出埃及記第九課:磐石出水:出埃及記 17-18章
一。出埃及記17:1:“按着站”(普通話本翻為“逐步遷移”);參看民數記33章。 耶和華神指引摩西和以色列人,告訴他們什麼時候走,什麼時候停。
二。出埃及記17:1-7:群眾向摩西表示什麼態度?他們說什麼?神告訴摩西要怎麼樣解決他們的問題?其實,缺水不是他們基本的問題;以色列人的基本問題是什麼(7節)?依靠了神這麼久,親眼見到神的大能這麼多次之後,他們還是懷疑什麼?出埃及記17章7節,下半節,是出埃及記里最可悲的一句話之一;是哪句?今天,我們是否口頭上稱讚神,但實際上懷疑他的同在?為了討神的喜悅,神要我們完完全全地相信他和___ ___他 。
三。出埃及記17:8-13:請述說以色列人怎麼樣戰勝亞瑪力人。從此次的戰爭,以色列人應該曉得誰才是 他們惟一的依靠?
九。出埃及記18:13-27:摩西不但是以色列人的領袖,他又站什麼角色?是摩西花很多時間做什麼?岳父葉忒羅向摩西說什麼智慧話?摩西當揀選什麼樣的人協助他(21節)?葉忒羅勸摩西的動機是什麼(17,23節)?摩西是否聽從岳父?摩西既有神的靈在心裡,人又很聰明,所以他怎麼沒有早想到這點?神自己怎麼沒有早告訴摩西要如此做?這件事情證明神不阻礙屬於他的好人和領袖___ ___自己;神期望我們用他所賜的智慧___ ___自己。今天,在教會裡頭,神有沒有設立一種制度,使得教會弟兄姐妹分(主耶穌的)工合作?
十。出埃及記18:20:摩西主要的責任是什麼(20節)?岳父葉忒羅使得摩西能夠負好當負的___ ___;他讓摩西榮神___人。今天,您不一定不是一位“摩西”或是一位“葉忒羅”。做“摩西”的你,是否需要一位“葉忒羅”過來勸告你幾句智慧話呢?做“葉忒羅”的你,是否有愛心和責任感,是否有膽量,去面對你的“摩西”告訴他,他所需要聽到的勸告?岳父葉忒羅是我們大多數人的好榜樣。摩西很謙虛地聆聽岳父葉忒羅的勸告,也是當領袖的好榜樣。
Bible Study Questions: Exodus Lesson Nine
Exodus 17-18: Water from the Rock
1. 1.“By stages”(RSV and NRSV) or “from place to place” (NIV) [Two Chinese versions are quoted: Chinese Union Version is similar to RSV; Easy-to-Read Chinese means “moved or migrated step by step.”] See Numbers 33. Jehovah God guided Moses and the Israelites and told them when to move and when to stop.
2.Ex. 17:1-7: The community q_______ with Moses, after which they said what? God told Moses to solve the problem by doing what? Actually, lack of water was not their basic problem; what was the Israelites’ basic problem (v. 7)? They had relied on God for this long and had seen God’s power with their own eyes these several times, but what did they still question? (Ex. 17:7b is one of the saddest sentences in the book of Exodus.) Today, do we praise God with our lips but in reality doubt his presence in our lives? In order to obtain God’s goodwill, God expects us to completely believe him and o_____ him.
3.Ex. 17:8-13: Describe how the Israelites defeated the Amalekites. From this encounter, the Israelites should know that they could rely only on J______.
4.Ex. 17:16: “The LORD will be at war against the Amalekites from generation to generation.” Many years later, the first Israelite king, Saul, fought with the Amalekites. But he did not “totally destroy everything that belongs to them” (1 Samuel 15). Still many years later, in the book of Esther (ch. 3), Haman son of Hammedatha, the Agagite, conspired to eliminate the Jews. Some Bible scholars believe that this Haman was probably a descendant of the Amalekites. So even at that time, God’s chosen people were still “at war” with the Amalekites.
5.Ex. 17:14: Could Moses write? Did the Hebrews have writing and writing materials? (Other than the “five books of Moses,” what other books were there at that time? See Numbers 21:14 ).
6.Ex. chs. 16 and 17: In at least four ways, Jehovah God proves to the Israelite community that God wants to protect them. Give the appropriate chapter and verse for each of these proofs: 1) Food_______; 2) Drink______; 3) Going forward ________; 4) Warfare_______.
7.Ex. 18:1-7: Name the following relatives of Moses: Father-in-law; wife; two sons.
8.Ex. 18:8-12: What did Moses tell his father-in-law? What was the reaction of the father-in-law? Was Jethro a monotheist or a polytheist?
9.Ex. 18:13-27: Not only was Moses the leader of the Israelites, he was also their j_____. What did Moses spend a lot of time doing? What wise council did father-in-law Jethro give Moses? What kind of people should Moses choose (v.21)? Has God instituted any kind of system in the church today to enable Christian brothers and sisters to “divide the (Lord’s) work and to labor in unity”? What was Jethro’s motivation for thus advising Moses (vs. 17 and 23)? Did Moses listen to his father-in-law? Moses had God’s Spirit and he was intelligent besides, so why did Moses not think at an earlier time of doing what Jethro told him to do? Why did God himself not tell Moses to do this? This shows that God does not impede his own good people and leaders from w______ themselves o___. God expects us to use the wisdom that he gives us to t____ c____ of ourselves.
10.What was Moses’ main responsibility (v. 20)? Father-in-law Jethro enabled Moses to perform the r________ that he should perform; Jethro enabled Moses to gl_____ God and h____ mankind. Today, perhaps you are a “Moses” or a “Jethro.” If you are a “Moses,” do you need a “Jethro” to come and urge or exhort you with some words of wisdom? If you are a “Jethro,” do you have a heart of love and a sense of responsibility, and do you have the courage to go and face your “Moses” and tell him the words of exhortation that he needs to hear? Jethro is a good example for the majority of us. Moses humbly listened to the urging from this father-in-law, Jethro, and in so doing Moses is a good example for those who are leaders.
出埃及記第九課:磐石出水:出埃及記 17-18章
Bible Study Questions: Exodus Lesson Nine
Exodus 17-18: Water from the Rock
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
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