二。民數記16:1-3:陳腔老調:哪三個人反對並攻擊摩西?另外也有____個首領,都對摩西和亞倫說什麼?這三位反對並攻擊摩西和亞倫。以色列不滿分子的串聯具有相當的群眾基礎。因為“可拉”屬於___ ___支派,所以我們猜測他要取代___ ___,成為以色列的大___司。他們埋怨摩西說,摩西太過分了。他們說,全會眾都是聖潔的。他們的說法對不對?在利未記11:44-45,神叫以色列人說:“你們要成為___潔,因為我是聖___的”。但是民眾所作的都是“聖潔”的嗎?可拉,大坍,亞比蘭,安,並以色列會中的二百五十個首領所作針對摩西的事都是“聖潔”的嗎?所以,可拉的話是___誤的。在神的面前,可拉等人這樣背叛摩西是個___。
五。民數記16:41-50:老調重唱:次日,眾人怎麼樣?難道,民眾們還沒有學好功課!神要他們尊敬他的權威,不是嗎?難道他們還是不懂摩西是神所揀選的領袖和代表?瘟疫使得幾個人死亡?摩西叫誰站在活人死人中間,使得瘟疫就止住?終於,___ ___表示他愛群眾;終於,___ ___負大祭司當負的責任,在神的面前為民眾作“中間人”。
Numbers/05: Add Sin to Sin
Numbers chapters 15-17
1. Numbers 15: Regulations for Offerings: Num. 15:1-21: Pay attention to how the Israelites were to make offerings and note what offerings they were to make. If an alien were living in their camp, could he present an offering to God? Num. 15:22-36: If the Israelite community unintentionally “fail[s] to keep any of these commands the LORD gave Moses,” could he be forgiven (v. 25)? If an individual sins unintentionally, could he be forgiven (vs. 27-28)? Num. 15:30-31: “But anyone who sins defiantly, whether native-born or alien, blasphemes the LORD, and that person must be cut off from his people. Because he has despised the LORD’S word and broken his commands, that person must surely be cut off; his guilt remains on him.'”. [Note: Three Chinese translations of these verses are given.] If a person sins defiantly (intentionally), could his sin be forgiven? Num. 15:32-36: This person not only sinned intentionally, he also disobeyed the Sabbath regulations. What regulation re. the Sabbath did he violate? What was to be the penalty (Ex. 31:14-15)?
2. Numbers 16:1-3: Here We Go Again: What three people opposed and attacked Moses? Additionally, there were also (how many) leaders? What did they say to Moses and Aaron? These three opposed and attacked Moses were a “broadly based coalition of dissatisfied elements in Israel” and they “wanted to challenge seriously the divinely appointed civil and religious establishment.” (Clyde Woods commentary on Numbers, p. 127.) Since Korah was from the tribe of L____, we can guess that he wanted to displace A___ and become the high p___. These people grumbled against Moses and said that he had gone too far. They said that the entire community was holy. Was this statement correct? In Leviticus 11:44-45, God told the Israelites that they should “be h___, because I am h___.” However all the community did, was it “holy”? The opposition of Korah, Dathan, Abiram, On and all the 250 Israelite leaders, was all of this “holy”? Therefore, what Korah said was f___. In the eyes of God, the rebellion of Korah and the others was a s___.
3. Numbers 16:4-15: Moses Speaks: What is a “censer” that the priests use? Num.16:8-10: What did Moses say to Korah and the Levites? Num.16:11: Their opposition was not toward Moses or Aaron but was toward (whom)? Num. 16:12-15: What was their complaint?
4. Numbers 16:16-40: Describe everything that happened that day. What method did God use to punish Korah and the others? In your opinion, why did God do this? If someone were to say to you, “What God here was too cruel, too ruthless,” how would you reply? Did Korah die? However it seems that Korah’s sons did n__ die (see Num. 26:11), so we can deduce that Korah’s sons did n___ participate in Korah’s sin. (The phrase “with their households and all Korah’s men and all their possessions” in vs. 32, evidently does not include the sons who rejected and did not participate in Korah’s rebellion toward Moses.) What do we learn from this about man’s free choice and God’s judgment?
5. Numbers 16:41-50: Same Old Song: What did the community do the next day? Have the Israelites not yet learned their lesson that God wants them to respect his authority? Do they not yet understand that Moses was selected by God as his representative to lead them? How many people died in the plague? Who did Moses tell to stand between the living and the dead so the plague would stop? Finally, A____ shows his love for the community; finally, A____ takes the responsibilities that the high priest should take, to be a “go-between” between the people and God. What enlightenment do you see and what lessons do you learn from Numbers chapter sixteen?
6. Numbers 17: God Confirms Aaron as High Priest: Describe the method God used to confirm and authenticate Aaron as the person he chose to be high priest.
Bible Study Questions: Numbers Lesson Five
Numbers 15-17: Add Sin to Sin
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
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