一. 大衛王告訴拿單先知他心裡有什麼心愿?
二. 拿單先知馬上告訴大衛什麼?
三. 請述說當天晚上耶和華神向拿單顯現時,跟他說些什麼,叫他轉告大衛?請注意:4-16節,此段話,非常重要。神不但述說他已為大衛所作的,他還答應以後將要為大衛做什麼,要為大衛“建造朝代”(新譯本),或翻譯為“必為你建立家室”(和合本),或翻譯為“我必建立你的王室”(標準本)。神給大衛的應許既包括他兒子所羅門和他肉體上的後裔,又指着一千年以後的孫子耶穌基督。
四. 11-16節: “…耶和華向你宣告,耶和華要親自為你建立一個朝___。到了你的壽數滿足,你與你的列祖一起長眠的時候,我必興起你親生的後___接替你,並且我要堅___固他的國。他必為我的名建造一座___宇,我要永遠堅固他的___位。我要作他的___親,他要作我的___子,他若是犯了___,我要用人的刑杖、用世人的鞭子___正他。但我的慈___必不離___他,像離開在你面前的掃羅一樣。你的家和你的王___,也必在我的面前永___堅定,你的王位也必永___堅立”。
五. 本來大衛王有意思為神建造___ ___,但是神有計劃為大衛王建立___ ___。神的應許有沒有落了空?___。請參看:詩篇89:30-38;以賽亞書9:1-7;馬太福音1:1;路加福音1:23-33,69;使徒行傳2:30;13:23;羅馬書1:2-3;提摩太前書2:8;啟示錄3:7;22:16。
六. 18-29節:大衛王的禱告詞:在大衛王的禱告詞里,找出以下的詞句:
- 讚美神的幾句話
- 感謝神的幾句話
- 表示謙虛的幾句話
- 以神的作為和他所作的一切為奧妙之事的詞句
- 您最喜歡的詞句
七. 請以大衛王的禱告詞為模範,加上自己生活上所面對的情形、困難、喜樂等,並您在神的面前的情況,在另外一張紙上寫自己的禱告詞。
八. 您從撒母耳記下第七章得到了什麼心得、啟發、訓誨?
2 Samuel Lesson Seven
2 Samuel Chapter 7:
God Doesn’t Allow David to Build Him a Temple,
but God Promises to Build David a Dynasty
1. What desire did David express to the prophet Nathan?
2. What answer did Nathan quickly give David? Nathan did not ask to know the will of whom?
3. What did God tell Nathan that night? Note: Vs. 4-16: These verses are very important. God not only told what he had done for David, but he also expressed what he intended for David in the future, that he would build a k___ (or house). [Chinese New Version says dynasty. The Union Version and Contemporary Chinese versions are also given.] The promise given David by God included his son Solomon and his other physical descendents; it also included the descendent Jesus Christ who would be born some one thousand years later.
4. Vs. 11-16: “…Moreover the LORD declares to you that the LORD will make you a h___” [Chinese Union Version says house; New Version says dynasty]. 12 When your days are fulfilled and you lie down with your ancestors, I will raise up your o___ after you, who shall come forth from your body, and I will e___ his kingdom. 13 He shall build a h___ for my name, and I will establish the t___ of his kingdom forever. 14 I will be a f___ to him, and he shall be a s___ to me. When he commits i___, I will p___ him with a rod such as mortals use, with blows inflicted by human beings. 15 But I will not t___ my steadfast l___ from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away from before you. 16 Your house and your k___ shall be made sure f___ before me; your throne shall be established f___” (NRSV).
5. At first, King David had it in mind to build a t___ for God, but God planned to build a k___[or d___] for David. Did God’s promise fail? Please see: Psalms 89:30-38; Isaiah 9:1-7; Matthew 1:1; Luke 1:23-33, 69; Acts 2:30;13:23; Romans 1:2-3; 1 Timothy 2:8; Revelation 3:7; 22:16.
6. Vs. 18-29: King David’s prayer. Find the following in David’s prayer:
- Phrases of praise
- Phrases of thanksgiving
- Phrases that indicate humility
- Phrases that show the wonder of God and all he does
- What statement in the prayer is your favorite?
Does David’s prayer look/sound like the prayers that you pray?
7. Use David’s prayer as an example, add your own life experience of joys and sorrows, as well as your situation before God, and write your own prayer on another sheet of paper.
8. What did you learn from 2 Samuel chapter seven?
Bible Study Questions: 2 Samuel Lesson Seven
2 Samuel Chapter 7:
God Doesn’t Allow David to Build Him a Temple,
but God Promises to Build David a Dynasty
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.