Isn’t it True that Christianity is a Westerner’s Religion and Buddhism is a Religion for Chinese?
Jesus Christ was an Israelite, born in what today is called Israel—a country in the Middle East, not in the West. Jesus was a Middle Eastern person; he spoke Hebrew and Aramaic. He was not a Westerner.
The church of Christ was established by God in Jerusalem some fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus. The earliest Christians were Jews. On the first day, some 3,000 Jews from some fifteen different countries became Christians. Little-by-little the disciples of Jesus took the gospel to many places, per Jesus’ instructions in Mark 16:15. Eventually the gospel was taken to India and China.
What about Buddhism? Buddhism began in India by Sakyamuni. He and his early followers opposed Hinduism because it looked down on the poor, they said. Eventually, the adherents of Buddhism took it to China.
Thus we can see that in China both Christianity and Buddhism are “foreign religions.” Not only has Buddhism been in China longer than Christianity, however, but because its interpretations are more “elastic,” it was more easily adapted to Chinese culture and society.
Christianity was established for all mankind by God, the creator of all there is. Christianity is well suited for all people because it was established by the creator of all people. See John 2:24-25. Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us that God put eternity into the hearts of all people.
God allowed John to see a vision of heaven and the people in heaven. John said there were people there from every nation, tribe, people and language. This tells us clearly that the gospel of Jesus is for all people—not only for Westerners but for all the people in the world!
You are one of them!
FAQ’s About Christianity (12): Isn’t it True that Christianity is a Westerner’s Religion and Buddhism is a Religion for Chinese?
作者:谢德华 ©By Edward Short