1. 大衛王的軍隊總共人數至少超過幾千?
2. 三個軍隊都在誰的領導之下?
3. 大衛王告訴軍隊及元帥們說,“你們要為我的緣故寬待那少年人押沙龍”,表示大衛心裡還是對押沙龍怎麼樣?
4. 當天,多少人死亡?“因為在那裡四面打仗,死於___林的比死於___劍的更多”。
5. 請述說押沙龍如何死亡。
6. 此事讓您對約押元帥有何看法?
7. “以色列眾人都___跑,各回各___去了”。
8. 18節:押沙龍沒有兒子,所以,為了給自己留下“紀念物”,押沙龍立了什麼?“今日”指着什麼時候?請參考撒母耳記下14:27。您認為作者為什麼說押沙龍沒有兒子?
9. 約押為什麼不讓撒督的兒子亞希瑪斯跑去為王報押沙龍死亡及猶大軍隊勝利的信息?是因為當時人的習慣是讓好人報好消息。約押知道,在大衛王的眼光里,撒督的兒子亞希瑪斯是個好人,而且,押沙龍的死亡,對大衛而言,不是好消息。約押叫誰去報信息?
10. 撒督的兒子亞希瑪斯堅持他也要跑,所以約押允許他跑。沒想到什麼?
11. 大衛王一知道是撒督的兒子亞希瑪斯跑來,王的反應是什麼?
12. 28-29節:撒督的兒子亞希瑪斯的第一句話是實話。您認為第二句話是否實話(參看20節)?
13. 古示人怎麼樣回答大衛王的問題?
14. 33節:“王就心裡傷慟,上城門樓去哀哭,一面走一面說:‘我兒押沙龍啊!我兒,我兒押沙龍啊!我恨不得替你死,押沙龍啊,我兒!我兒!’”此句又是一句大衛王的名言。你認為此句話的含義是什麼?如果您是猶大軍隊的部隊,聽到王這樣講,你會有什麼感想?
1. 約押為什麼需要指責大衛?請述說約押告訴大衛王之智慧話。
2. 約押知道軍隊需要
3. 今天您我是否有責任鼓勵人家?當我們應該說出一些鼓勵人的好話時,如果我們閉口不言,但是朋友或弟兄責備我們,我們會接受他的勸告呢,還是會拒絕他呢?
4. 我們是否跟約押所說的一樣,“你卻愛那恨你的人,恨那愛你的人”?請舉例。
5. 之後,大衛坐在哪裡,做什麼,使得大家怎麼樣?
6. 誰先提議把王請回來王宮作王?您以此為奇嗎?為什麼?
7. 13節:大衛答應對亞瑪撒做什麼?為什麼?您認為約押會怎麼樣接受此信息?
8. 14節:“如此就挽回猶大眾人的心,如同一人的心。他們便打發人去見王,說:‘請王和王的一切臣僕回來’”。這恐怕是亞___ ___的功夫吧。
9. 15節:“王就回來,到了___ ___河。猶大人來到吉甲,要去迎接王,請他過___ ___河”。
10. 誰先前往見王?他向王求什麼?
11. 洗魯雅的兒子亞比篩認為他們應該做什麼好處理此事,但是大衛說什麼?請注意:此故事還沒講完!請別忘記示每的名字,及他對王所做的一切。
12. 米非波設也去見王。請述說米非波設對王的解釋。您相信他嗎?王相信他瑪?王如何判決兩個人彼此相對的說法和解釋?
13. 基列人巴西萊是誰?大衛為巴西萊作了什麼?
14. 41-43節:無論如何,猶大人(南部)和以色列人(北部)意見不和。現在他們鬧什麼?
2 Samuel 18: Absalom’s Military Fails
1. David’s army numbered at least how many thousand?
2. Who was in command of the three army groups?
3. What does the statement made by King David, “Deal gently for my sake with the young man Absalom,” indicate about his regard for Absalom?
4. How many people died that day? “The battle spread over the face of all the country; and the f___ claimed more victims that day than the s___” (NRSV).
5. Describe the death of Absalom.
6. What does this make you think of Commander Joab?
7. “…all the Israelites f___ to their h___.”
8. Vs. 18: Absalom had no son, so, what did he do in order to make a memorial for himself? To when does “this day” refer? Read 2 Samuel 14:27. Why do you think the writer said that Absalom had no son?
9. Why did Joab not allow Ahimaaz son of Zadok to run to King David with the news of Absalom’s death and Judah’s victory? Because in those days, the custom was that a good man would bring good news. Joab knew that David considered Ahimaaz son of Zadok a good man, and he knew that David would not consider the death of Absalom good news. Who did Joab send?
10. Ahimaaz son of Zadok insisted on running, so Joab allowed him to. Unexpectedly, what happened?
11. What did the king say as soon as he knew the runner was Ahimaaz son of Zadok?
12. Vs.28-29: The first statement made by Ahimaaz son of Zadok is truthful, but what do you think about the second statement (see vs. 20)?
13. How did the Cushite answer King David?
14. Vs. 33: “The king was deeply moved, and went up to the chamber over the gate, and wept; and as he went, he said, ‘O my son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom! Would I had died instead of you, O Absalom, my son, my son!’” (NRSV). This is another well known statement by King David. What do you think this statement infers? What would you think of this statement if you were a member of the army and heard the king this?
2 Samuel 19: David Invited Back to the Kingship
1. Why did Joab need to criticize David? Recount what wisdom Joab imparted to David.
2. What did Joab realize that the army needed?
3. Do you and I ever have the responsibility to encourage others? When we should speak words of encouragement, but we fail to do so, if a friend or a [Christian] brother reproaches us for it, do we accept his exhortations or do we reject what he says?
4. Did Joab describe us when he said, “ …for love of those who hate you and for hatred of those who love you” (NRSV). Give examples.
5. After this, where did David sit, what did he do, and how did the people react?
6. Who was the first to suggest that the king be brought back to the palace as king? Does this surprise you? Why?
7. Vs. 13: What did David promise to do for Amasa? Why? How do you think Joab will receive this news?
8. Vs. 14: “[He] swayed the hearts of all the people of Judah as one, and they sent word to the king, ‘Return, both you and all your servants’” (NRSV). This is probably the work of A___. [Note: Chinese Bible does not have Amasa’s name at the beginning of this verse.]
9. Vs. 15: “So the king came back to the J___; and Judah came to Gilgal to meet the king and to bring him over the J___” (NRSV).
10. Who was the first to come a meet the king? What did he request? He asked the king for his l___.
11. Abishai son of Zeruiah believed they should k___ him, but what did David say? Note: This story is still not finished! Remember the name Shimei and all that he did to the king.
12. Mephibosheth also went to meet the king. Recount Mephibosheth’s explanation to the king. Do you believe him? Did the king believe him? How did the king judge between the two different accounts and explanations of what had happened?
13. Who is Barzillai the Gileadite? What did David do for Barzillai?
14. Vs. 41-43: Whatever the situation, Judah (the southern section) and Israel (the northern kingdom) were at odds with each other. What are they arguing about now?
Bible Study Questions: 2 Samuel Lesson Fourteen
2 Samuel 18-19:
The Final End of Trying to Usurp the Throne
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
照片:我在以色列的隱基底而照。I took this photo while at En Gedi, Israel. Photo ©Edward Short.