1. 請列下“先知”一詞的兩個主要的意思。1)___出神的話; 2)說預___。注意:聖經里“先知”一詞有兩個意思:1)先知是一位“預先知道”的人:事情未曾發生之前,他已經知道,所以他說出預言;2)先知是一位“傳話者”:他代表神說話,而且他說的是神的話。我們在本章都看得出“先知”的兩個用法。拿單代表神向大衛說話,把神的信息告訴大衛,說大衛已犯了罪。不但如此,拿單也說出未來之事,告訴大衛說,“刀劍必永不離開你的家”,及大衛的親人要在日光之下與他的妃嬪同寢。這兩個預言在撒母耳記下的下幾章都應驗了。
2. 請述說拿單告訴大衛的比喻(故事)。
3. 請說明此比喻的意思。
4. 大衛王是否馬上就聽懂及領會拿單的話?
5. 請抄寫及背誦拿單說的一句話:“你就是那人”。
6. 我們為什麼要背誦此句話?
7. 本來大衛王及拔示巴兩個人應該接受什麼刑罰?(參看利未記20:10。)
8. 拿單提醒大衛何事?耶和華向大衛實行的愛和保護應該使得大衛對神怎麼樣?
9. 雖然大衛沒有受到摩西律法的制載,但是他並沒有脫罪。先知拿單告訴大衛他犯罪的後果是什麼?(請參閱10節、11節以及14節來回答此問題。)請閱讀撒母耳記下而找出拿單先知的話怎麼樣得了應驗。
10. 大衛王后悔了沒有?大衛悔改了沒有?13節:請抄寫大衛悔改認罪之記。
11. 當孩子生病時,大衛反應如何?
12. 20節:當孩子逝世時,大衛反應如何?他做了哪七樣事情?大衛為什麼去敬拜神?你認為他向神說了些什麼?
13. 臣僕不明白大衛做的事,以為奇怪,就問王什麼問題?大衛回答說:“孩子還活著,我禁食哭泣;因為我想,或者耶和華___恤我,使孩子___死也未可知。孩子死了,我何必___食,我豈能使他返回呢?我必___他那裡去,他卻不能___我這裡來”。(最後一句表示大衛之信仰。請背誦:“我必往他那裡去,他卻不能回我這裡來”。)
14. 之後,大衛和拔示巴又生了孩子,是誰?
15. 約押征服了哪座城?王冠有何特徵?
16. 請閱讀詩篇51篇及32篇,從中得知大衛認罪悔改前後情況如何。
17. 在詩篇51篇,您最喜歡哪一節?為什麼?
18. 在詩篇51篇,您最喜歡哪一節?為什麼?
19. 就拔示巴事件而言,大衛得罪了誰?至少我能夠指出六人或人群;請您也指出那麼多。但是,在詩篇51篇4節,大衛為什麼向神說:“我得罪了您,唯獨得罪了你”?當我們犯罪時,我們得罪誰?
2 Samuel 12: The Prophet Nathan Reprimands King David
1. What are the two meanings of the word “prophet?” 1) Fortht___; 2) Foret___. Note: “Prophet” has two meanings in Scripture, foreteller and forthteller, and both meanings are evident in this chapter. Nathan speaks to King David on God’s behalf, and gives David the special message from God, the fact that David had sinned; thus Nathan is a “forthteller.” Nathan also looks into the future and foretells the fact that the sword shall not depart from David’s house, and that someone very close to him will lie with his wives in broad daylight. Both of these prophecies are fulfilled in the next several chapters of 2 Samuel.
Both meanings of “prophet” are also evident in other Old Testament books, such as Isaiah, Jeremiah and the Minor Prophets. As you read these books, you will see that the prophets were God’s messengers or spokesmen (were “forthtellers”), and that they predicted the future (were “foretellers”).
2. Reiterate the parable (story) that Nathan told David.
3. Explain the meaning of the parable.
4. Did David immediately grasp the meaning of what Nathan said?
5. Please copy and then memorize Nathan’s statement: “You are the man.”
6. Why should we memorize this sentence?
7. What punishment should both David and Bathsheba receive? (See Leviticus 20:10.)
8. Of what did Nathan remind David? In what way should the love and protection given David by the Lord have prompted David to react to the Lord?
9. Even though David did not receive the punishment stipulated by the Law of Moses, nonetheless David did not escape punishment. What did the prophet Nathan tell David the result of his sin would be? See verse 10, verse 11 (two things), and verse 15. Read 2 Samuel and find out how the prediction by the prophet Nathan came true.
10. Did King David regret his actions? Did David repent? Verse 13: Copy David’s statement of repentance and confession
11. What was David’s response while the child was sick?
12. Vs. 20: What was David’s response after the child died? (List seven things he did.) Why did David go worship God? What do you think David said to God?
13. David’s servants thought David’s actions were strange, and they did not understand what David did. What did they ask David? David replied, “While the child was still alive, I fasted and wept; for I said, ‘Who knows? The LORD may be g_________ to me, and the child may l_____.’ But now he is dead; why should I f_____? Can I bring him back again? I shall g___ to him, but he will not r_______ to me’” (NRSV). (The last sentence reveals David’s faith. Please memorize the statement: “I shall go to him, but he will not return to me.”)
14. Later, David and Bathsheba had another child; who was he?
15. What city did Joab conquer? What was special about the king’s crown?
16. Read Psalms 51 and Psalms 32. In these Psalms we see David’s situation before and after he confessed his sin repented.
17. What is your favorite verse in Psalms 51? Why?
18. What is your favorite verse in Psalms 32? Why?
19. List the people against whom David sinned in the incident with Bathsheba. However, why did David say in Psalm 51:4, “Against you, you alone, have I sinned”? Whenever we sin, whom do we sin against?
Bible Study Questions: 2 Samuel Lesson Ten
2 Samuel 12: The Prophet Nathan Reprimands King David
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.