1. 亞比煞是誰?來自哪裡?為大衛王做什麼?
2. 亞多尼雅是誰?他企圖做什麼?
3. 誰支持亞多尼雅?誰沒有支持他?
4. 請述說所羅門怎麼樣才能夠被立為國王。誰為所羅門設想?誰把實情告訴大衛王?誰證實了她的話?他們怎麼樣做才使得亞多尼雅下台?
5. 34-37節:“在那裡撒督祭司和拿單先知要___立他作以色列的王。你們要吹角說:‘所羅門王萬歲!’ 然後你們要跟隨他上來;他要來坐在我的王位上;他要接___我作王。我已經___了他作以色列和猶大的統治者”。耶何耶大的兒子比拿雅回答王說:‘阿___!願耶和華我主我王的 神也是這樣說。耶和華怎樣與我主我王同在,願他也照樣與___羅門同在,使他的王位,比我主大衛王的王位更偉___’”(新譯本)。
6. 誰聽到歡呼聲? 沒想到是什麼聲音?42節:亞多尼雅認為約拿單一定會報好消息或壞消息? 為什麼?結果呢?是什麼消息?
7. 49節:“亞多尼雅所有的賓___都懼___,大家起身,各自___走了”(新譯本)。他們為什麼逃跑呢?
8. 49-53節:亞多尼雅去哪裡?做什麼?為什麼?(因為他害怕所羅門要他的命!猶太祭司獻祭時,把動物的血灑在祭壇上。亞多尼雅抓住祭壇上的腳等於說“耶和華保護我!” 亞多尼雅認為祭壇是個安全的地方;他相信如果他抓住祭壇上的腳,所羅門不會殺死他。)
9. 所羅門怎麼樣答應亞多尼雅?注意:亞多尼雅差一點就沒命。事實上所羅門很恩待他,但是您認為他能夠維持多久?
10. 請參看歷代志上29:21-25。
1 Kings 1: Solomon is Anointed King
1. Who was Abishag? Where was she from? What did she do for King David?
2. Who was Adonijah? What did he attempt to do?
3. Who supported Adonijah’s scheme? Who did not support it?
4. Describe how Solomon was made king. Who told King David the truth about what was happening? Who affirmed her words? What did they do to make Adonijah give up the throne?
5. Vs. 34-37: There let the priest Zadok and the prophet Nathan a___ him king over Israel; then blow the trumpet, and say, ‘Long live King Solomon!’ You shall go up following him. Let him enter and sit on my throne; he shall be king in my p___; for I have a___ him to be ruler over Israel and over Judah.” Benaiah son of Jehoiada answered the king, “A___! May the LORD, the God of my lord the king, so ordain. As the LORD has been with my lord the king, so may he be with S___, and make his throne g___ than the throne of my lord King David” (NRSV). [The Chinese is from the New Chinese Version, as are other verses below.]
6. Who heard a loud noise? Didn’t realize that it was what sound? Vs.42: Adonijah expected good news or bad news from Jonathan? Why? So, what was the news?
7. Vs. 49: “Then all the g___ of Adonijah got up t___ and w___ their own ways (NRSV)”
8. Vs. 49-53: Where did Adonijah go? What did he do? Why? (Because he feared that Solomon would kill him. When Jewish priests sacrificed, they put the animal blood on the altar. By taking hold of the horns of the altar, Adonijah was saying, “Lord, protect me!” Adonijah thought the altar was a safe place; he believed that if he held to the horns of the altar, Solomon would not kill him.)
9. How did Solomon answer Adonijah? Note: Adonijah almost lost his life. In fact, Solomon was very good to Adonijah, but how long do you think Adonijah can make it last?
10. Read 1 Chronicles 29:21-25.
Bible Study Questions: 1 Kings Lesson One
1 Kings 1: Solomon Anointed King
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
©2016 環球聖經公會 版權所有
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Some Bible quotations are from the Chinese New Version
©Worldwide Bible Society, Hong Kong
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
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