一. 1節:“掃羅家和大衛家之間的___爭相持很久。大衛家逐漸___盛,掃羅家卻日趨衰___”。
二. 2-5節:大衛已經有幾個妻子?此事合乎不合乎神的旨意?
三. 請述說押尼珥怎麼樣才會歸附大衛。注意:當時,國王的妃子有時候扮演重要的角色。誰取王的妃子(或誰與他睡覺),誰會當王。(參看撒母耳記下16:21及烈王記上2:22。)
四. 大衛接受押尼珥之前,他提出什麼條件?為什麼?(不一定是為了愛情。)
五. 21節:押尼珥是否真的有意思要幫助大衛成為以色列全國(以色列及猶大)之王?
六. 22-39:請詳細地說明約押和他的兄弟亞比篩如何的殺了押尼珥。
七. 28-35節:大衛怎麼樣證明讓眾人知道押尼珥的死亡和他毫無關係?
八. 36-37節:雖然大衛完全沒有參與約押和他的兄弟亞比篩的計謀,但是大衛還是讓此事情對他有利。請解釋一下。
九. 33-34,38-39節:大衛這樣誇獎押尼珥,誠實不誠實?
十. 39節:大衛說:“洗魯雅的兩個兒子太強了,非我所能應付”是什麼意思?(參看撒母耳記下16:10, 19:22。)
十一. 28-29, 39節:大衛怎麼樣詛咒約押一家?
2 Samuel Lesson Three
2 Samuel Chapter 3: Abner Determines to Support David
Vs. 1: “There was a long w___ between the house of Saul and the house of David; David grew s___ and stronger, while the house of Saul became weaker and w___” (NRSV).
2. Vs. 2-5: How many wives did David have now? Was this according to the will of God?
3. Explain in detail how Abner went over to David. Note: At the time, the concubine of a king was sometimes of importance. Whoever married (or slept with) the king’s concubine could become king. (See 2 Samuel 16:21 and 1 Kings 2:22.)
4. Upon what condition did David accept Abner’s proposal? Why? (Not necessarily for love.)
5. Vs. 21: Did Abner really intend to help David become king of all Israel (Israel and Judah)?
6. Vs. 22-39: Tell in detail how Joab and his brother Abishai killed Abner.
7. Vs. 28-35: What did David do to prove to the people that he had no connection to Abner’s murder?
8. Vs. 36-37: Even though David had no part in Joab and Abishai’s plot, David was able to turn it to his advantage nonetheless; explain.
9. Vs. 33-34 and 38-39: Was David sincere when he praised Joab?
10. Vs. 39: What did David mean when he said, “these men, the sons of Zeruiah, are too violent for me” (NRSV) (See also 2 Samuel 16:10 and 19:22.)
11. Vs. 28-29, 39: What curse did David put on the house of Joab?
Bible Study Questions: 2 Samuel Lesson Three
2 Samuel 3: Abner Determines to Support David
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.