法門寺建於東漢時期,是佛教從印度被傳到中國不久以後建造的。法門寺曾經被毀壞過一次,後來又修復好了。有一段很長的 時間,很多人前往法門寺燒香拜佛。直到宋朝時代,法門寺才慢慢地沒落。1981年4月,因為地震大雨,法門寺的部分建築倒塌了。
我相信全世界佛教徒聆聽此消息時,他們高興得不得了!但是,這個消息帶給基督徒的造就和鼓勵卻更大!釋迦牟尼死了,埋葬了;他的骨頭保留至今。但是,耶穌基督卻不然。雖然耶穌也死了,埋葬了。不同的一點是耶穌復活了!《聖經》記載着告訴我們說:“他沒有被撇在陰間;他的肉體也沒有腐爛。這位耶穌,上帝已經使他復活了…”(《聖經》使徒行傳 2:31-32)。
① 耶穌是神的兒子 (《聖經》羅馬書 1:4)。
② 耶穌自己是無罪的 (《聖經》羅馬書 6:23)。
③ 耶穌擁有赦罪權,能夠赦免別人的罪 (《聖經》使徒行傳13:37-38)。
④ 基督徒不必那麼怕死亡,好象別人怕死一樣 (《聖經》提摩太前書 4:6-8)。
⑤ 有一天神要審判世界上所有的人 (《聖經》使徒行傳 17:31)。
Buddha’s Bone
A very unusual discovery was made in May of 1986 in the Famen Temple in Fufeng County, Shaanxi Province of China. This is about 118 km from Xi’an where the famous terra cotta soldiers from the Chin Dynasty were unearthed in 1974. The discovery gave archaeologists, historians and Buddhists much excitement.
The Famen Temple was built between A.D. 200-300, but was later destroyed and rebuilt. The temple was very prominent for a lengthy period of Chinese history and it gained favor and support of royalty, high-ranking officials and celebrities. After the 10th century the temple began to fade into obscurity however. Many centuries passed, and finally an earthquake and heavy rainfall caused the temple to partially collapse in 1981. The Chinese government decided to rebuild the temple however, and during the process, in April of 1986, a large crypt was discovered. This crypt had been sealed in A.D. 874 and left undisturbed for over one thousand years. How the archaeologists and Buddhists alike wondered what secrets, antiques and relics the crypt might contain!
According to the Beijing Review (Sept. 7, 1987), Ling Yuan described in detail what was found inside the crypt. The archaeologists found a niche in the rear chamber, and inside it was a small iron casket, wrapped in gold colored silk. The outer most casket was decorated with 45 gilded images of Buddha and engraved with elegant Chinese characters. When the casket was opened, a smaller sandalwood box was revealed inside. Further in, there was a crystal box inlaid with a yellow gem at one end and a blue gem at the other, each surrounded by pearls. Lastly a jade box was removed. When the jade box was opened on May 10, 1986, archaeologists found in it four bones of yellowish-white color and stained with mildew. And what were these bones? After intense examination, three of the four bones were determined to be “sacred copies” of the real thing. But the fourth bone was accepted by Zhao Puchu, chairman of the Chinese Buddhists’ Association, as the true finger bone of Siddhartha Gautama (Sakyamuni), the Buddha and founder of Buddhism, who died about 483 B.C. Zhao confirmed to the modern world what the inscription on the outer casket had stated, “this precious casket which contains the genuine finger bone of Sakyamuni is presented by the Tang Emperor.”
I’m confident that it is very edifying to Buddhists all over the world that one mildewed bone from one finger of the founder of their religion has been unearthed in China, but this discovery makes Christians very happy also. In fact, the truth of the discovery is at once obvious to Christians: Buddha died, was buried and his bones are with us to this day. Jesus, on the other hand, “was not abandoned to Hades, nor did his flesh see corruption;” his bones have never been and will never be found because God raised him from the dead!
By overcoming death Jesus proved that he is the Son of God (Romans 1:4), that he himself had no sin (Romans 6:23) and that he can forgive the sins of others (Acts 13:37-38). Jesus’ resurrection proves that Christians need not fear death as other people do (1 Timothy 4:6-8), and that all people will one day be judged by the God of this universe (Acts 17:31). Siddhartha Gautama was a great person, and many Buddhists are very sincere in their religion, but the truth is that Buddhists worship a dead man. Christians on the other hand worship a resurrected and living Savior!
Please consider the impact on your own life the resurrection of Jesus can make! Become a Christian!
Buddha’s Bone
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short