
Tamar01 (153 x 88)聖經問答:撒母耳記下第十一課

1. 神,藉着先知拿單的口,告訴大衛王說,“刀劍必不離開你的家”(撒母耳記下 12:10)。閱讀撒母耳記下13章時,請記住這句話。

2. 暗嫩,他瑪,約拿達都是誰?有什麼血緣關係?暗嫩是大衛王的長___。

3. 請述說暗嫩用什麼計謀才強姦他瑪。

4. 暗嫩至少犯了六個罪,是什麼?請列出來。

5. 4節:“我愛上了…他瑪”。暗嫩講這句話對不對?暗嫩把“愛”下什麼定義?在他的心目中,誰可以決定“愛”的定義?

6. 他瑪說什麼試着阻止暗嫩的性騷擾?與一個自私,滿心情慾的愚妄人講道理,容易不容易?

7. 15節:“…暗嫩極其恨她,那恨她的心比先前愛她的心更甚…”。這句話是否令您驚訝?請解釋此句話的意思。

8. 押沙龍是誰?押沙龍對此事反應如何?

9. 大衛王關心不關心此事?您認為大衛王應該有何反應?

10. 請述說押沙龍如何計謀替他瑪報仇。

11. 雖然我們不為暗嫩的死亡難過,但是此謀殺案讓我們知道沙龍是什麼樣的人?

12. 本來約拿達是暗嫩的“朋友”,告訴他如何能夠跟他瑪睡覺。現在,大衛王從約拿達的口,才得知押少龍已有兩年的心愿做什麼?您認為約拿達為什麼沒有挽救他“朋友”暗嫩的生命,警告他防備沙龍的兇手?

13. 押沙龍前往哪裡脫罪?大衛天天為哪個兒子哀傷?

14. 大衛王怎麼能夠疼愛一位像沙龍的兒子?(請注意:以後,大衛的疼愛差不多要使得他失去他的王國。)

15. 從您的生命當中,或者自己的經歷,或者在別人的身上,是否能夠指出一些事例“證實”撒母耳記下13章15節(“…暗嫩極其恨她,那恨她的心比先前愛她的心更甚…”)。

16. 聖經再三地勸我們要控制己身,不放縱私慾,愛惜自己及他人。在聖經里,請找出這樣的勸勉和警告。

17. 報仇時常有用嗎?古人有話說,“君子報仇,十年不晚”。押沙龍不需要十年,兩年就夠了,但是,王子押沙報仇對他有用嗎?對大衛王全家有用嗎?對他瑪有用嗎?對國家有用處嗎?神說:“伸冤在我,我必報應”(申命記32:35及羅馬書12:19)。有關“報仇”,基督徒看得出中國人傳統觀念和聖經的教導有很大的差別。從中基督徒應該學習什麼?

18. 大衛王有很多孩子,因此他不應該疼愛押沙龍。風聞有一位母親個別對她四個孩子說,“我全部的愛我都給你”。意思是“我全部的愛,我都給你一個人”。她對每一個孩子都說了這句話。媽媽有這個本事嗎?媽媽是否向孩子撒謊?你我是否疼愛我們的孩子?我們是否疼愛某一個孩子超過愛其他的孩子?

tamar03 (369 x 333)


2 Samuel Lesson Eleven
2 Samuel chapter 13: Amnon and Tamar

1. Through the prophet Nathan, God told King David, “The sword will never depart from your house” (2 Samuel 12:10). Please remember this statement as you read and study 2 Samuel 13.

2. Who are Amnon, Tamar and Jonadab? Explain their relationship. Amnon is David’s ___ son.

3. Explain the scheme Amnon used to rape Tamar.

4. Amnon committed at least six sins; name them.

5. Vs. 4: “I’m in love with Tamar…” Was Amnon correct? What was Amnon’s definition of love? As far as Amnon was concerned, who could determine the meaning of “love”?

6. What did Tamar say to try to prevent Amnon from molesting her? Is it easy to talk sense into a conceited and foolish person whose heart is full of lust?

7. Vs. 15: “Then Amnon was seized with a very great loathing for her; indeed, his loathing was even greater than the lust he had felt for her” (NRSV). [Note NIV: “Then Amnon hated her with intense hatred. In fact, he hated her more than he had loved her…”] Does this statement surprise you? Explain what this statement means.

8. Who is Absalom? What was Absalom’s reaction to all this?

9. Did King David express concern about this situation? What do you think David should have done?

10. Explain how Absalom planned to revenge the abuse of Tamar.

11. Although we do not mourn the death of Amnon, from the murder of Amnon we learn what about the person Absolam?

12. At the outset, Jonadab was Amnon’s “friend,” and told him how to get to sleep with Tamar. Now however, it is from Jonadab’s mouth that King David learns that for two years Absalom has wanted to do what? Why do you think that Jonadab did not save the life of his “friend,” by telling him to avoid the murderous hand of Absalom?

13. Where did Absalom go to avoid punishment? Which son’s absence did David mourn?

14. How could King David love so dearly a child like Absalom? (Note: Later we will see how David’s doting love for Absalom almost cost him the kingdom.)

15. From your life, or from your own experience, or from something you have seen in other people, can you give some examples that would “prove” the statement in 2 Samuel 13:15 (“Then Amnon hated her with intense hatred. In fact, he hated her more than he had loved her…” NIV.)

16. Over and again the Bible urges us to control ourselves, not to give in to physical lust, and to love both ourselves and others. Find and list some such Bible exhortations and warnings.

17. Is revenge useful? There is an old expression in China which says that when it comes to revenge, ten years is not too long for a good man to wait (to take revenge). Absalom did not need ten years; two were sufficient. Did revenge help Prince Absalom? Did it help his family? Did it benefit Tamar? Was it useful to the kingdom? God said, “Revenge is mine; I will repay” (Deuteronomy 32:35 and Romans 12:19). Christians can see that there is quite a big difference between traditional Chinese thought and what the Bible teaches regarding revenge. What should Christians learn from all of this?

18. King David had many children, therefore he should not have doted on Absalom. It is said that a certain mother told each of her four children, “I give all of my love to you” (i.e., “I give all of my love to you as an individual”). Is a mother able to do this? Did the mother lie to her children? Do you and I dote on or spoil any of our children? Do we love one child more than we love our other children?

Bible Study Questions: 2 Samuel Lesson Eleven
2 Samuel Chapter 13: Amnon and Tamar
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.

圖片:1) http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-news-india/nursing-student-gangraped-by-3-persons-in-kerala-2783510/  2) 在希臘雅典的博物館照的。

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