一. 請列下撒母耳記下第8章所提到的,大衛王所征服的國和領域。
二. 請參看聖經地圖,找出這些國和領域。
三. . 大衛王把以色列的控制權延伸到哪條大河的流域?
四. 大衛王把金銀等戰利品都獻給誰?
五. 14節:“大衛無論到什麼地方去,___ ___ ___都使他得勝”。
六. 15節:“大衛作王統治全以色列,以___平和正___對待所有的人”
一. 大衛王有什麼構想,問了什麼問題?
二. 米非波設是誰(撒母耳記下4:4)?他發生什麼困難?
三. 洗巴是誰?(務要記住洗巴這個人的名字。)
四. 大衛王為米非波設作了什麼非常善意的事情?
一. 誰死了,使得大衛王差派人弔唁?大衛誠心不誠心?
二. “亞捫人的眾領袖對他們的主哈嫩說:‘大衛差派這些慰問的人到你這裡來,你以為他是尊___你父親嗎?他派遣臣僕到你這裡來,不是為了要窺___這城,偵察清楚,然後把城傾___嗎?’”
三. . 所以亞捫人怎麼樣對待大衛的使者?(注意:在當時的文化和社會,他們如此作是很大的羞辱。)
四. 大衛王不能不重視亞捫人的行動,所以他怎麼反應?
五. 原來,大衛王第一個動作(差派人弔唁)是好的;他沒有任何惡意在內。但是,對方完全把他所作的看錯了。結果千千萬萬人死了。今天,我們有很多機會把人家的所作的,所說的,看錯了,誤會他。我們是否要小心一點,不要太快的懷疑張三李四的動機和行動?
2 Samuel Chapters 8-10: David Wins Several Battles
2 Samuel Lesson Eight
1. List all the territories mentioned in 2 Samuel 8, countries conquered by King David.
2. Locate all these places on a Bible map.
3. To what large river did King David extend Israel’s control?
4. To whom did King David dedicate the spoils of war?
5. Vs. 14: “And the L___ gave victory to David wherever he went” (NRSV).
6. Vs. 15: “So David reigned over all Israel; and David administered j___ and e___ to all his people” (NRSV).
2 Samuel 9: David Treats Mephibosheth Kindly
1. What idea did King David have and what question did he ask?
2. Who was Mephibosheth (see 2 Samuel 4:4)? What difficulty did he encounter?
3. Who was Ziba? (Be careful not to forget this man’s name.)
4. What unusual kindness did King David extend to Mephibosheth?
2 Samuel 10: Extension of Condolences Results in Humiliation; Humiliation Results in War
1. Whose death prompted King David to send a delegation to extend his condolences? Was David sincere in this action?
2. “the princes of the Ammonites said to their lord Hanun, ‘Do you really think that David is h___ your father just because he has sent messengers with condolences to you? Has not David sent his envoys to you to s___ the city, to spy it out, and to o___it?’ (NRSV)”
3. What then did the Ammonites do to David’s messengers? (Note: In the culture of that day, what they did was a very great humiliation.)
4. King David could not take lightly what happened to his men, so how did he react?
5. King David’s first action (sending the delegation) was a good thing to do; he had no evil intent in what he did. However, the Ammonites read David completely wrong, and several thousand people died as a result. Today, we have many opportunities to misinterpret or misunderstand what someone does or says. Should we not be more careful before we judge a person’s motivation, intention or action?
照片:我在隱基底前往死海而看。I took this photo while at En Gedi, looking toward the Dead Sea. Photo ©Edward Short.
Bible Study Questions: 2 Samuel Lesson Eight
2 Samuel 8-10: David Wins Several Battles
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
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