作者: Andy Baker
譯者: Wang Jing
播音: Edward Short
Sweet Hour of Prayer / 12
He, his wife and his children were already in bed when the neighbor came and knocked on his door. The neighbor kept banging on the door till he answered him. The man told his neighbor to go away and be quiet because his family was in bed and all the noise would for sure wake them up. The neighbor explained that he had had some unexpected company to come and he needed some extra food. The man refused to help and asked his neighbor to just go back home and be quiet. When the neighbor continued to make his request at the front door, the man finally got up and gave his neighbor the food that he was requesting. The continual asking for help made such an impact on the man that he could not do anything else but to get up and provide the food that was needed. Jesus Christ told this story (Luke 11:5-8) while he was teaching his disciples about prayer and about God and how he answers prayers. Being persistent with God in prayer tells Him that we are so concerned about the things about which we are praying that we are not going to let him go until our prayers are answered. Have you ever made a request to God and then said in your heart, “What’s the use of praying? There doesn’t seem to be any answers or changes taking place. Why should I keep on praying about this?” But we must keep on praying. Keep praying to God about those things that it seems like he has avoided and not heard. This story that Jesus told says that persistence works.
Author: Andy Baker
Translator: Wang Jing
Vocal version: Edward Short