “The battle was very fierce that day; and Abner and the men of Israel were b___ by the servants of David” (NRSV).

12. Explain in detail how Asahel died.

13. Even though Abner did not support David, he made a very wise statement nonetheless, a statement worth our memorizing: “Is the sword to keep d___ forever? Do you not know that the end will be b___? How long will it be before you order your people to turn from the pursuit of their k___?” (NRSV). Apply this verse to Christians today: Do we use our tongues to harm, slander and kill?

14. How many men did Joab and David lose? How many did Abner and the Benjamites lose?

Bible Study Questions: 2 Samuel Lesson Two
2 Samuel 2: David is Anointed King of Judah
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.


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