我知道在你的生活中曾有過這樣的時候——你不斷地求告神,因為你覺得有必要為某件事禱告,或者是因為你遇到了問題,儘管你知道神會看顧,但卻又看不到任何他垂聽你禱告的跡象。我認識一對夫婦,他們禱告祈求他們的孩子得拯救,二十五年過去了,可是並沒有改變的跡象。雖然我不知道為什麼我們的有些禱告很快就得到主的回應,而另一些則不是這樣,但是我知道主接受他義僕們的禱告,我們應屈膝在他面前。耶穌曾講過這樣一個故事——一位寡婦天天都去找判案的官員,要他替她伸冤。那位官員多日不準。但是到了最後,他作出了讓步,說“……這寡婦煩擾我,我就給她伸冤吧,免得她常來纏磨我”(路加福音 18:5)。耶穌是在告訴我們不要放棄,而要恆切地為我們的心所渴望的事而禱告。你我今天可以做的最好的一件事就是向神禱告。這是你我的殊榮。我很高興你我今日可以停頓片刻,來一起向宇宙的神傾訴。
作者: Andy Baker
譯者: Wang Jing
播音: Edward Short
Sweet Hour of Prayer / 2
I know that there have been times in your life when you prayed quite often for something that you thought you needed or about a problem that you just knew that God could take care of and you saw no evidence that He had even heard your prayers. I know of one husband and wife who prayed for the salvation of their children for more than twenty-five years, with no hint of change. I don’t know why the Lord chooses to grant some of our prayers more quickly than others, but I do know that he honors the prayers of His righteous followers and that we should stay on our knees before Him. Jesus Christ told the story one time about a widow who approached a judge, day after day, asking for justice against her adversary. For some time the judge refused. Finally, however, he gave in saying, “…so that she may not wear me out by continually coming” (Luke 18:5). Jesus was telling us to not give up, but to pray persistently for the desires of our hearts. The best thing you and I can do today is pray to God. It is a privilege that you and I have. I am delighted that you and I can pause today and talk to the God of the universe together.
Author: Andy Baker
Translator: Wang Jing
Vocal version: Edward Short