
usurp02 (150 x 104)聖經問答:撒母耳記下第十二課


1. 撒母耳記下14章開始時,押沙龍在何處?(請參看13章37節上下。)他為什麼在那裡?

2. 約押設計了什麼辦法使得大衛王允許押沙龍回到耶路撒冷?

3. 您認為大衛王為什麼那樣耐心地聆聽提哥亞婦人的故事?

4. 大衛王什麼時候發現提哥亞婦女的話包含着特殊的含義?

5. 您自己最喜歡提哥亞婦人說的哪句話?

6. 大衛王讓押沙龍回到耶路撒冷,但是他提出什麼條件?

7. 回去耶路撒冷以後,押沙龍沒有見到誰?

8. 請描述押沙龍的外貌。

9. 26節:押沙龍有一個特徵,是什麼?

10. 一個人外貌英俊不見得表示內心端正。押沙龍差派人去叫約押去見他。約押沒有去,所以押沙龍做了什麼事“鼓勵”約押去?

11. 押沙龍要約押為他做什麼?成功了沒有?


1. 請述說押沙龍怎麼樣取贏得公民的心。

2. 押沙龍等幾年才敢實行計謀篡奪父親的王位?

3. 押沙龍怎麼樣欺騙父親大衛王使得大衛放心地讓押沙龍離開首都耶路撒冷?

4. 大衛王是否應該更警惕一點?您認為大衛王為什麼信任押沙龍?

5. 請描述押沙龍在希伯侖所做的。

6. 11節:“押沙龍在耶路撒冷請了二百人與他同去,都是___ ___ ___ ___去的,並___知道其中的真情”

7. 12節:誰支持押沙龍?(他說大衛的顧問。)

8. 13-14節:大衛才醒悟過來,面對事實說:“我們要起來逃走,不然都不能___ ___押沙龍了;要速速地去,恐怕他忽然來到,加害於我們,用刀___盡合城的人”。所以大衛心理深處知道押沙龍的權勢。

9. 大衛留誰在王宮裡看守?(在下一章里,這件事和這些人才重要。)

10. 請說明以下的人是誰,做了些什麼,對大衛王有何貢獻何損害,來自哪裡等:


usurp02 (396 x 276)


2 Samuel 14-15:
Absalom Returns to Jerusalem and Conspires to Usurp the Throne

2 Samuel 14: Joab Enables Absalom to Return to Jerusalem

1. Where is Absalom at the beginning of 2 Samuel 14? (See 13:37 and context.) Why?

2. What did Joab do that resulted in King David allowing Absalom to return to Jerusalem?

3. Why do you think the king listened to the woman from Tekoa so patiently?

4. At what point did King David realize that what the woman from Tekoa said had a special meaning?

5. Of all that the woman from Tekoa said, what is your favorite sentence?

6. King David allowed Absalom to return to Jerusalem, but only under what condition?

7. Whom did Absalom not see after he returned to Jerusalem?

8. Describe Absalom’s appearance.

9. Vs. 26: Absalom had a special characteristic; what was it?

10. A handsome appearance on the outside does not necessarily indicate an upright heart on the inside. Absalom sent for Joab, but Joab did not go immediately. What did Absalom do to “encourage” Joab to come?

11. What did Absalom want Joab to do for him? Was his mission successful?

2 Samuel 15: Absalom Plans to Usurp David’s Throne

1. Describe how Absalom won the hearts of the people.

2. How many years did Absalom wait before he dared to put his plan into action?

3. How did Absalom trick his father into allowing him to leave Jerusalem?

4. Should King David been more vigilant? Why do you think David trusted Absalom?

5. Describe everything that Absalom did in Hebron.

6. Vs. 11: “Two hundred men from Jerusalem went with Absalom; they were invited guests, and they went in their i___, knowing n___ of the matter” (NRSV).

7. Vs. 12: Who supported Absalom? David’s counselor, A___.

8. Vs. 13-14: David finally woke up and faced the truth: “Get up! Let us flee, or there will be no e___ for us from Absalom. Hurry, or he will soon overtake us, and bring disaster down upon us, and a___ the city with the edge of the sword” (NRSV). In the depth of his heart, David knew how much power Absalom had.

9. Whom did David leave in the palace to take care of it? (This is important later on.)

10. Explain who the following people are, what they did for or against David, and where they came from: The Cherethites and Pelethites; 600 Gittites; Ittai the Gittite; Zadok and Abiathar; Ahimaaz and Jonathan; Ahithophel; Hushai the Archite.

Bible Study Questions: 2 Samuel Lesson Twelve
2 Samuel 14-15:
Absalom Returns to Jerusalem and Conspires to Usurp the Throne
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.

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