
boyAndDad01 (203 x 193)禱告使神的力量加添給你

有一個小男孩正試着將一塊巨大的石頭從他所走的路上移開。他的父親密切地注視着他,看着他努力使勁兒。最終這父親對兒子說,“兒子,你有沒有用上你所有的力氣啊?”“是的, 爸爸,”小男孩回答,“我已經用上了我所有的力氣了。”這位父親的回答很直接,“不, 你沒有!你沒有用上所有的力氣,因為你還沒有求我幫忙吶。”有很多時候我們會說,“唉,我使出了所有的力氣了。我已經試着盡我的一切可能了。”但是,神是我們的力量。你有求他幫助你解決問題或消除障礙嗎?當我們不來到主前祈求時,我們會錯失多少祝福啊。聖經舊約中,有一個人叫撒母耳,他說,“我斷不停止為你們禱告,以致得罪耶和華”(撒母耳記上12:23)。約翰·班揚在《天路歷程》中寫道,“禱告會使人停止犯罪,而犯罪會使人停止禱告。”

作者: Andy Baker
譯者: Wang Jing
播音: Edward Short


A little boy was trying to remove a huge rock that was in his path. His father was closely watching him struggle with it. He finally said to his son, “Son are you using all your strength?” “Yes, daddy,” replied the boy, “I’m using all my strength.” The Dad’s response was very pointed. “No, you’re not! You are not using all your strength because you have not asked me to help.” So many times we say, “Oh, I’m using all of my strength. I’m trying with all my might.” But God is our strength. Have you asked him to help you with your problem or obstacle? What blessings we miss when we do not come to the Lord in prayer. Not praying is more than a weakness or an evidence of a busy life. In the Old Testament part of the Bible, a man by the name of Samuel said, “Far be it from me that I should sin against the lord by ceasing to pray for you” (1 Samuel 12:23). John Bunyan said in Pilgrim’s Progress, “Prayer will make a man cease from sin but sin will make a man cease from prayer.”

Sweet Hour of Prayer / 21
Author: Andy Baker
Translator: Wang Jing
Audio version: Edward Short

生命之光廣播電台 © 2022