1. 大衛王的遺言以什麼為主題?(也許這是大衛最後一首詩。)
2. 不同的解經家對大衛王的勇士有不同的看法。NIV Study Bible 把這些人分為三組:8-12節,13-23節,及23-39節。別的解經家認為只有三個勇士(一組)。請列出第一組之人的名字。
3. 大為王渴望喝什麼水?
4. 三位勇士怎麼樣去取此水?
5. 大衛王為什麼不喝此水?
6. 大衛用此水做了什麼?
7. 請述說亞比篩做了什麼事情才得了名。
8. 甲薛勇士做了什麼事情才得了名。
9. 您認為約押為什麼沒有被列出名字來?
10. 24-39節:那麼多人中,有沒有您曾未聽說的人?
1. 我們不知道第24章所記載的是什麼時候發生的,但,大概是押沙龍事件及約押暗殺亞瑪撒之後。這件事情也記載在歷代志上21章;請參閱。年份是公元前980年前後。
2. 1節:“耶和華又向以色列人發怒”。請找出前幾次耶和華向以色列人發怒。
3. 1節:“耶和華又向以色列人發怒,就激動大衛,使他吩咐人去數點以色列人和猶大人”。但,歷代志上21:1的記載是:“撒但起來攻擊以色列人,激動大衛數點他們”。這兩句話是否表示聖經的記載包括矛盾?不是。歷代志的作者也讀過撒母耳記下,所以它可以不要寫“撒但起來…”。這兩句話不矛盾,而是證明雖然撒旦的權勢很大,連撒旦的所作所為都在天上上帝的權威之下,而受神約束。英文的形容詞是 sovereignty,意思是,在宇宙之中,神是最大的權威。請注意:聖經說得很清楚請,“人被試探,不可說‘我被神試探’;因為神不能被惡試探,他也不試探任何人。每一個人受試探,都是被自己的私慾所勾引誘惑的。私慾懷了胎,就生出罪;罪長成了,就產生死亡”(雅各書1:13-15新譯本)。請用自己的說法解釋和描述神怎麼樣才會“…激動大衛,使他吩咐人去數點以色列人和猶大人”。(有關撒旦存在於耶和華神的權威之下,請參看約伯記1:6-12及2:1-7。)
4. 1節:“耶和華又向以色列人發怒,就激動大衛,使他們受害,說:‘你去數點一下以色列和猶大的人數吧!’”(新譯本)。大衛準備要做什麼?
5. 3節:約押為什麼反對大衛的命令?
6. 能拔刀的勇士共有多少人?
7. 大衛“心中自責”;為什麼?
8. 大衛王究竟犯了什麼罪?此問題有一點難說。也許大衛心裡認為軍人多,權力大。但是神再三地告訴大衛他就是大衛的力量、保障、盾牌等。大衛應該依靠天上的神,而不依賴自己的軍隊,自己的聰明,自己的能力。以色列不屬於大衛;以色列屬於神。以色列的軍隊並不是大衛王的,乃是耶和華神的。只有神才有資格“去數點以色列人和猶大人”。請參閱出埃及記30:12!大衛應該知道此經文(誡命)!您認為怎麼樣呢?
9. 11節:神差派哪位先知去見大衛?在此“先知”又稱為___ ___。
10. 神給大衛哪三個選擇?
11. 大衛選了哪樣?為什麼?
12. 之後呢?
13. 16-17節:“當天使向___ ___ ___ ___伸手,要___ ___耶路撒冷的時候,耶和華就___ ___降這災禍,就對那毀滅眾民的天使說:“___ ___,現在___ ___吧!”那時,耶和華的天使在耶布斯人亞勞拿的打禾場那裡。大衛看見那擊殺人民的天使,就對耶和華說:“犯了罪的是我,行了惡的是___,這群羊又作了什麼呢?求你的手攻擊我和我的父家吧!”(新譯本)。在此我們看見大衛是什麼樣的人?
14. 大衛向耶布斯人亞榮拿要什麼?亞榮拿的反應是什麼?
15. 大衛王是否接受了亞榮拿的高見? 為什麼?
16. 大衛王獻祭的結果呢?
17. 在此,大衛提供了很好的原則給我們,是什麼?
18. 之後,此塊地被用來做什麼?(參看歷代志上21:24-22:5。)
圖片:美國阿拉斯加州世界基督徒廣播公司《生命之光廣播電塔》對面。Photo ©Edward Short.
