


聖經舊約傳道書有一句話說:“兩個人總比一個人好,因為兩個人效益更好! 如果其中一個人跌倒了,他們同伴可以扶他起來;如果孤身一人就糟了,他跌倒了,不會有人扶他起來。兩個人睡在一起都能暖和,一個人獨睡又怎麼能暖和? 一個人可能受人欺壓,兩個人就能保衛自己,三股擰成的繩子不容易斷”(傳道書4:9-12新譯本)。







Why Christians Attend Worship Every Sunday
04: For Fellowship and Encouragement
By Edward Short

One tree doesn’t make a forest. It takes two hands to clap. A single thread does not a garment make. Similar logic suggests that it’s difficult for a Christian, who is all by himself, to be on fire for the Lord and to maintain a close relationship with Jesus Christ. I, as a Christian, need personal contact with other Christians and the encouragement that such contact gives. I need to see the smiles of other Christians and hear their voices; I need to feel their love and concern for me. When Christians assemble on Sundays, the purpose is not only to worship, but also to fellowship with other Christians, to merge themselves together as one, and to receive the encouragement from such fellowship that it would be very difficult for a single individual to get by himself.

The book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament tells us that, “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up the other; but woe to one who is alone and falls and does not have another to help. Again, if two lie together, they keep warm; but how can one keep warm alone? And though one might prevail against another, two will withstand one. A threefold cord is not quickly broken” (4:9-12, NRSV).

Let’s apply this Scripture to Christians and the worship assembly. If a Christian doesn’t have fellowship with other Christians, he looses a strength that we term “synergism.” Synergism is a kind of energy that comes when several people pool their strengths; the total is greater than the sum of what each individual brings to the situation. So it is with the “spiritual strength” of which Christians often speak—a strength which can help a Christian grow in Jesus Christ. If a Christian doesn’t assemble with other Christians he looses an opportunity for this type of spiritual growth.

The Christians in ancient Corinth assembled, but they weren’t united, so they were unable to obtain the spiritual blessing that they could have otherwise. They were factious, divisive and discriminatory. They lacked love. Their sins included taking other Christians to court, and looking down on the poor. Some committed adultery and some were idolatrous. Because of their divisive spirit and their other sins, the Lord’s Day assembly did them no good. No wonder that the apostle Paul admonished them, “Now I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you be in agreement and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same purpose” (1 Corinthians 1:10 NRSV). A united church allows individual Christians to receive encouragement and comfort from the assembly.

A Christian not only assemblies to unite with other Christians, he also should be very positive in his relationships with the other Christians, since this is what produces spiritual growth. When he worships, he should sing joyfully, pray fervently, and listen to the sermon with a positive attitude. He should contribute his money cheerfully, and partake of the Lord’s Supper with a thankful heart. When one worships, he should think deeply about whether or not he has failed to live up to the sacrifice that Jesus made for him on the cross.

If the other Christians who are in the assembly also worship with this same positive attitude, then “synergy” develops, and each person receives encouragement and spiritual blessings from the experience.

Again, everyone knows that after the service is over, everyone present will go into society and face similar challenges of life. Like you, they too live in the state of Hard Knocks. They’re tempted by Satan, have problems at work, and face unfair practices in society. Like you, they too face illness, old age and death. They too have economic woes; too much month is left at the end of the money. Their children want to go to test into a good college, as do yours. In spite of all the problems of life, all present bow before God’s throne of grace in praise and thanksgiving. Everyone prays to God for help and comfort, and expresses their desire to serve him. A strange thing happens as consequence—you and everyone present receives spiritual strength from this worship experience—a strength that scientific instrumentation cannot measure.

I hope you’ll want to participate in worship each Lord’s Day. Worship God and encourage other believers who are present, and in the process you yourself will receive strength, encouragement, help, peace, comfort and hope.

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