“神吩咐這一切的話”:參看出埃及記31:18: (1)神發言說話;摩西聽得出聲音。 (2)神寫字(刻字)在石板上。
“話”:十條誡命的不同名稱是:“兩塊法版”(出埃及記31:18);“十條誡” (出埃及記34:28;申命記4:13,10:4);十條。(新譯本翻為“十條誡命”。)希伯來原文意為“十字”。今天的簡寫就是“十誡”。
“我耶和華你的神,是忌邪的神”:“神專心建立他至高無上的權力。神不容忍任何偶像,因為偶像讓人分裂他對神的忠誠” (Thompson)。意思是神不容忍屬於他的人去敬拜偶像,如同你我不容忍配偶把他(她)的愛分給別人。
Bible Study Questions: Exodus Lesson Eleven
Exodus 20: The Ten Commandments /01
1. Ex. 20:1-17: “The Ten Commandments”: This chapter is one of the most important in the Old Testament. The Ten Commandments are the foundation of the laws in the Old Testament, they are the standard of God’s requirements for the Israelites and are the route by which sinful men can make contact with a sinless God. Each of the Ten Commandments is the foundation upon which other Old Testament laws are built. Each commandment expresses principles that God wanted the Israelites to understand. The first four commands are man’s responsibility to God; numbers five through ten are man’s responsibility to man.
2. Ex. 20:1-2: “God spoke all these words”: See Ex. 31:18: (1) God voice was audible. (2) God wrote (inscribed) words on stone tablets. “Words”: Other names for the Ten Commandments: “tablets of the Testimony” (Ex. 31:18); Ten Commands” (Ex. 34:28; Deut. 4:13, 10:4). [The New Chinese Translation is a bit different from the Union Version.] The original Hebrew is the “Ten Words.” “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery”: With this sentence, God claims the Israelites as his own. God says that he has authority of possession to make the commands that follow. The statement, “who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery,” is reason God can require them to obey these commands. God is the “king”; the Israelites are his subjects and they willingly obey God. In the original language, “I am the LORD your God,” is the Hebrew term introduced in Lesson Two of this series. (Please review Ex. 3:14.) The significance of the Ten Commandments comes from this fact, i.e., because the Ten Commandments are promulgated by the God who is the “I AM.” “You”: Note that “you” is singular not plural. Each person was to accept these commands as an individual and then obey them. In this way, no one had the right to go his own way and do whatever he wanted.
3. Ex. 20:3: The First Commandment: “You shall have no other gods before me.” Affirms: Monotheism. Condemns and prohibits: Polytheism, agnosticism, animism, materialism, humanism, naturalism, etc. Commands: Belief in God’s existence and power; man should fear and obey God. Principle: God must be given first place in man’s life; man must give God first place.
4. Ex. 20:4-6: The Second “Commandment: “You shall not make for yourself an idol…” Affirms: God is the one and only God; no “item” can represent God. Any carved image or painting only limits God (such can only limit man’s concept of God). Condemns and prohibits: The carving or painting of any idol for the purpose of veneration or worship (includes both the real God and false gods). Worship of false gods is not allowed. (I believe this command does not prohibit sculpted and painted artful expression when worship is neither involved or intended.) Commands: Worship of the true God; worship only the true God; worship the true God in a correct way. Principle: God does not allow man to give to any other “god” the veneration that is due him (the true God). ”I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God”: “God is actively engaged in the establishment of his own sovereignty; [God] will not tolerate idolatry in any form since this amounts to divided allegiance” [Thompson]. This means that God does not allow those who belong to him to worship idols, just like you and I do not tolerate our spouse giving his/her love to another person.
5. Ex. 20:7: The Third Commandment: “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God”: Affirms: God’s name is holy. (See Leviticus 24:15-16.) Condemns and prohibits: Cannot use God’s name to swear as true something that is false. Cannot misuse God’s name to support a lie or oath. Commands: Respect and reverence God’s name. Even his name is holy. Whenever Israelites swore, their words should be truthful; see Deut. 6:13. Principle: Respect God, his authority, his power and his Word (the Bible).
6. Ex. 20:8-11: The Fourth Commandment: “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy…” Affirms: God set aside some days as “holy days.” God commanded the Jews to observe Saturday as a holy day. Condemns and prohibits: Jews were to do no work on the Sabbath. Commands: Jews are to observe God’s Sabbaths (see Exodus 31:12-17). Principles: (1) God has a right to man’s time; God has authority to control man’s use of his time. (2) Man needs to rest. (3) Man needs to remember some events. (4) Man has the responsibility to appropriate time to worship God.
本課之部分資料來自Thomas Warren博士。他是我研究所的倫理教授。Some of the material in this lesson is based on class notes I took when studying Ethics in graduate school under Dr. Thomas Warren. 我記得Warren博士時常提到The Master Bible。Dr. Warren made reference to The Master Bible which he seemed to like very much.
Bible Study Questions: Exodus Lesson Eleven
Exodus 20: The Ten Commandments /01
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
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