關於孝道,古人又有一句古話說:“樹欲靜而風不止,子欲養而親不待。” 我認為這句話描述不少人,父母親已經過世,但是孩子心裡知道他沒有好好的孝敬過他們。所以,宋朝文人歐陽修說:“祭而豐不如養而薄”。
我是一名基督徒。基督徒時常讀的《 聖經》教導我們說:“你們作兒女的,要聽從父母;這是基督徒的本份” (以弗所書6:1)。《 聖經》又教導我們說:“要孝敬父母,好使你… 享長壽”(出埃及記20:12)。在這裡,神讓我們明白,在他看來,孝道多麼重要。
《 聖經》教導我們說:好父親,模範父親,不是獨裁。他們關心愛護家庭。他們也孝敬自己的父親,並且他們也教導自己的孩子敬重他們。等父親逝世以後,他們不需要“自我責備”是否曾經尊敬自己的父親。生前就給父親所應得的尊敬。 生前給爸爸的不只是一粒豆,給他的而是他一生當有的尊敬。
對身為基督徒的我來說,過父親節,不應該只是一年一次;每年365 天,天天都應該是父親節。每天愛爸爸,每天尊敬爸爸。
Father’s Day gives Americans the chance to show our respect and thanks to our fathers. Generally speaking, we will send our fathers presents and cards, and we’ll prepare their favorite foods. My situation is not exactly the same, however. My father passed away many years ago, so I have no more opportunities to give him gifts.
My situation reminds me of a Chinese saying: “It is better to give a bean while he is alive, than to sacrifice a pig to him after he is gone.” This proverb makes me realize that one should make full use of chances to show respect and thanks while one’s father is still alive.
So as an American, I am really glad that the USA has “Father’s Day.”
There is another old Chinese saying about filial piety: “The tree wants to be still—but the wind is blowing; the son wants to show his respect—but his parents have gone.” I think this proverb applies to many people whose parents have died. These people realize in their hearts they did not show proper respect to their parents. During the Song Dynasty, the writer Ou Yang Xiu said: “Caring for parents, even with little, while they live, is better than sacrificing to them in abundance after they die.”
I am a Christian. The Bible, which Christians read regularly, teaches us: “Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right” (Ephesians 6:1). It also teaches us, “Honor your father and mother, so that your days may be long” (Exodus 20:12). From these verses we understand how important it is to God for us to honor our parents.
The Bible teaches that commendable fathers are not arrogant dictators. They care for their families and honor their parents—and lovingly teach their children to do the same. That way when one’s father dies, one need not worry whether or not he had honored him. Each of us should appreciate our own father while he is still living. We should give him not just a “bean,” but also the respect which he deserves.
To me as a Christian, Father’s Day should not be only one day a year, but every day should be Father’s Day—365 days a year. Love your father and respect him every day.
As a father, I also know that fatherhood is not a “one-way street.” I have the responsibility to be a good father so that my children will love, honor, and obey me.
What about you?