
Man Woman Sex God Gift 04_ES (300 x 285)因為家庭是神設立的,所以性和性生活也是神創造而建立的。性是神聖的;性生活是好的。性不但是為了傳宗接待,性生活是神給丈夫和妻子的一種樂趣。好萊塢和花花公子的觀念是變態行為。性交是一件自然、美麗、神聖的事情,是夫妻彼此之間愛的表達。你的身體是上帝創造的所以他是神聖的。請重視你的身體——婚前保守你的童貞,婚後對你的配偶忠心。請在自己配偶的身上尋找你的快樂。

新約哥林多前書7:1-5; 6:15-20。

♥ 請參看全文:本網站【基督徒家庭觀】十一:家庭聖潔所以性生活也聖潔

11. The Home is Holy Therefore Sex is Holy

God created sex, so sex is good and sex is holy. God created the home, and God provided sexual relations as a joyful element in marriage. Images from Hollywood, and the “playboy mindset,” are perversions of sex, and are totally self-centered lifestyles. Sexual intercourse, as God intended, however, is natural, beautiful and holy; it is an expression of love between husband and wife.

Read with spouse: Song of Solomon
(best to read entire book, but at least read chapter 4);
1 Corinthians 7:1-5; 6:15-20
1) Why did God create sex?
Why did God enable mankind to have sexual activity?
(Give at least two or three reasons.)
2) Discuss with your spouse how you can make him/her happier.

By Edward Short (謝德華)

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