2 Samuel 23: The Final Words of King David, and David’s Mighty Men
1. What is/are the subjects(s) of David’s final words? (Perhaps this was David’s final poem.)
2. Different Biblical scholars have differing viewpoints about King David’s mighty men. The NIV Study Bible divides these men into three groups: vs. 8-12, vs. 13-23, and vs. 23-39. Other Bible scholars believe there were only three “mighty men” (one group). List the men in the first section.
3. For what water did King David thirst?
4. How did the three mighty men obtain the water?
5. Why did King David not drink the water?
6. What did King David do with the water?
7. What did Abishai do to become a “mighty man”?
8. What did Benaiah do to become a “mighty man”?
9. Why do you think Joab was not listed among the “mighty men”?
10. Vs. 24-39: Is there anyone listed of whom you have heard?
2 Samuel 24: King David Counts the Military, Sins, Repents
1. We do not know when 2 Samuel took place, but it probably was after incident with Absalom and after Joab murdered Amasa. See also 1 Chronicles 21 for another record of these events. The time is about 980 B.C.
2. Vs. 1: “Again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel…” Find earlier examples in the Bible when God’s anger kindled against Israel.
3. “Again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he incited David against them, saying, ‘Go, count the people of Israel and Judah.’” However, 1 Chronicles 21:1 says, “Satan stood up against Israel, and incited David to count the people of Israel.” Do these two sentences indicate that there is a contradiction in the Bible? No. The author of 1 Chronicles had read 2 Samuel, and so he could have not written “Satan stood up…” These two sentences are not contradictory, rather they affirm that even though Satan is very powerful, even he comes under the authority of the God of heaven, and is limited by God. The English word is “sovereignty,” and it means that God is the utmost authority in the universe. Note: The Bible says clearly that “No one, when tempted, should say, “I am being tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil and he himself tempts no one. But one is tempted by one’s own desire, being lured and enticed by it; then, when that desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and that sin, when it is fully grown, gives birth to death” (James 1:13-15 NRSV). ” [The New Chinese Translation is given.] Explain and describe in your own words how God could incite David to “Go, count the people of Israel and Judah.” (Regarding Satan’s being under the authority of God, see Job 1:6-12 and 2:1-7.)
4. Vs. 1: “Again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he incited David against them, saying, ‘Go, count the people of Israel and Judah.’” [The New Chinese Translation is given.] What did David prepare to do?
5. Vs. 3: Why did Joab oppose David’s order?
6. What was the total number of those able to draw the sword?
7. Why was David stricken to the heart?
8. What was David’s sin? This question is a bit difficult. Perhaps David thought that a large army meant power. However, God told David over and over that he was his strength, his guarantor and his shield. David should rely on God, not on his own military, his own intelligence, and his own power. Israel did not belong to David; Israel belonged to God. Israel’s military did not belong to King David, but to the Lord God. Only God was qualified to call for a numbering of Israel! See Exodus 30:12! David should have known this Scripture (this commandment)! What do you think about this?
9. Vs. 11: What prophet did God send to David? What other word is used here for prophet?
10. What three choices did God give David?
11. Which did David choose? Why?
12. What happened next?
13. Vs. 16-17: “But when the angel stretched out his hand toward J___________ to d________ it, the LORD r_________ concerning the evil, and said to the angel who was bringing destruction among the people, “It is e_______; now s_____ your hand.” The angel of the LORD was then by the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite. When David saw the angel who was destroying the people, he said to the LORD, “____ alone have sinned, and I alone have done wickedly; but these sheep, what have they done? Let your hand, I pray, be against me and against my father’s house” (NRSV). What kind of person do we see here that David is?
14. What did David want from Araunah the Jebusite? What was Araunah’s response?
15. Did King David accept Araunah’s suggestion? Why?
16. What was the result of King David’s sacrifice?
17. Herewith David gives us a very good principle; what is it?
18. Later on, for what was this piece of ground used? (See 1 Chronicles 21:24-22:5.)
Bible Study Questions: 2 Samuel Lesson Seventeen
2 Samuel 22: David’s Song of Praise
2 Samuel 23: David Counts the Military–Sins and Repents
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
Photo: Looking across the Cook Inlet from the transmitter site of World Christian Broadcasting’s radio station KNLS. Photo ©Edward Short.