一。民數記13:1-25:偵察迦南地:民數記13:1-3:神叫摩西作什麼?(參看申命記1:22和上下文。)總共幾個人?每一___派一位,但是哪個支派是個例外而沒有人參與?___ ___。怎麼還會有十二個人呢?民數記13:17-20:摩西打發他們去窺探迦南地的目的為何?民數記13:21-25:他們旅行幾天?___天。看到什麼好的沒有?請舉例。注意:亞衲族人個子高大。
二。民數記13:25-33:偵察者回去報告:偵察者回去作報告時,分為___個看法,是___位比___位。“大多數”的人說什麼表示他們對迦南地的機會和責任?“少數”的人說什麼表示他們的立場和看法?“少數”的人是誰?(參看民數記14:6)。民數記13:22, 28, 29, 32, 33:在眾人的心目中,亞衲族等人越來越高大。在以色列人心目中亞衲族等人變成什麼?因此,眾人都很___怕,而不想去佔領迦南地。在這種情況下(有人不要去佔領迦南地,也有人要去),為要作很好的領袖,摩西應該選用民主的方法解決問題,對不對?意思是,如果“大多數”的人不想前往迦南地,摩西就應該聽從他們,而不去,是嗎?民數記13:33:“我們在那裡看見亞衲族人,就是偉人,他們是偉人的___ ___。據我們看___ ___就如蚱蜢一樣,據他們看我們也是如此”。此句話是誇大其詞,表示眾人的___ ___太小。今天,我們向神所說的話是否表示我們也只有“蚱蜢信心”(軟弱不堅固的信心的意思)?
三。民數記14:1-19:眾人又抱怨:“以色列眾人向摩西、亞倫發怨言”說什麼?嫩的兒子約書亞和耶孚尼的兒子迦勒向全會眾說什麼?他們說:“7 我們所窺探經過之地是___ ___之地。8 耶和華若___ ___我們,就必將我們領進那地,把地___ ___我們,那地原是流___與___之地。9 但你們不可___ ___耶和華,也不要怕那地的居民,因為他們是我們的___ ___,並且蔭庇他們的已經___ ___他們。有耶和華與我們___ ___,不要___他們!” 10 約書亞和迦勒說完這麼多造就人的好話以後,眾人想要用___ ___ ___ ___他們。但是,耶和華的___ ___在會幕中向以色列眾人___ ___。”神向摩西說什麼?摩西如何反應?
四。民數記14:20-38:神懲罰二十歲以上的人:民數記14:20-23:摩西請求神,神垂聽摩西而___ ___了以色列人的罪孽。但是,雖然罪得了赦免,犯罪者還是要接受犯罪的後果。是什麼?
24節:迦勒和他人的不同是迦勒有另外一種___ 志;他“專___跟從”耶和華。民數記14:26-35:詳細地述說神怎麼樣懲罰以色列人。他們將要___在曠野。誰要死在那裡?他們在曠野要流浪幾年?神用什麼算法把此數目算出來?
五。民數記14:39-45:改而不悔:請述說民眾作了什麼,結果如何?他們認了罪,但是在他們心裡的深處,他們改變了沒有?從此我們得知“熱心”不夠,必須有___識;必須聽___神的誡命, 神才會與我們___在。
Numbers/04: Grasshopper Faith
Numbers chapters 13-14
1. Numbers 13:1-3: Exploring Canaan: Num. 13:1-3: What did God tell Moses to do? (See Deuteronomy 1:22 and context.) How many men? One man for each t____, however, which tribe was an exception and did not send a participant? How then were there still twelve men? Num. 13:17-20: What was the purpose of sending them to spy or explore the land? Num. 13:21-25: How many days did they travel? Did they see anything worthwhile? Give examples. Note: Descendants of Anak were people of large stature.
2. Numbers 13:25-33: The Scouts Return and Report: When the men returned and reported they were of t____ viewpoints, t___ vs. t____ men. What did the majority say? What did the minority say? Name the two in the minority (Num. 14:6). Num. 13:22, 28, 29, 32, 33: In the minds of the people, the descendants of Anak and others became larger and larger [physically]. In the minds of the Israelites these people became g___, and so everyone became a___ and did not want to conquer the land. In a situation such as this (some people want to take the land and others do not), in order to be a good leader, should Moses adopt a democratic method of solving the problem? In other words, is it correct to say that if the majority does not want to go to Canaan, Moses should listen to them and not go? Num. 13:33: “We saw the Nephilim there (the d____ of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in o__ o__ eyes, and we looked the same to them.” This sentence is hyperbole and it indicates that their f____ was very small. Today, does what we say to God indicate that we also have “grasshopper faith”? (“Grasshopper faith” means weak faith.)
3. Numbers 14:1-19: The People Rebel Again: When “All the Israelites grumbled against Moses and Aaron,” what did the people say? What did Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh say to the multitude? 7 …”The land we passed through and explored is exceedingly g____.8 If the LORD is p_____ with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with m___ and h___, and will g___it to us. 9 Only do not r___ a_____ the LORD. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will s_____ them up. Their protection is g__, but the LORD is w___ us. Do not be a___ of them.” 10 But the whole assembly talked about s______ them. Then the g____ of the LORD a___ at the Tent of Meeting to all the Israelites.” What did God say to Moses? How did Moses react?
4. Numbers 14:20-38: God Punishes Those Above Twenty Years Old: Num. 14:20-23: Moses asked God and God listened to Moses and f____ the sins of the Israelites. However, although their sins were forgiven, those who sinned still had to endure the result of their sins. What was it? Vs. 24: Caleb was different from others in that Caleb had a different s____; he follows [the LORD] w______.” Num. 14:26-35: Explain in detail how God punished the Israelites. They would d__ in the desert. Who would? How many years would they wander in the desert? How did God deduce this figure? Vs. 35: What would be their end? Who determined the outcome of their lives? In Numbers 14:2, the community shook their heads and said, “If only we had died in Egypt! Or [d___] in this desert!” In verses 32 and 35, God gives them what they asked for and enables them to realize their wish. What should we today learn from this incident? (See Ecclesiastes 5:1-7.) Num. 14:36-38: What punishment did those receive who brought back a bad report?
5. Numbers 14:39-45: Change But No Repentance: Tell what the people did and what result did they have. They confessed sin, but did they make any change way down in the depths of their hearts? From this we can learn that “enthusiasm” is insufficient, it must be accompanied by kn_____; we must o___ God’s commands in order for God to go w___ us.
Bible Study Questions: Numbers Lesson Four
Numbers 13-14: Grasshopper Faith
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
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